Friday, July 27, 2018


This day, July 27, 2018, marks the 65th anniversary of the end of the Korean War (some call it a police action) but those who were there know it was a war.  The casualties I helped treat were certainly "war" injuries.
Today North Korea sent the remains of fifty-five American soldiers to South Korea in a special ceremony and a show of "good will".  These boxes were wrapped in UN flags.  I find that both disgusting and sad at the same time.  We went to Korea because our country called us to duty.  Those who fought there did not wear a blue helmet and certainly DID NOT BELIEVE THEY WERE WARRING FOR THE UN!
I cannot help thinking we dishonored them by wrapping them in a UN flag!...Medicineman!

Saturday, July 21, 2018


One hundred years ago, on July 18-19, the 4th Marine Brigade, in the Battle of Soissons, threw back the last German offensive of the war while sustaining 1,972 casualties in 48 hours of fierce fighting.  The Germans called the Marines "Devil Dogs".
On the same day, the 19th, the USS San Diego hit a mine and sank off Fire Island, N.Y. with the loss of 6 lives......Medicineman!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


President Trump, exercising his constitutional duty, has named Judge Brett Kavanaugh, DC Court of Appeals judge, to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court.  Now the fight begins!
Judge Kavanaugh has faith in the constitution and follows it very closely.  That makes the leftists VERY uneasy.  No, it makes them angry!
Many on the left believe that the U.S. Constitution, as written superbly by the Founding Fathers, is out of date.  It should be "interpreted" to fit today's people and needs.  You see, for instance, nowhere does our constitution imply that our citizens are entitled to "choose" to abort a child.  But that is exactly where the coming battle over Kavanaugh will focus the big guns.  You can look forward to more grilling on the question of Roe vs. Wade than any other subject.  It will not be nice!....Medicineman!  

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


The border dispute goes on and on.  Some want an open border.  Others want to enforce the law (what a unique idea). Some people campaign for a border wall, which was funded once but never finished, while others rave about how we are a caring people and should open our borders to anyone.
You may be surprised to know that in 1918 the mayor of Nogales, Sonora, Felix B. Penaloza, ordered that a wall be built of 6 strands of barbed wire running along the border separating the two Nogales towns to funnel those crossing the border to a single point for better control.
U.S. Troops patrolled one side while Mexican soldiers patrolled the other, much like what was started some forty years later separating the two Koreas (and still going on today).
The reason for the wall then was Poncho Villa and his invasion in 1910.  Today it is because of another invasion---illegals, thousands of them, wanting what we have to give them.  They don't understand it is against the law.......Medicineman!

Monday, July 2, 2018


Net Work News has a new crusade, a new main event, a new "tear jerker".  It all comes from those who entered our country illegally.  They broke the law!  Because of nothing we, as Americans, did families have been split up and children separated from adults (sometimes abandoned by the parent).
In the mean time a lot of man-power and hours are being spent processing them.  In my view, the  simple thing to do would be to just turn them around and head them back across the border----they are not our problem---we just made them our problem!
Think on this a moment.  Thousands of children are deprived of the company of their fathers or mothers or, sometimes, both because they are serving our armed forces in a foreign land.  Thousands of other kids have been taken from mom and dad and placed in foster homes for one reason or another.  Then, of course, there are parents separated from their kids because, of all things, they broke the law (imagine that) and are in jail. 
We have people demonstrating, carrying signs and shouting (nasty words sometimes) in the face of harried officials trying to do their duty in an impossible situation.  Maybe we should suggest to the sign shakers to put down the sign and pick up a child and care for him/her!  I suspect that they would go home rather quickly without either.....Medicineman!