Sunday, December 30, 2018


A Mister Morris was a Liverpool merchant heavily involved in American trade and had a son born in Lankashire in1733.  He named him Robert, the same Robert Morris that became a most distinguished patriot of the Revolution.
When Robert was still a small child Morris, the elder left him in the care of his grandmother and sailed to America and set up his business in Oxford on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay.
When Robert was thirteen Morris brought his family to America and sent Robert to school in Philadelphia.  The teacher was not up to the job and Robert learned little and when chided by his father for not learning Robert explained "Why sir, I have learned all that he had to teach me."
Robert went to work in the business of Charles Willing, at the age of fifteen years, and quickly became very good as a businessman.  At about the same time his father died from an accident.  When one of his ships arrived with trade goods, the elder Morris invited his friends to a celebration aboard the vessel.  When he left the ship a cannon salute was fired and a piece of the wadding struck him on the arm causing a severe wound.  The wound became infected and a few days later he died.
In 1754 Robert Morris formed a partnership with Thomas Willing and they increased rapidly in wealth and standing.
With the passage of the Stamp Act and Tea Act and non-importation  agreements business took a big hit.  But it was the Lexington tragedy that turned Morris into an active player in the affairs of the country.
Robert was elected to the General Congress.  In the spring of 1776 Morris was chosen to find ways to build a Navy while seeking ways to raise money.
After the disastrous retreat from New Jersey in late 1776 Washington met with Morris saying that his half-famished and half-naked militia must have funds.  Morris asked Washington how much and promptly gave him 10,000 Dollars of his own money.  When Robert Morris signed the Declaration of Independence and pledged, "His life, his fortune and his sacred Honor" he did just that.
Robert Morris was made Treasury Secretary and served throughout the war raising money and support for the "New Nation".  When the country could not get a loan anywhere Robert Morris, on his own signature and reputation raised tens of thousands for the revolution.  He did his job well and was so trusted and honored that no shame or scandal ever followed him.  Robert Morris, Patriot died at the age of seventy three in 1806...Medicineman!

Friday, December 28, 2018


Still available in many forms, the board game "Monopoly" has entertained children and adults alike for too many years to count.  I played the game as a kid (didn't like it much).  For one thing it took too long to win or loose.  If you landed in jail you could buy your way out, or use the "get out of jail free" card if you happened to have one.
The U.S. Congress (yes the same ones we voted in a couple months ago) have decided to release a lot of inmates to relieve the pressure on the Federal system. The idea is to allow the judge more room for judgement on his part as to whether the charged subject will behave himself and get a job, etc.  The goal is to make good citizens of those chosen for release.  It did not work so good before when we tried it some 30 years ago.  The crime rate went up!
I live in the open west where people are close but not near.  In the growing up years of our country wrong doers were punished for their deed, usually pretty quickly.  Convicted of murder?  Hanging!  Convicted of horse stealing?  Hanging!  Have we become more compassionate or tender hearted?  Are we reading God's word, "Love one another" while forgetting God's punishment?
The murderer, rapist, child abuser, for instance needs God's forgiveness, not ours.
I hope and pray that the enactment of this legislation will do as intended.  We will see!..Medicineman

Sunday, December 16, 2018


Abraham Clark was born in Elizabethtown, New Jersey in 1726 to a farm family.  Like many lone children he was allowed to avoid his duties on the farm, from time to time.  And he had little formal schooling as a child.
But he soon decided he could not be a farmer and turned to study of law where he became quite good and was known around about as the "Poor man's Councillor".  
Clark held several offices under the royal government among which  was Sheriff of Essex County.  But as the issue of  political freedom and slavery came up he boldly expressed the republican view.  When formed he was put on the first committee of Vigilance organized in New Jersey and served with distinction.
In 1776 Clark was elected to the Continental congress and when the issue of Independence came up he voted for it at once.  Clark suffered loss to his property from neglect during the war, as well as having his two sons under arms and being captured and placed in the Jersey prison ship, suffering the terrible privations of those prisoners.  Yes, Abraham Clark gave much!,,,Medicineman!

Monday, December 10, 2018


 In today's world of I-Phones and "texts" instead of conversation and "grunts" instead of hello does it seem to you that somethings wrong?
It seems that before the smoke clears from the Fire Works of the 4th of July we are into Christmas.  We rush through Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, while plowing through Christmas decorations in the stores looking for turkeys and pumpkins.
Let us take a step back to 1936.  Thanksgiving meant a family dinner with all the immediate family and good friends gathered around the table filled with turkey and dressing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes and so many other great things, like pumpkin pie with real whipped cream and maybe a cake or two.  Then, always, the family prayer before the meal.
In 1936 Christmas started about two weeks after Thanksgiving.  That is when the tree was selected (always a live tree),, the decorations were hauled out of the attic, the lights were all tested, to make sure they were all good.  That was done with a "transformer" to step down the voltage to 7.5 volts.  The ornaments were the same ones used last year and the tinsel was last years too (saved money).  The tree, being live, had to sit in water which had to be filled every day, one reason we didn't put it up too early!  Oh yes, the tree holder in our house was an iron pot and the tree was stabilized with a collection of just the right size rocks, yes just plain rocks.
The matter of presents, and there were usually not too many, was handled my the firm warning that anything showing up under the tree was not to be tampered with.  Then on Christmas Eve Santa Claus (or Mom and Dad to older kids) sneaked toys (that had been hidden for days) under the tree.
Christmas morning was always a family affair, early to be sure, with all in pajamas and bathrobes.
The tree and the decorations and the festive look was always enjoyed  until New Years Day.  Then everything was carefully taken off the tree and packed away and placed back in the attic to await next year's MERRY CHRISTMAS!..Medicineman!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


The men I have been writing about, for the most part are strangers to our readers.  They are not famous men of which books are written; just ordinary men.  Ordinary?  Yes, but also extraordinary at the same time.  They were not soldiers, did not face the enemy in a shoot out while at the same time facing the same punishment as soldiers if the cause was lost. Yes, they had much to loose and still pledged, "Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."
John Hart was born to a thrifty farmer and loyal subject of the King.  Edward Hart raised a volunteer group named "The Jersey Blues" and joined Wolfe in Quebec.  Edward was by his side when Gen. Wolfe was killed.  They took Quebec from the French and Edward went back to farming.  John was born probably in the year 1714 (no record exists).
John was a successful farmer and worked hard at the job.  He was drawn to the cause of the Boston Peoples when the Stamp Act was passed.  He became so outspoken that he was elected to the  first Continental Congress in 1774 and reelected in 1775.  Finding that his farm estate needed attention he resign his seat.  However he was reelected to that seat in January 1776 and was there to vote for and sign the Declaration. When the British invaded New Jersey John Hart had to flee with his family while his estate was occupied. The British killed his cattle and ruined the farm.  He and his family were on the run for the rest of the war....Medicineman!

