Thursday, June 30, 2016


Six Somalia/Americas tried and convicted of joining ISIS and trying to sneak out of the country to join them and die a martyr.  Why?  First and second generation American they HATE the country that has raised them and given them the life-style they live.  Hate with a passion!  And the reason is because our leaders have failed to talk about the GOOD in our form of government and instead have found every reason to find fault in what we do.  Our schools fail to teach the good history (or any history at all).  Instead, our children are told how we have mistreated the rest of the world.
My Great Granddaughter just graduated from high school in the state of Washington where there was no Baccalaureate Program, no prayer.  They did have a Color Guard and a Choral group sang the National Anthem.  There were 6, yes 6 valedictorians each of which had to read from the slip handed them.
We have stopped being proud of what the American people have accomplished and the standard of living that has come about through our from of Governing ourselves.  Your Fault? My Fault?, Everybodys Fault?......Medicineman!  

Monday, June 13, 2016


Fredericksburg, Texas is the home of Admiral Nimitz.  I can hear now the many young adults asking, "Who is Admiral Nimitz"?  During World War Two, while General MacArthur was commander of all Army forces in the Pacific, Admiral Nimitz was the head man over all Naval Forces in the Pacific.

When the Museum was started the proposed name was "The Nimitz Museum."  The Admiral put the end to that when he said it must be called "The Museum of The Pacific War." in honor of those who fought and died in that war.  And so it is today.

Covering six acres the complex includes the museum, the Japanese Peace Garden, the  Pacific Combat Zone, George H.W. Bush Gallery and more.  This is an opportunity to spend a couple of days in Texas quiet.  That is just what I intend to do very soon!.......Medicineman!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


You have purchased a thought.  You filled out the paper work and the dealer ran it through the National Instant Criminal Background Check, NICS, and find that you have been denied.  What?  You say?  You have never been arrested, even a traffic ticket,  so why?  You appeal and the FBI tells you that they cannot change it and that you cannot expect them to change the ruling.  They just do not have the time for that!
Gun rights researcher John Lott has reported that 95% of the turn downs are "False Positives."  So there you are.  Your Government at work.  Feel better now?....Medicineman!

Friday, June 3, 2016


If one listens to MSNBC, CBS, ABC or reads the liberal press, while ignoring FOX NEWS, it is easy to come away believing that the riots at Trump Rallies are the fault of Trump and his supporters.
In California the rioters are burning the American Flag while displaying the Mexican.  At least some are Mexican, perhaps most of them, and here illegally (and they think that is OK).  You guess where they got that idea!
They carry signs, wave the Mex flag and shout the "F" word and other obscenities.  What are the Police doing all  this time?  Who told them to ignore bad behavior and broken laws?  Where is this going?  How to deal with it?
It is plain to see that we are headed for a hot summer.  There will be more of the same as the process moves forward and lookout for the Political Conventions!  It promises to be 1998 all over again; same song, same language, like thugs and mugs with disruptions and injuries all around!.....Medicineman!