Tuesday, October 24, 2017


The Spanish American War on 1898-99, though short lived, produced enormous changes in the United States.  We now became overseers of Cuba and gained ownership of the Philippine Islands as well.  There was a faction in the islands that violently opposed that arrangement, mostly the Moros in the southern islands, Mindanao and Samar.
What came to be known as the Balangiga Massacre took place on September 28, 1901 in Eastern Samar.   Company C of the 9th U.S. Infantry Regiment from Wyoming was ambushed by Filipino fighters from the village of Balangiga while eating breakfast, killing 48 and wounding 22 of the 78 men of the unit.  The villagers captured about 100 rifles and 25,000 rounds of ammunition.  An estimated 20-25 villagers were killed in the fight
General Jacob H. Smith ordered the village of Balangiga burned and any Filipino male over the age of ten bearing arms be shot on the spot.  Because the Catholic Church bells were used to signal the attack those three bells were taken as war booty. Two of these bells reside at what is now called F. E. Warren Air Force Base in Chyenne Wyoming.  The third bell went to the Madison Barracks Sackets Harbor  New York where the 9th U.S. Infantry Regiment was stationed at the turn of the century.  That bell is now at Camp Cloud in Korea, their present station.
For some 15 years there has been an attempt to return the bells to the Philippines.  But as of now they remain where they have been for over 100 years............Medicineman!

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Millionaire children playing a game while insulting the flag of the country that allows them to play the game shameful to say the least.
The following essay was written by the wife of a veteran at the height of the "Flag burning crowd" a few years ago.  It deserves to be read again at this time.
"Can we talk?  There are some things on my mind I really feel the need to share with you."
"Do you have any idea what it feels like to grow old----to see young people lacking respect for you?  Oh yes, I've heard it all--times have changed--what used to be important just isn't chic anymore--it's old fashioned and out of step."
"Let me just tell you something for you to think about.  I've been spit upon!  Some people today ignore me completely--as if I weren't even there.  But-- mostly, I guess, being shut up in the house and never being remembered at all is the most degrading."
"There are times I wonder what the parents of the youth of today are doing to promote the attitudes currently popular.  Perhaps a program to reeducate the parents is in order.  The kids are so far gone, the roots are planted in apathy.  My great, great--oh, goodness, ever so many greats ago--was tenderly made by the hands of a lady named Betsy Ross.  Since my heritage began--men have fought for me--stood up for me in the face of extreme adversity-- and, yes, even died for me.  I've had many changes in my growth--my design and the number of the stars in my crown have grown.  I think I'll 'bust' sometimes when I reflect on the glorious changes.  And--then--the sudden reality of the changes in attitudes toward me and my frbearers hurts me so.  I've been so proud to represent the great U.S.A."
"I guess the best part of a good talk is getting some things off your chest.  But I hope you'll think about some of the heartfelt things I've said.  I do love you, America."  
OLD GLORY...................Medicineman!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


The Battle of Yorktown was fought in October and marked the end off our War for Independence.  The year was 1781 and after 6 years of struggle and war with the British Empire our ancestors were now Americans and ready to write our Constitution.
The battle was won by 17,000 + Continentals and French against some 8,600  British Regulars and their German Hirelings when The British surrendered to General Washington.
But the story behind the story is this:  James Armistead, a slave in Virginia wanted to help his country and he offered to carry messages through the lines and at the same time collect information of the movements of the British.  He became a spy!  His help was noted by the Congress and he was later voted a military pension.......Medicineman!

Friday, October 6, 2017


FLAGS AT HALF-MAST.  HOURS OF TV COVERAGE.  MILLIONS DONATED TO HELP.  All for the thousands attending a rock band entertainment in Las Vegas.   Yes, the shooting is a tragic thing and many suffered and some died.  I sympathize completely!
In the meantime three American Green Beret Soldiers are killed in the far off country of Niger while trying to help the terrorized poor people of this remote place that most of us cannot find on the globe, and there is barely mention of them on the evening news!  Our values have really slipped!....Medicineman!

Thursday, October 5, 2017


All the news coverage of the shooting in Las Vegas causes more questions than answers.  Example:  why did it take Swat Cops 72 minutes to get to the scene and breach the door?  Mystery #2: he fired 1700 rounds, they say, but the pictures show only a few empties laying around? #3: If that many were fired why did the smoke alarm not go off?  There would have been a lot of smoke in the room? #4: If you have ever fired several rounds from your hunting rifle in rapid succession you know how hot the rifle gets and the empties  as well?  Then the "News Media" calls the place a "Snipers Nest", but no sniper rifle in sight?  Now the first thing from the "Schumer crowd" is more "Gun control".  Oh Yeah, that would stop all of this---wow why didn't I think of that???Medicinman!