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Those who have been following this blog may wonder what happened to the Declaration of Independence signers I have been writing about?  Don't worry.  We will be getting back to those very important citizens shortly.  But the truth is that some other very important items come up from time to time that I feel must be addressed; this is one of those items.
About this time in 1950 U.S. Troops were heavily engaged in action in North Korea.  This war started when North Korea (given to Russia at the end of WWII-a mistake) crossed the border and invaded South Korea.  That invasion had been quelled and the North pushed back almost to the Chinese border.
Until then United Nations troops (mostly U.S.) had been fighting only North Koreans.  Then in October things changed; China entered the war.  About 250,000 Communist troops crossed the border and overwhelmed our troops, pushing them back through the infamous Chosin Reservoir, "The frozen Chosin".
Cpl. DeMaret M. Kirtley of Battery "A" 57th Field Artillery Battalion, 31st Regimental Combat Team,7th Infantry was killed when his unit was overrun.  His body was not recovered.  He was Officially designated as presumed dead in 1953.
Recently his remains were discovered in a shallow grave near the town Hagaru-ri, identified and made ready for proper Military Rites.
Almost 70 years later this 19 year old soldier found his way home to Kacey, WY....Medicineman!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Today's news is often "stained" by reports of mass killings.  Some Nut-job goes on a rampage with, often a firearm, sometimes a knife or motor vehicle, but always with an evil heart.  It seems so common that the public accepts the talk and the attempt to "ban the gun, you know, the 'Ugly' one good only for killing people".  We never hear of banning knives, or motor vehicles, do we?
But this story is about Charlie Whitman.  The date is August 1st, 1966.  Charlie had viciously killed his mother and his wife with a hunting knife.  That was not enough for his "mindless act".  Whitman made his way the the University, climbed up into the Texas Tower, armed with a semi-automatic, .30 cal. M-1 Carbine and in the next 90 minutes, shot 47 people, killing 16.  His rampage may have been even worse except for a couple of Texas Gents who grabbed their hunting rifles out of their pickups and laid fire on Charlie, thereby forcing him to seek cover, while police made their way up the tower and shot Charlie Whitman to death.
The autopsy on Whitman showed a walnut sized tumor in his brain.  Did that cause him to do this terrible act????...Medicineman!

Sunday, November 25, 2018


Thomas Jefferson, a member of the Whig Party (which morphed into the Democrat party) became President of the United States in 1800.  The following is from his first Inaugural address in 1801:

"A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.  This is the sum of good government."

I sometimes wonder---What ever happened to that good government?...Medicineman!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Both houses of Congress are determined to act like the neighborhood hoodlum from time to time.  Evidence?  Just look at the recent debacle with the Kavanaugh hearings;  the rude shouting, mob action behavior, and that was just from the Democrat members of the committee.  The outsiders allowed in the Hearing Room took their cue from them.
Yes it was certainly a demonstration of the "uncivil mob" we have become.
But a closer look back into our history we will find that those years leading up to the Civil War contained many such incidents.  Some much worse.  Remembering the turmoil preceding that un-civil conflict we find that many members of Congress were so convinced they were right that, if challenged, they would fight, challenge to a duel (the gentelman's way) or even strike one another.
With tempers running high, In May,1856, Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner delivered a firey speech on the floor of the Senate.  Members of the Democrat party in the South were outraged.  Two days later Senator Preston Brooks from South Carolina charged at Sumner (forgetting the gentlemanly challenge to a duel) and struck him repeatedly in the head until his cane broke.  Senator Sumner did not return to Congress for three years....Medicineman!


The following is an excerpt from the Last Will and Testament of George Washington;  "To each of my Nephews, William Augustine Washington, George Lewis, George Steptoe Washington, Bushrod Washington and Samuel Washington, I give one of the Swords or Cutteaux of which I may die possessed; and they are to chuse in the order they are named.  These swords are accompanied with an injunction not to unsheath them for the purpose of shedding blood, except it be for self defence, or in defence of their Country and its rights; and in the latter case, to keep them unsheathed, and prefer falling with them in their hands, to the relinquishment thereof."  dated July 9, 1799.  
I believe that to be very good advice!...Medicineman!

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Those of you who have been following  my blog have learned that what you knew of the signers of the Declaration of Independence you have mostly forgotten. You should not feel bad, I did the same thing. That is why I have been writing small snippits on the lives of the signers.  Most of them lived unremarkable lives.  Just did their duty as they saw it.  That is the case with today's subject; Francis Hopkinson was born into a rich family in Philadelphia in 1737, and had a good education.  When he was 14 years of age his father died leaving the care of the large family of children on his mother and him.  He studied hard and was admitted to the bar in 1765.  That same year he went to England to visit relatives and returned in 1768.  Soon after he married Ann Borden of New Jersey.   Francis gained a lucrative job in the state of New Jersey which did not last long because of his Republican principles were too much for the British state.
The people of New Jersey held him in high esteem though and elected him to the General Congress in 1776 where he joyfully placed his signature to the Declaration of Independence.  Francis served through the war as Secretary of the Admiralty of New Jersey and held that office until 1790 when Washington made him District Judge of New Jersey.
Hopkinson was a mild, modest and quiet man and seldom took part in debates although ardent in his patriotism, his public life was not filled with demonstration and speeches.
Francis Hopkinson died in May of 1791 of stroke....Medicineman!   

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


John Witherspoon was born in Edinburgh Scotland in 1722.  He was a descendant of the great reformer John Knox.  Born to a minister he became one himself and accepted a call to the town of Beith.  There he was caught up in the battle of Falkirk where he was made a prisoner for a period of time.  In 1766 he was called by the trustees of New Jersey College to fill the post of their president.  He and his family arrived there in August of 1768.
When the British Army invaded New Jersey the College was broken up  and Witherspoon was called  to a new venture.  Early in 1776 he was asked to help form a new Constitution for New Jersey.  Then when made a delegate to the General Congress he had already formed his opinion in favor of Independence.  On August 2, that year Witherspoon set his signature to the Declaration of Independence.
Dr. Witherspoon continued to serve on important committees and worked long and hard on both military and financial matters and special commissions throughout the war.  He left public service in 1783, when the war was over, and returned to the pulpit.  There he continued to preach the gospel message, even after he went blind.  With the help of someone to lead him he filled the Church with the word of God.  When Dr. Witherspoon died in 1794 it was said that a "great man had fallen in Israel."....Medicineman!

