Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Tea Party------Old and New!

There is no middle ground.  You either love it and wrap your arms around what it stands for, or it is hated and maligned and demeaned and, well, you know what I mean.
But the truth is that where ever they go they leave the ground in better shape than when they arrived.  Whatever the crowd is it cannot be called unruly and shameful like the "Occupiers."   And, although the liberal crowd likes to believe otherwise, they are a huge force and growing daily.
December 16 marks the date 240 years ago when a gang of Bostonians dressed as Indians boarded the Dartmouth, the Eleanor,  and the Beaver and dumped 90,000 pounds of tea into the Boston Harbor.  The reason?  To protest the King and his taxes.  It was 1773 and Americans were getting fed up with what Parliament and the King were mdemanding of the colonies. 
The response from London was quick and inflammatory-----closing the Port of Boston, altering the colony's charter, limiting popular government in Massachusetts, allowing the quartering of troops in private homes, and other arbitrary measures------all leading to the Revolution.
Other than the name there is little to compare the Tea Party then and today's modern Tea Party.  Today the fight is to preserve what the Revolution brought to fruition----the Constitution.  In Washington today the real danger to the Republic is ever increasingly evident in a larger and more controlling Federal Government.  The Tea Party fights for a return to "From the people to the government."  I am one of them.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"Book Ends"

It took some 3.5 years to accomplish.  It all started when a Phoenix worker and history buff ran across a story about the last big gun from the USS Arizona.  The Navy had this gun, the last one in storage on the east coast.  In talking to the AZ Secretary of State they both agreed that it should be included in the Arizona Memorial in down-town Phoenix where the Ship's Bell and Mast-Head were on display.  The wheels were put in motion and plans were made to get it to Arizona.  Then the Navy told them that they had guns from the USS Missouri as well.   The Navy finally agreed to let Phoenix have the remaining gun from the Arizona as well as one of the guns from the Missouri.  The USS Missouri was the site of the surrender of the Japanese in 1945, ending WWII.
The huge task of moving the huge guns across country to the Memorial was done with all private donations and volunteers, no Tax money at all. They arrived in Phoenix, were installed in the Plaza with the Ships Bell and Masthead, and dedicated on December 7, 2013, Pearl Harbor day.  They are known as "The Books-Ends of the war", one at the beginning and one at the end.  How fitting.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Day in Dealey Plaza-50 years ago

"Don't go to Dallas, Mr. President."  That was the advice of those around President Kennedy on November 22, 1963.  Dallas was considered a hot-bed of opposition to the President and his advisers feared there would be violence if he went.
But it was less than a year until the election and Kennedy wanted to meet the people, press some flesh, make some speeches and put the Bay of Pigs failure to rest.  Kennedy was confident that the people would great him with cheers not jeers.  He was so confident that he told the Secret Service that he did not want the "bubble" on the open Limo.  This proved to be a mistake.
As the procession passed the Book Depository building Lee Harvey Oswald, using a $12 mail order Italian Carcano Carbine made in the late thirties fired three shots and the president was struck as was Gov. Connaly seated in front of Kennedy.  The President died minutes later in the Hospital.
For 50 years there have been many investigations, much controversy, and still doubt in the minds of many Americans. For good reason.
Oswald barely qualified with rifle in the service, was a mediocre soldier, went to Russia and married there and came to this country.  He visited Cuba and reentered the states through Mexico.  After leaving the Depository Oswald shot and killed a police officer and was finally arrested in a movie theater.  He never told his story for he was shot  and killed by Jack Ruby on the way to jail.
The records are sealed for 75 years.

A Lie is a Lie is a Lie is a Lie-----Unless-----------

Time after time our ill-prepared President told us "If you like your plan you can keep your plan.  If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."  Over and over it went on.  Now, all of a sudden, no-no, "That's not what I said."  His explanation went something like this; "I said that if you liked your plan you could keep your plan, IF it met the standards of ACA (Obamacare).  Oh, now I get it!  Boy do I feel better!  Don't you?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

From Leather Necks to Powder Puffs

The Department of Defense has a tremendous budget and an enormous staff because they have the duty to defend our borders.  They must provide training in all kinds of modern hardware, make sure all billets are filled, that officers and men are competent in their jobs and the U.S. is ready for anything.  A huge undertaking. 
So why is the Department engrossed in changing the head-wear of the Marine Corps?  Yes, you heard right!  They are in the planning stage of changing the Marine Cap from the traditional cap they have worn to a "Unisex" cap.  That's right, a unisex cap.  And guess what?  It looks just like the female Marine cap.  Now when this happens do we call them "Leather Necks" or (fill in the blank)?
Now the Corps is made up of 92% male and they have along and proud record and I wonder what effect will this have on morale?  Oh, by the way, the cost is in the millions when they are shorting weapon systems.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fast and Furious/The coverup that is!

