Saturday, January 20, 2018


In Hillary's book, "What Happened?", she bemoans the fact that we still use the Electoral College to decide our elections.  In her mind, and that of many other democrats, that is an unfair way to decide an election.  In many people's mind elections should be decided by "majority rule" because that is what a democracy is all about, "majority rule".  That is true BUT, we are not a Democracy but a Republic.  No where, yes NO WHERE in our Declaration of Independence is the word "democracy" found.  Nor is it found in any other of the Founding Father's documents.  We were formed as a Republic and if we do not remain a Republic we shall got the way of every Democracy ever formed in the world and that is failure!  Democracy, that is "Mob Rule", is destined to fail because of man's in-born greed.  When enough voters find that they can vote themselves a "Free Ride" the Democracy is done.
There are twelve states on the East and West coasts that contain the majority of the population.  Without the Electoral College voters in 38 states are left out of the process.  The Founders of our country understood this very well........Medicinman! 

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