Saturday, November 10, 2018


As mid-term elections go, this one was a surprise to many of the "experts" who were expecting a "blue wave" to give control of the House (and perhaps the Senate) to the Dems.  Well, some 26 seats did change hands in the House (from red to blue) far short of the hopes of many.  As for the Senate, the blues were sorely disappointed.
The campaign demonstrated the "hatred" by verbal and even physical abuse of, especially, Republicans that we have rarely seen before.  The Kavanaugh hearings were an outrageous example.  Such Vitriol is seldom seen in this country.
If "Common Sense" prevailed the scene would be much different.  Example; The United States has the most competitive economy in the world, according to the World Economic Forum.
In Trump's first two years in office nearly half-million new manufacturing jobs have been added.
Over the past four quarters the  GDP has grown by 3 percent!
Unemployment at its lowest point since 1969!
Blue-collar jobs are growing faster than white-collar jobs!
All these figures largely ignored because of the HATE for President Trump.  Personal hate.  Sure he talks too much and says things, often incorrect, and does not pull his punches.  That is how he has always been in his business world.  Let's face up to the fact that Trump is NO POLITICIAN!...Medicineman!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Election Day has come and gone.  Now, for days, we will hear the results as well as the "talking heads" reasons for this or that.  Why this or that happened in--you name it!
But here is what strikes me about reporting on elections;  we are hearing that "The first Muslim female has won a seat in Congress."  "A black woman is in a very close race for Governor."  Or even this, "The first openly gay person has been elected Governor." 
What is my point?  This is it; we, as a people, are expected to be just that, "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union,etc."  Yes, the preamble to the Constitution suggests to all of us that we are ONE!  But we the people are bombarded daily, everywhere you turn, by "Words of division", words used by every reporter and TV "Talker".  Even our governments require us to, on every form we fill out, declare "Race, Sex (a half dozen spaces there), age etc.
When the Census is taken every citizen is asked to fill in all these spaces, and more.  Universities have "Quotas", so many Black, Hispanic, Asian and, oh yes, Whites.
Tell me this, how can the "Hacks" in Washington expect the people to be "Color blind" when they are not?...Medicineman!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Born in 1730 to a wealthy family in New Jersey, Richard Stockton studied hard and was admitted to the Bar in 1754,  He was a staunch supporter of Independence from England and although he had close ties to important people in England he remained loyal to the cause of independence.  He returned from a visit to England in 1767 and the next year was chosen a member of the royal executive council of New Jersey.  Then in 1774 he was placed on the Supreme Court of that province.
Not being ruled by selfish interests he was elected a delegate to the General Congress in 1776 and after hearing the powerful argument made by John Adams he cheerfully signed the Declaration of Independence.  Stockton became a prisoner of the British while trying to find a safe refuge for his family and suffered greatly being beaten and starved before being exchanged.  His health was broken.  His estate was destroyed and he was left destitute.  He developed a cancer in his neck and died in 1781 at age the of fifty one....Medicineman!

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Lewis Morris was born in Westchester County, New York in 1726.  He fell heir to a large fortune at an early age, being the eldest son.  He entered Yale at age 16 years and graduated high in his class.
Lewis became a loud and persistent voice against the British behavior in the Colonies and voiced his ideas in New York surrounded by the Tories.  In spite of that he was elected to the General Congress from New York and reelected in 1775.
That summer of 1775 he was sent on a mission to pacify the Indians on the Western frontier.  Then in 1776 reelected to the General Congress and attached his name to the Declaration of Independence.  He expressed his disdain for those who were reluctant to sign such a document in light of the strength of the British.
He served during the war years in various duties as an officer after leaving his Congressional seat to his brother, Gouverneur,  and along with three of his sons served through the war years.  After leaving the Army as a Mayor General Lewis went back to restore his almost destroyed property.  Lewis Morris died in 1798, at the age of seventy two, a true American...Medicineman!

Monday, October 29, 2018


I have been writing about the signers of our Declaration of Independence for some time now, and will continue to do so.  But this being an election year, and one of great importance, I feel compelled to ask this question; is the Seventeenth Amendment good or bad?
If you have your copy of the Constitution go to Article 1, Section 3.  "The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature hereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one Vote."
What was the purpose of choosing our Senate this way when the Congress was voted by the people at large?  Did the founders not trust the people?  Not at all- the Senator was sent to Washington to protect the interests of the individual State!  They answered directly to the needs of their State.
It was a system that served it's purpose very well for more than one hundred years.
The Seventeenth Amendment to our Constitution changed that election process to the popular vote that we use today, ratified and made law in 1913.
Today's election process has become a constant campaign for votes.  Elections are no sooner over than the process is started all over again.  Would it not be nice to, at least, see the upper body of Congress busy at work on the problems of their respective State---Hmmm?Medicineman!

Saturday, October 27, 2018


Born in Wales in 1713, the only son of an Episcopal clergyman, and left an orphan at the age of five years, Francis Lewis was raised by a maiden aunt and received a good education becoming proficient in Gaelic, the language of Scotland.  He served an apprenticeship with a merchant and at age twenty one invested his money in merchandise and sailed for New York.  There he formed a business partnership and left part of his goods with him and went to Philadelphia with the rest of his goods.  There he remained for two years.
On returning to New York he married the sister of his partner and they had seven children together.  He spent a lot of time in Europe until the French and Indian war when he became aide to Colonel Mercer at Oswega, when the fort was captured by Montcalm in 1757.  He was held prisoner in Canada until the end of the war.
He was given 5,000acres of land by the British as payment for his service.
He became a delegate for New York in the Colonial Congress in 1765 and when the Stamp Act shut down commerce he retired from business to his country home.  Then he was called to service again and elected a delegate to the General Congress in 1775 and again selected a delegate in 1776 where he became a signer of the Declaration of Independence.  Francis remained a member of the  Congress until 1778 and was a staunch opponent of the Tories and while the British possessed Long Island his property was destroyed and his wife confined in prison for several months without a bed or a change of clothes.  Her health was broken and she died two years later.
Lewis died in 1803 at the age of 90 years...Medicineman!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


When you think you have seen it all some new thing comes along to cause you to say--HUH!
Megan Kelly appealed to the nation to forgive her rude and insensitive remark---please!  Well now, just what did she say that was so terrible?  Children should dress up for Halloween, you know, like clowns, indians, cowboys, super man, bat man, old man or old woman, witch, etc.  You see what I mean?  Yes and even black face using a little face paint.
Well folks, that is where we have come in just a few short years.  In my lifetime this great country has completely gone bonkers, lost it's collective mind and demonstrated to the whole world that we are just a bunch of rude, snot-nosed, kids constantly picking on one another.  Grow up before it's too late!..Medicineman!


Philip's father Robert emigrated to America and obtained a large grant of land on the Hudson river.  There he became very wealthy farming the rich acreage, which came to be known as Livingston's Manor.  When  Robert died, Phillip, the eldest of three sons became heir to the Manor.
Phillip graduated from Yale College and entered the business world in New York.  His honest and upright dealings earned him great respect and trust.
Phillip became an Alderman for the East Ward and served there for nine years.  Then when the Governor of the Colony was made Rear Admiral in the Royal Navy his successor dissolved the Assembly and ordered new elections.  Both Phillip and brother Robert were elected to seats in the new Assembly.  There Phillip quickly became a driving force and several French frontier forts were taken from the French and Canada became a subject.
Phillip resigned from the Assembly when Toryism took over.  In 1774 he was elected to the first Continental Congress and was on the committee that prepared the address to the people of Great Britain; "an address replete with bold and original thoughts, prespicuous propositions and convincing arguments".
The next year a General Congress was formed (the Continental Congress being taken over by tories) and the Declaration of Independence was signed.  Livingston was elected to the senate of New York in 1777 and, although in very poor health he took his seat in 1778, said goodbye to his family and never returned home.  True service to his new country...Medicineman!