John Dodson.  Don't know him?  You just forgot because it has been so long.  John is the ATF whistleblower that exposed the incompetence of the Fast and Furious program that let thousands of guns go into Mexico that ended up in the hands of the drug cartels and caused the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry as well as dozens of Mexican nationals.
John has written a book about the debacle and his part in exposing it.  However the ATF will not let him publish the book saying they have the right to approval over "outside employment."  This is the statement as published by the Washington Post: "This would have a negative impact on the morale in the Phoenix [field division] and would have a detremental [sic] effect on our relationships with [the Drug Enforcement Administration] and FBI."  Well well, they want to maintain the morale of their employees but they don't want to tell Terry's family the facts behind his death.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Military Honors-Where? When? How Long?

Strange things are happening in our beloved country.  World War II Veterans waited all their lives for a Memorial to be built in their honor.  Many Honor Flights have visited there in the last few years, bringing the "old Guys and Gals" to see what is there in their honor.  And to find the names of buddies who didn't make it home.  What a chance of a lifetime.  Such anticipation, excitement and expectation.  Sorry guys.  It didn't happen for those Flights the last few days.  The gates were up.  An open Memorial but the gates were up.
That is bad enough, but, now we send 5 warriors home this week KIA, and the Obama crowd tells the home folks that there is no money to pay for the Military Honors and Burial.  Shame, shame, shame on you in the Pentagon, the White House, in Congress and shame on every body else who scorns the men and women who go to war and pay the price for Freedom.
What has become of guts and back bone?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Christian versus Radical Islam

While the White House has been silent on the subject, Christians have been murdered for their belief in Jesus Christ:
In Maaloula, Syria, September 18, Islamists entered the 2000 year old village, one of the only few places where Aramaic is still spoken and announced they were there to make life miserable for Christians.  After many deaths the town was retaken by the Army.
On the 21st Jihadists killed a pastor and his son and burned the church in the state of Yobe where Islamists are attempting to impose Sharia law.
The same day in Nairobi, Kenya members of Somalia's ai-Shabab took hundreds of hostages and killed 67 Christians at the Westgate Mall.
September 22, Islamic bombers mingled with Christians during the morning worship and blew themselves up killing 90 and injuring 120 more in Peshawar, Pakistan.
On the 25th in Derna District, Lybia two Christian men, age 25 and 27 were assaulted by a mob and beaten and robbed.  The Muslims demanded they recite the shahada, the declaration of conversion to Islam.  They refused and were shot.  Both died.
In Potiskum, Nigeria, on the 29th, Islamic members of Boko Haram shot 50 college students and burned the school while they slept. Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden." 
The silence is deafening from the White House!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Beyond the Wide Potomac

Secure behind the waters of the Potomac, cozy in "Foggy Bottom", untouched by the unwashed and comfortable in their pampered state, resides the people's representatives.  Gives one a warm fuzzy feeling does it not?
Newsletters are mailed regularly.  Spots on TV interview programs are coveted.  Speeches are made on the floor of the House or Senate, to empty chairs.  Rules and regulations are laid down for the People (you and I) to follow.  We are told that the IRS is fair and just when they bombard us with more proof, more paper work, more money, more, more, more.  BUT, when they come home they tell us all is well.  They have your best interest at heart and are taking care of you, "vote for me."
This legislation, ACA, "Obama Care" is a good example of how out of touch these people are.  In the face of all the evidence to the contrary those people still insist that all is well and we will just love Obama Care when we get to know it.  What are they smoking in "Foggy Bottom?"

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The New Munich!

I have been away from blogging for some time but this must be said.
"Indiscriminate, inconceivable horror," an "unspeakable crime," a "crime against conscience," a "crime against humanity."  John Kerry speaking of "Adolph" Assad and his use of gas on his people.  Now we see Obama's Munich.
We are reminded of Churchill's October 5, 1938 speech responding to the Munich agreement.  He said that the people "should know the truth.  They should know that there has been gross neglect and deficiency in our defenses;  they should know that we have sustained a defeat without a war, the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road."  He concluded with this:
And do not suppose that this is the end.  This is only the beginning of the reckoning.  This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by  a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.

Friday, June 7, 2013

What to do in a Crisis!