Sunday, October 21, 2018


Mexico has been invaded from the south.  No, not by uniformed troops but by women, children and ADULT, ABLE BODIED  MEN OF FIGHTING AGE!  They claim to have been run out by the gangs and hoodlums and criminal element.  If that is the case, why are these able bodied males not taking up arms and fighting for their country?  They should be ashamed of themselves for invading Mexico instead of forcing the criminal out of Honduras.
Mexico is not their savior and neither are we.  President Trump has vowed to place the U.S. Army on the border to combat the invasion.  If they are not stopped there where do we put them?  Who will feed and clothe them?  Who will treat their illnesses?  WILL YOU?...Medicineman!

Friday, October 19, 2018


William Floyd's grandfather came to this country from Wales in 1680 and settled in Setauket, on Long Island.  There he became a very wealthy farmer.
William was born in 1734.  His wealthy father gave him every opportunity at education and William assumed the duties of the family when his father died suddenly.  He became a vigorous opponent of the oppressive mother country and was elected to the first Continental Congress in 1774.
Floyd became head of the County Militia, was reelected to Congress and signed the Declaration of Independence.
The British took his farms and housed troops there, taking his cattle and sheep for food supplies while causing much damage to Floyd's property.  He never received any income  for seven years.
After signing the Declaration of Independence William Floyd became General Floyd and was elected to Congress again and remained there until 1783.  In 1800 he was chosen a Presidential Elector and served in that capacity several times.
He was a vigorous and robust man and in 1784 General Floyd purchased land on the Mohawk and developed and farmed the rich land and rebuilt his fortune.  Floyd was just one example of the kind of citizen who built this Republic!...Medicineman!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


I feel compelled to leave the snippets of our founders that I have been writing about to point out how Washington, "The Swamp" has taken charge of elected government today.
I am sure that President Trump was not aware of the task he promised to do when elected--Drain the Swamp!
What we see happening in our capitol is "Professional" hired hands ignoring ELECTED office holders and, essentially, taking over.  For instance; The justice department is a part of the Executive Department and everyone who works there serves at the pleasure of the President, and any and all can be replaced any time.  In fact, that is what happened after elections not too many years ago.  Sen. Jeff Sessions (a good honest man) was appointed Attorney General and promptly surrendered his seat to a "hired hand" in Rod Rosenstein who has been in and out of Washington for 30 years as well as his wife.  James Comey, FBI director was fired.  He has been in and out of government leaving once to work for industry and earning a huge bonus before coming back to the "Low pay" of Washington.  Robert Mueller took the special prosecutor job and has spent tons of tax-payer money on a wild goose chase and ruining the lives of some good people.
There are many, many more of the professional "Swamp" employee, not elected by anyone and seem to answer to no one.  Our Republic was never intended to be handled this way!  Of the people, By the people and For the people, great words with great intent have been put aside in favor of, "LET THE PROFESSIONAL HANDLE IT"! .... MEDICINEMAN!

Monday, October 15, 2018


I never thought a lot about it before---that is, how the patriots who put their names to our Declaration of Independence faded away into history  and were forgotten.
Since I have been writing these little "snippits" of the men who signed this all-important document I have had readers ask me, "Why have I never heard of these guys before?"  "Until I read this I had not seen his name anywhere before!"  Please, do not think you have been shorted on your history.  You are not alone, by any means, for most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence simply did the job they were chosen to do and went on to serve wherever and however they could and did not ask for anything in return, except that future generations study and learn and practice what they had put their names to.  These men thought that all Americans would be grateful for the chance to live in a free state.  They thought that all future Americans would practice this "art" of self-governing.  The founders rightly thought that ALL Citizens would fight to keep what so many had fought and died for.  I must sadly admit that what I see happening today is certainly and definitely  not what our founders had in mind!...Medicineman!


Oliver Wolcott's family came to America in 1630 when Henry Wolcott obtained a charter to form the state of Connecticut , thus making Oliver a long standing American.
Oliver entered Yale College and graduated in 1747, and received a Captain's Commission and took part in the French and Indiana war.  He rose to the rank of Mayor General quickley and then turned to the study of medicine, but as he finished his study he was appointed Sheriff and judge of his county. 
Mr. Wolcott became a member of the General Congress in 1775 and took an active part in the debates over the Independence of the Colonies,
Oliver commanded Connecticut Militia in the battle of New York before returning to the General Congress and was there when forced to move that body from Philadelphia to Baltimore.
He took part in the capture of Burgoyne and his army in October 1777 before returning to his seat in Congress.
He was active in the recruiting of soldiers during the Revolution while, at the same time, sitting in Congress, moving when threatened by the British and, as Major General, commanding troops when needed.  He was chosen Governor of Connecticut in 1796 and re-elected in 1797 and served until his death late that year.  Oliver Wolcott was very busy man!...Medicineman!

Friday, October 12, 2018


I mention these two signers of the Declaration of Independence simply because they were born about the same time; 1731 and 1732.  Sam was born at Windham to hard working farmers and had little formal schooling.  Sam was able to school himself with borrowed books on what ever subject he could find.  He read himself into law and became a judge at age 30 years.  He was highly respected, honest and vigorous in defense of liberty and local control.  He was appointed a member of the General Congress in 1775 and had the privilege of signing the Declaration of Independence.  He was appointed Lt. Governor in 1785 and then became Governor the next year.
William Williams family came from Wales and his father and grandfather were both ministers and at age sixteen he entered Harvard College and entered into the study of Religion.  But the French and Indian war drew him away and there he developed a considerable dislike for the British ways.  He left the study of religion and entered the mercantile business, became town clerk and then became a member of the Connecticut Assembly and then on to the General Congress where he had the honor of adding his name to the Declaration of Independence.
When in 1781 he heard that the traitor Arnold had attacked the town of New London and burned it to the ground he was Colonel of militia but was too late to help in the three hours it took to make the trip.  During the war when the continental dollars issued by Congress were being refused in many areas William bought two thousand dollars worth of the "continentals" to help buy goods for the regulars, losing most of it in the process....Medicineman!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Born in 1721 in Newton and moved to Stockington when he was two, Roger was apprenticed to a shoemaker until the death of his father.  Then, at the age of 19 yers, Roger took on the care of his large family.  In 1744 he sold the farm and moved the family to New Milford, Conn. where he had a brother and family. 
Sherman had little formal education but as he worked at his shoemaker trade he studied, reading books of all kinds as he could find them.  He was such a quick mind that he became proficient in law that he was admitted to the Bar in 1754.  In 1755 he became a member of the Assembly of Connecticut and Justice of the peace.
Roger became judge of Litchfield County and moved to New Haven in 1761.  He became a member of the upper house of the Connecticut Legislature at about the time of the Stamp Act
Roger became a fierce supporter of the Patriot cause and was involved even he was elected to the Continental Congress in 1774 and signed the document in 1776.  Even with all his duties in Congress during the war he found time to serve with the Committee of Safety of Connecticut.
Roger was on the committee to draft the Constitution and served in the new Government until his death in 1793.
Roger Sherman fathered 15 children by two wives in his seventy three years!  Medicineman!

Monday, October 8, 2018


This space has been devoted to the signers of our Declaration of Independence for several days now, but today I want to speak to the subject of the only Marine in history to earn five Navy Crosses, Lewis B. (Chesty) Puller, Lt. General, United States Marines.
Chesty Puller joined the Marines in 1918 at the age of twenty years.  He commanded the Horse Marines in Peking, fought bandits in Haiti and Nicaragua, battled across the Pacific from island to island and fought a savage rearguard action in the "Frozen Chosin" in Korea.  After nearly forty years and forced to retire he never reached full General status.
The example of his leading troops is still a topic of class room discussions today.
Early in the Korean war our troops, ill prepared for the fight, were pushed back to the southern port of Pusan.  Col. Puller led his Marines in an Amphibious assault, from Tokyo, Kobe and Sasebo, on the western port city of Inchon.  There Chesty. once again, demonstrated his mettle by pacing back and forth on the sea-wall while urging his Marines over the wall in that "Mega-phone" voice he was famous for.  United States Marines and Army and United Nations troops pushed North Koreans all the way back the the Yalu river, which marked the border between Chine and North Korea.  There General MacArthur was fired and the Chinese sent thousands of  tennis shoe clad troops against us.  As a result the fighting retreat in minus 30-40 degree temperatures came to be known as "The Frozen Chosin" resulting in many casualties.  Chesty Puller was there, all the way!...Medicineman!

Sunday, October 7, 2018


I was told recently by a reader that he did not know and never heard of the person I wrote about.  That is not unusual.  Why?  Because many of those who were in the Continental Congress were ordinary citizens doing what good citizens do; serving their Colony.
William Ellery was born in Newport in 1727.  His father saw to his early education so when he was ready he entered Harvard College where he studied Greek and Latin, graduating at the head of his class.  He then studied law and practiced Law for twenty years, amassing considerable wealth.
He became an active Patriot and heated up the ire of the British so that when Newport was occupied they burned his house and most of his property.
Ellery took an role active in the politics of the day and served in the Continental Congress and was present on August second to sign the Declaration of Independence.
To understand the animosity built up by the British over the years, one only has to look at this example; In 1772 the Gaspee, a British armed vessel sailed into Providence harbor to enforce the revenue laws.  The Captain required every ship entering the harbor to lower her flag.  One ship refused and the Gaspee gave chase and ran aground.  Sailors and Dock hands invaded the Gaspee and captured the crew and burned the ship to the water.
William Ellery served his country on many posts and positions and worked on the treaty of Peace while a justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island.  He was a Patriot and Christian and died in 1820 at age seventy three!...Medicineman!

Saturday, October 6, 2018


In answer to that question; because it is so important.  Schools today are failing to impart to our kids the importance of learning from where this nation came.  Elected officials, in many cases, do not know nor understand the formation of this country.  Many, certainly, display their ignorance of our Constitution (which they swear to uphold) and strive to change it.
Signing member, Stephen Hopkins, is the subject of today's signers.
Stephen Hopkins was born in 1707 in Providence, Rhode Island.  Education was hard to come by in the early 1700's so Hopkins was mostly self taught.  He farmed until 1731 then moved to town and became involved in mercantile business.  The next year he was chosen representative to the General Assembly until 1741 when he was chosen Speaker of the House of Representatives.  Ten years later he became Chief Justice of the Colony.  During the French war he raised a corps of volunteers but their services were never needed.
Hopkins was an early opponent of British oppressive regulations and became a member of the Committee of Public Safety of Rhode Island in 1775 and then elected to the General Congress where he had the honor of adding his name to the Declaration of Independence.
Although his education was limited he became a respected and capable leader.  Hopkins was a sincere and consistent Christian which directed his life of service.  He died in 1785 at the age of Seventy Eight years..Medicineman!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


This signer of the Declaration was born in Marblehead, Mass. in 1744.  His father was a merchant involved in many businesses.  Elbridge attended Harvard College and earned an AB degree in 1762.  He entered the field of business and soon became a rich man.
He was well thought of by the people because of his good character and intelligence. He watched with great interest the rapid strides of British oppression and spoke out so vigorously the people elected him to the General Court of the province in 1773.  There he joined with John Adams and others in the removal of Governor Hutchinson from office because of the secret letters he had written encouraging English Ministers to enforce heavy penalties on the people to end the unrest building among the Americans.
He was a member of the Provincial Congress and good friends with Dr. and General Warren and ,the night preceding the Battle of Bunker Hill they slept together and parted in the morning, Elbridge to join the Congress sitting at Watertown and Dr. Warren to die on the battlefield.
In January, 1776 he was elected delegate to the Continental Congress.  He served on many committees including the one to visit General Washington at Valley Forge to see just how bad conditions were.  He was forceful and effective in gaining support and money for Washiungton's army.
He retired from Congress in 1785 but not for long.  President John Adams called him back to serve as one of three envoys to the Court of France.  Gerry retired once again but in 1811 was elected Vice-President.  He became very ill and died in November,1814 at the age of seventy..Medicineman!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Robert Treat Payne--American!

Paine was born in 1731 to a Clergyman father, the Reverand Treat of Barnstable county.  His maternal grandfather was also a clergyman.  He enjoyed the instruction in letters from the same tutor as Hancock and John Adams.  He attended Harvard college and studied law.  In 1755 Paine was Chaplain for the military expedition in the North in.
In 1770 he served as District Attorney in the trial of Captain Preston.  He was chairman of the Committee of Vigilance of Taunton, Mass. in 1773-1774.
He advocated for a Continental Congress and was a member of the Provisional Congress of Massachusetts in 1774 and became very active there.  He was appointed Chief Justice in Massachusetts and elected to the General Congress in 1775 where he signed the Declaration of Independence the next year.
John Treat Paine served in the new government throughout the war, became a judge of the Supreme Court and died in 1814 at the age of  eighty-four years...Medicineman!

Saturday, September 29, 2018


In the years of moving up in the world of law practice to, finally twelve years as Federal Judge in the second highest court of the land, Judge Kavanaugh is NOT FIT??  How many times has he been "checked out" by the FBI?  One has to wonder, at this point, how many other jobs has he had where he was NOT FIT?
A fifteen year old high school girl had an incident that scared her into keeping it secret all these years until;  OH-OH, now I remember it was that nasty Brett Kavanaugh and his buddy!  That she remembers perfectly, but, cannot remember where the house was?  Maybe she remembers the wrong boys as well.
When this all shakes out will Kavanaugh be confirmed?  I think so!  Will the accuser be punished?  I doubt it!  Such is the norm in the Sacred Halls of Congress and the "Deep State"!..Medicineman!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Sam Adams was born in Boston in1722 to Pilgrim parentage.  From a wealthy family he attended Harvard College and obtained an AB at the age of 18 years.  His father wished him to enter the business field, but it did not fit Sam's passion for the politics of the times.
At the age of twenty five his father died leaving Sam, as the eldest son, in charge of the family affairs.  However his thoughts were always on the movements of the British government and Governor Gage.  He began writing articles encouraging resistance to the Crown and unfair taxes.  He damned the Stamp Act and wrote a series of articles he named "The Whipping Club".  Sam Adams was at the  Boston Massacre and was leader in the removal of troops from Boston.
Governor Gage sent Colonel Fenton to Adams offering a "magnificent consideration" if he would stop the hostility to the government.  Sam's reply' "I trust I have long since made my peace with the King of Kings.  No personal consideration shall induce me to abandon the righteous cause of my country.  Tell Governor Gage, it is the advice of Samuel Adams to him, no longer insult the feelings of an exasperated people."  Adams was active in the service of his country all through the War for Independence and died in 1803 at the age of eighty-two...Medicineman!