Now lets see if I can remember all the crises in Washington? First we have Bengauzi. Then there is the still unresolved scandal of the killing of a Border Agent during the ATF's running of guns over the border. Then the AP scandal and the charges brought against a respected reporter. And, perhaps, the one that everybody is concerned with, the IRS scandal where the administration used the IRS to stymie the opposition's fundraising until after the election. And,oh yes, I almost forgot the AG's lying under oath. Where is that going? So,in light of all this, tell me why is Obama flying across the country on a "FUND RAISER"?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Planned Parenthood--The Sacred Cow

Our United States may be considered the most civilized nation in the world; at least more civil than 90% of the world. But, on the other hand, we kill the unborn in remarkable numbers every year (and in the case of Gosnel those just born). This is done proudly in the halls of the local Planned Parenthood Agencies and with our tax monies to the tune of millions yearly. All in the name of Women's Rights. What is so idiotic is that those unborn are highly sought after by thousands of families that WANT them and are willing to adopt them. So why is it this way? As I see it, it is only because Roe/Wade has provided easy birth control practice for clumsy/lazy females. So much for Feminism.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Small Arms Treaty- United Nations variety

President Obama signed the International Ban on Personal Weapons and sent it on to our US Senate. Reid now has the task of ramming it through the Senate to make it Law. The treaty, of course, is designed to disarm dangerous mobs in the various countries that have either too much Government or not enough. None of which allow their citizens to own small arms anyway. We are the only country left that allows our people to exercise their Second Amendment rights (for now at least). So if that's true, and we are truly the only country, of any size, that lets its people be armed then why should we or would we sign it??? Our Government seems more and more distant from our people every day!

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Little Word "IF"

It seems to be the word of choice lately when talking to anyone in Obama's WH. We are working hard to find the guilty parties in Bengazi, and "if" we find them---- . Never mind that they know who they are and no arrests have been made. And no-one has been called for not sending help. Hillary is boss in that Dept. but she did not see anything. "If" she did she would have dealt with it. The IRS mess, that affects all of us, is handled by promoting the person heading up the dept. "If" she did anything wrong it was unintentional. The AP thing, if it really happened, has been taken care of although the AG cannot remember by whom or how? All done and hushed up to save Obama his second term. Only in America!

Friday, February 15, 2013


I notice signs around the schools that say "No Gun Zone".  Well after what has happened at Newtown and other schools around the country I have the solution;  just train the principal and selected teachers and arm them.  Then place sign around the grounds perimeter "NO BAD-GUY ZONE".  The cowards that they are will then take their mayhem elsewhere.
If one thinks about this problem long enough he will come to the same conclusion that I have.  That is that an armed citizenry is a civil citizenry.  The bad-a_ _ will think twice before jumping anyone for any purpose, hence a safer neighborhood. And while we are at it lets bring back dueling.  That alone will make for a more civil discourse.   

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Don't be afraid; it's a GUN FREE ZONE!!

If you have been paying attention you have noticed that the mass shootings (schools and malls,etc.) have taken place in  GUN FREE ZONES.   And you have also observed the cowardly action of the shooter when confronted by someone with a gun, either citizen or cop, when he retreats and puts a bullet in his own head.  So why all the hue and cry about banning certain guns and certain magazines?  We know the answer to that one; the age-old one of blaming the tool instead of the tool user.  It's the thinking of progressives on most issues; citizens do not have the brains to do for themselves so they, the elite, must do it for them. We, the people, must be protected by them, the chosen ones.  My answer to the mass shootings  problem is a sign that says, "CONSIDER ALL ADULTS ARMED".

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Second Ammendment and Gun Control

Now you are confused.  Let me explain.  There is no portion of the Bill of Rights more direct and easy to understand than the language of the Second Amendment: "The right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed."  Nowhere does the Constitution give the Federal Government the right to "infringe"the rights of citizens.  It is not the job of Washington to "protect" us from the criminal use of firearms.  The job of the Feds. is to keep us FREE and safe from enemies, both foreign and domestic, period!
Every politician, with few exceptions, has the mistaken notion that they are the boss.  No-No, boys and girls, you work for me and every other citizen in this country.  The time is now that you remember who we are out here in the real world.
Please America, remember this about the Second Amendment, if you remember nothing else, it is not about targets or hunting, nor about recreational shooting.  No, it is about the ability to protect you and your family from the predators and miscreants and most of all, FROM THE GOVERNMENT THAT SERVES EACH ONE OF US.  
Now, about Gun Control.  That means only one thing to me; being able to control the strike of the bullet when you pull the trigger.  Think about this the next time you hear some political hack rant about "assault rifles".