Monday, September 24, 2018


John Adams was born in 1735 in Braintree (now Quincey) Mass.  No Patriot American worked harder, made more of an impression on or gave up more for the cause of Liberty than John Adams.  Adams married Abigail Smith in 1766 and she became his anchor through all the years of his service to the cause of freedom.  They moved to Boston where John practiced law.  The Boston Massacre brought charges against Captain Preston and his soldiers and Adams was called to defend them in court, which  he did successfully.
John Adams spent ten years total in his years of service overseas as envoys to England and France and even time in Holland in an effort to raise funds to support our Revolution.  He served as a Commissioner along with Franklin, Jay and Laurens to conclude treaties of peace with European powers.  He was Washington's Vice President and two-term President before he went home to Braintree and the farm.  Although he and Jefferson had many disputes and disagreements over the years each had great respect for the other.  In January of 1785 he was appointed Minister for the United States to the Court of Saint James which he occupied until 1788. 
John Adams died on the Fourth of July in 1826, at the age of ninety-two.  On the same day and almost the same hour Thomas Jefferson also finished his life of service to his country...Medicineman!


There is a Psychology teacher named Christine Blasey Ford who is pretty sure that she should come out with some news about a boy she knew 36years ago because although he has been a judge on the second highest court he is not fit to be on the Supreme Court, NO SIR, not on your Biffy!
Although her memory is selective ( "I can't remember what house it was") she is pretty sure it happened???  So she has agreed to testify now IF, she gets to ask the questions, only certain ones, like your name?  Where do you live?  Where do you work?  Things like that.  Because, if you ask her where and when and who else "I might get upset. Those questions are so untenable!"  She realizes that this hearing before the Senate Committee is really-really important but after all, "I said it so it must be true!"  End of story.  EGADS!....Medicineman!

Sunday, September 23, 2018


We continue with the  history of the signers of the Declaration of Independence with the name familiar to all who have read the famous document; John Hancock.  Born in Quincey, Mass. in 1737 he lost his father when very young and was raised by his Uncle.  Young Hancock worked as a clerk for his wealthy uncle and graduated from Harvard College at 17 years.  When his uncle died he was left with considerable wealth and property, including a fleet of trade vessels.
Hancock was very outspoken about the King's pressure on the colonies and backed the demonstration on the Green that resulted in the "Boston Massacre".  His ships  were stopped at sea and taken by the British which led to more agitation.  He made public speeches, was part of the "Tea" incident and for more than eight years a thorn in the side of the king.  When General Gates sent soldiers to Lexington it was to arrest John Hancock and Sam Adams.  They barely escaped and the stand at the Concord bridge, leading to shots fired and deaths on both sides brought on the long march back to Boston under fire from Americans behind walls and trees and houses.  Americans were fired up.
John Hancock's name appears at the top of the document, in bold hand.  He was Chairman of the committee and the only member of the committee to actually sign on July 4.  The rest signed as they arrived.  John Hancock served his country in many ways in spite of his poor health.  He was a signer of the Constitution and influenced others to do so.  He died in 1793 at age 55...Medicineman!

Friday, September 21, 2018


Continuing with our discussion of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, we take a look at Matthew Thornton, born in Ireland and brought to this country in 1714 by his father when he was 2-3 years of age.  They first settled in Maine but soon moved to Massachusetts.  Matthew chose the medical profession and became an eminent physician with a practice in New Hampshire and in a few years amassed considerable wealth. 
In 1745 he was appointed surgeon to New Hampshire troops and then a Colonel of Militia as well as Justice of the Peace.  When the provincial government was formed he was elected president.  Then when the provincial Congress was organized Dr. Thornton became Speaker of the House. In September 1776 he was appointed a delegate to the Continental Congress for one year and was permitted to sign his name to the Declaration of Independence when he took his seat in November.   Dr. Matthew Thornton died at the age of 89.
Stay tuned for more history on those who signed such a document......Medicineman!

Thursday, September 20, 2018


That ever so important document--The Declaration of Independence that we celebrate every July 4th is what I will be writing about in the days ahead; that is, not exactly about what it says but about those who risked all they had to put their names on that document: "Their lives, there fortunes and their sacred honor."
The signers numbered 56 names with John Hancock signing first as Chairman of the committee.  The final name was not added until after August first.
Josiah Bartlett was born in Amesbury, Massachusetts in Nov. 1729.  He became a Physician and was appointed to lead the local Militia.  He was appointed delegate to the Continental Congress in 1775 and the first delegate to sign the document.  Dr. Bartlett died in 1795 at 66 years of age.
William Whipple was born in Kittery, New Hampshire (now a portion of Maine) in 1730.  He went to sea as a lad and left the sea at the age of twenty Nine and joined his brother in the mercantile business in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.  Ever a supporter of the colonies he was elected a member of the Provincial Congress of New Hampshire and chosen by that body as one of the Committee of Safety.  Whipple became a Brigadier General of New Hampshire troops and fought in several battles against the British.  He was present with General Gates in the capture of General Burgoyne and helped draw the terms of surrender.  Whipple died in 1785 at the age of 55 years....Medicineman!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


No, it is not President Trump.  This comes from President Woodrow Wilson who led us into the "Great War", WWI.
Quote: "The purpose of a University should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible"! 
 Is there any doubt that Wilson was a progressive Democrat???Medicineman!

Thursday, September 13, 2018


For the first time since Herbert Hoover the people have elected a president who is not a politician.  My word!  How could we have done such a thing?
President Trump is certainly not a politician.  If he were he would not be saying the things he says and he would not be tweeting the things he tweets and he would be treated much differently in the "Swamp".  And because he is not "one of them" they hate him.  The "professionals" will do anything and spend any amount of money to destroy him.  They are doing everything they can to destroy the office of the President of the United States.  Why?  BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE IT!....Medicineman! 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


The players are in place.  The curtain has gone up----"It's Show Time"!  Now those of us who choose to watch are seeing our Senators at work.  That is what they would like their constituents to believe at least.  The name of this play is "Delay, delay, all is delay"!
The Kavanaugh hearings, on the very first day of confirmation hearings, with a mountain of documents brought to the senate for members of the committee to look at, what happens?  Democrats want more documents.  I'm pretty sure no one has looked at those they already have.  But that does not make a difference because Trump's choice for the empty seat WILL be confirmed.  It is all part of "The Really Big Shew"!-----Medicineman!

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Senator John McCain has died!  Today, as I write this, it would be hard to find anyone in most countries who does know that the Senator has died.   As usual one does not speak badly of the dead and that certainly has been the case in the coverage of McCain's death, except some Nam Vets who slogged through the jungles and rivers of that country.  They point out that McCain, (1) graduated from the Academy 5th from last in his class.  (2) that he was not a very good pilot and crashed three planes in his career.  (3) That he got preferential treatment in "Hanoi Hilton" when the enemy found out who his father was, etc.  It is no secret that McCain and Trump, once friends, disliked each other so much that the President was not invited to the services,  and when the flag flying at half-mast over the White House was raised to full staff after the second day the outrage it caused was heard round the world.  To satisfy the outrage the flag was lowered once again over the White House and stayed there until the burial today, Sunday September 2, 2018.
In my twilight years I am constantly appalled at the lack of respect shown to the flag of our country.  It ranges from the highly visible foot ball games to any parade route.  Even those who put their flag up and forget it until it is a rag.  Let us take a look at the U.S. Flag Code: "The flag is flown at half-mast on the day of death and the day after for Members of Congress".  Members of Congress is defined as Congress and Senate.  Only a proclamation by the President can change that rule.  President Trump did that very thing!  Did you hear that mentioned by the Press? ...Medicineman!

Sunday, August 26, 2018


There is an element in this country that has dedicated their lives to changing the history of this great country.  It is no secret that this small but noisy segment of our society has been successfully changing some of the events that shaped the United States of America.  Civil War statues and memorials moved or torn down after standing in place for 150 plus years.  The CSA Battle flag (mistakenly called the Confederate States Flag) is a prime example.  Even the Ten Commandments have been removed in some areas.
Now the controversy over "The Bells of Balangiga" has reared it's head again.  First of all, let me explain what these bells are and what they represent.  Two of  the bells are displayed near the entrance to Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming while one is with an Army unit in South Korea.
The United States acquired the Philippines in the Spanish American War of 1898.  In 1901 during the war between U.S. troops and Philippine insurgents 48 U.S. soldiers were killed in their sleep in a night attack.   In retaliation an attack on the town of Balangiga killed many Filipinos, men and women and children.  The troops took the bells from the local church as a war trophy.  Yes, it was an unfortunate episode in our history but, still history.
Several years ago this same attempt was made to give back the bells to that town in Samar, PI.  Replica bells were made and given while the original bells remain in U.S. hands.  I say keep the bells!....Medicineman!

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Originally a swamp when chosen to be the seat of government the water was drained off to make possible building sites.  The term, "The Swamp", became popular in the Trump campaign with  his pledge to drain same.  This has proven to be like spitten' in the wind!
Looking back to the Clinton years we see the same names popping up year after year.  Names like James Comey, Robert Meuller, Lois Lerhner (conservatives remember her).  There is Rod Rosenstein who becomes Assit. Attorney General when Comey gets fired and then comes up with the Russian thing.
Comey went to work for Lockheed Martin and secured 17 no bid contracts with the State Dept. and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank you when he left the company.  Then he became FBI Director in 2013.
On and on it goes with 20% of our Uranium deposits  sold to Russia with Hillary saying OK when she was Sec. of State.  Then "Billy Boy" goes to Russia and is paid 500 Million to speak for one hour.  Not bad pay I'd say.
I won't even go into the Benghazi debacle.  You can see what the people of this country are up against and they elected Trump to get it done and, guess what?  He gets pilloried by the "No News Press"---Medicineman!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


I have been away from my desk for a time and have just completed the four book, wonderfully researched, history of the Pacific war written by James D. Hornfischer.  Those who served there or have an interest in history will do well reading his books.
It was the summer of 1945 and the war in Europe had been won.  Plans were underway for the invasion of Japan with expectations of up to a million and a half U.S. casualties.  There was a way to avoid such numbers.  Saipan and Tinian (three miles it's neighbor) had been taken by Marines, at great price, and airstrips were built to handle B-29 bombers, new, four motor, pressurized, long distance behemoths, expected to clobber the cities of Japan.
The U.S.S. Indianapolis sailed into Tinian with a cargo even the Captain did not know what.  It was after delivering his package that She was sunk by a Jap torpedoe with the loss of 2/3 of Her crew.
I had a friend who was stationed on Tinian and helped load that cargo "Little Boy" on Paul Tibbet's "Enola Gay" (named after his mother) destined for Hirosima
Tibbets and crew had been training for this for months.  He had gone to Omaha and personally chose the B-29 he wanted.  There was no room for error.  The "gun" that fired the "bullet" of U-235 into the core of the bomb was not inserted into the firing chamber until airborne, reason?  The bomber was noted for crashing on takeoff.  The engines were not reliable and engine failure was common.
After Hiroshima, and no surrender plea from the Emperor, the "Fat Man" was dropped three days later, August 9, on  Nagasaki.  
The Emperor Hirohito never used the word "surrender" but instead spoke the word "capitulated".  It amounted to the same thing, the war was over.  No bloody invasion was needed.
September 2, 1945 the papers were signed on board the U.S.S.Missouri--The war was over!
It is worth noting here that six of the crew of twelve on the "Enola Gay" were enlisted men from PFC to Staff Sgt........Medicineman!

Friday, July 27, 2018


This day, July 27, 2018, marks the 65th anniversary of the end of the Korean War (some call it a police action) but those who were there know it was a war.  The casualties I helped treat were certainly "war" injuries.
Today North Korea sent the remains of fifty-five American soldiers to South Korea in a special ceremony and a show of "good will".  These boxes were wrapped in UN flags.  I find that both disgusting and sad at the same time.  We went to Korea because our country called us to duty.  Those who fought there did not wear a blue helmet and certainly DID NOT BELIEVE THEY WERE WARRING FOR THE UN!
I cannot help thinking we dishonored them by wrapping them in a UN flag!...Medicineman!

Saturday, July 21, 2018


One hundred years ago, on July 18-19, the 4th Marine Brigade, in the Battle of Soissons, threw back the last German offensive of the war while sustaining 1,972 casualties in 48 hours of fierce fighting.  The Germans called the Marines "Devil Dogs".
On the same day, the 19th, the USS San Diego hit a mine and sank off Fire Island, N.Y. with the loss of 6 lives......Medicineman!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


President Trump, exercising his constitutional duty, has named Judge Brett Kavanaugh, DC Court of Appeals judge, to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court.  Now the fight begins!
Judge Kavanaugh has faith in the constitution and follows it very closely.  That makes the leftists VERY uneasy.  No, it makes them angry!
Many on the left believe that the U.S. Constitution, as written superbly by the Founding Fathers, is out of date.  It should be "interpreted" to fit today's people and needs.  You see, for instance, nowhere does our constitution imply that our citizens are entitled to "choose" to abort a child.  But that is exactly where the coming battle over Kavanaugh will focus the big guns.  You can look forward to more grilling on the question of Roe vs. Wade than any other subject.  It will not be nice!....Medicineman!  

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


The border dispute goes on and on.  Some want an open border.  Others want to enforce the law (what a unique idea). Some people campaign for a border wall, which was funded once but never finished, while others rave about how we are a caring people and should open our borders to anyone.
You may be surprised to know that in 1918 the mayor of Nogales, Sonora, Felix B. Penaloza, ordered that a wall be built of 6 strands of barbed wire running along the border separating the two Nogales towns to funnel those crossing the border to a single point for better control.
U.S. Troops patrolled one side while Mexican soldiers patrolled the other, much like what was started some forty years later separating the two Koreas (and still going on today).
The reason for the wall then was Poncho Villa and his invasion in 1910.  Today it is because of another invasion---illegals, thousands of them, wanting what we have to give them.  They don't understand it is against the law.......Medicineman!

Monday, July 2, 2018


Net Work News has a new crusade, a new main event, a new "tear jerker".  It all comes from those who entered our country illegally.  They broke the law!  Because of nothing we, as Americans, did families have been split up and children separated from adults (sometimes abandoned by the parent).
In the mean time a lot of man-power and hours are being spent processing them.  In my view, the  simple thing to do would be to just turn them around and head them back across the border----they are not our problem---we just made them our problem!
Think on this a moment.  Thousands of children are deprived of the company of their fathers or mothers or, sometimes, both because they are serving our armed forces in a foreign land.  Thousands of other kids have been taken from mom and dad and placed in foster homes for one reason or another.  Then, of course, there are parents separated from their kids because, of all things, they broke the law (imagine that) and are in jail. 
We have people demonstrating, carrying signs and shouting (nasty words sometimes) in the face of harried officials trying to do their duty in an impossible situation.  Maybe we should suggest to the sign shakers to put down the sign and pick up a child and care for him/her!  I suspect that they would go home rather quickly without either.....Medicineman!

Saturday, June 23, 2018


The USS Houston (CA-30), built in 1929, became FDR's favorite ship.  When he traveled from coast to coast it was aboard the Houston, through the Canal to Hawaii to the west coast and back again the same way.
The Houston was part of the Asian Fleet and among the first ships to be lost in the battle with the Japanese fleet.  She was sunk in March 1942, beginning the forty-two month ordeal for her survivors.
Lt. (jg) Francis B. Weiler, of the Houston, died of his wounds in a small Dutch hospital in Pandeglang March 26, 1942.  A nurse gave his Naval Academy ring to a doctor who surrendered the ring to a Japanese officer.  Eight months later on Guadalcanal a stretcher bearer, taking the ring from a dead Japanese, gave it to a Marine Captain Gordon Gayle thinking he would know what to do with the keepsake.  Later Gayle looked inside the ring and read the name of his classmate.  Gayle gave it to an artillery officer, Captain Swisher who was headed back to Henderson Field , with instructions to see that the Div Quartermaster got the ring so it could be returned to the states.
Before Swisher left his orders were changed and he was sent to the front to spot for artillery, where he was killed by a mortar round.
The ring passed to an Army private who was mortally wounded on November 23, 1942. His dying wish was for his personal effects, including the ring,  be sent to his parents in North Dakota.  That is how the ring finally was returned, in March, 1943 to Fran Weiler's parents in Philadelphia after passing through nine different hands......Medicineman!

Sunday, June 17, 2018


We are a nation of laws!  Everyone says so, well almost everyone.  Every night the TV News Media shows heart breaking shots of children crying because mom and dad, or just mom, or just dad are taken away.  We are, of course, supposed to agree that this is OUR fault they are being treated this way.  Wait just a minute.......didn't we just agree that we are a nation of laws?  If so, then they must be sent back to where they came from.  THOSE FOLKS ARE NOT OUR PROBLEM!
Now we are seeing a crowd of people carrying signs to stop enforcing the law and have a little "heart".  OK, here is what I propose.  Each of those folks with the signs take a child or two home with them and feed and care for them until mom and dad get through processing and come to pick them up on the way back to where they came from.  Problem solved!.....Medicineman!

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Women in combat roles (which I disfavor) have been accepted for some time now.  And they do a very good job as a rule.  Some will call me old because I served in the Korean War when women were in service doing the desk jobs, etc.  I still remain against women in combat roles.
That being said, women have been involved in our wars all the way back to the Revolution.  Case in point:  Margaret Corbin followed her husband when he joined the First Pennsylvania Artillery.  In the midst of the battle  of Fort Washington (1776) her husband was killed.  Margaret took his place and loaded and sponged the cannon until she was severely wounded.  Congress voted her one-half the monthly pay drawn by a soldier for the rest of her life and a set of clothes.
Another Revolutionary heroine was Mary Hays, serving beside her husband at the battle on Monmouth (1778).  In the heat of the June day Mary made trip after trip lugging buckets of water to the exhausted and wounded.  When her husband collapsed from the heat she took his place beside the cannon as an artilleryman and did so heroically for the rest of the fight.  Tradition tells us the Washington dubbed her "Molly Pitcher"!.............Medicineman!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


For 65 years we have maintained troops in Korea, on the border between the two Koreas.  We like to call it "The Demilitarized Zone", the DMZ.  There is very little reason to call it such because it is anything BUT that.
Now we have a President who has taken this bull by the horns and to the dismay of those on the left, those who hate his guts, and decry often his use of social media to get around the press, has actually met with this "fat boy" and came to some kind of settlement.  We will see the results very soon.  We may be very surprised (or not).  There may even be a Nobel Peace Prize awarded (very likely not Trump). Either way the world has seen what this President can do at the table!....Medicineman!  

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

JUNE 6......D-DAY!

June 6, 1944-----D-Day, Invasion of Europe, an arrow straight to the heart of Hitler!  If you want to understand what happened that day and the cost of the ultimate victory in Europe, view the movie, "Saving private Ryan".  Take a look at the rows and rows of crosses in the cemeteries in Belgium and France.  Talk to a Vet who was there (if you know one).  They are few in number but not forgotten.
For just this day put aside the petty , selfish and foolish ideas that flood the major networks today and focus on those who gave their all to save us............Medicineman! 

Friday, June 1, 2018


Entitlements.  That is the big word Washington uses nowadays to lump all the State giveaways Congress can come up with.  There is medicaid, food stamps, farm subsidies, school lunches, state aid, and on and on.
My gripe is that what used to be a Trust where monies taken from the employer and the worker were secure until one retired and drew that monthly check, are now in the General Fund.  Congress in all it's wisdom decided that it was a great source of ready cash for them to spend and they have really spent it. Now they are calling those Social Security checks "Entitlements".
Think about this---when you are working, monies are withheld from your pay and matched with funds from your employer and sent to Washington to be used for paying the retired folks.  So, you can see that to call your Social Security check an entitlement is foolish and down right insulting to the working man as well as the retiree sense half of it is yours anyway!....Medicineman!

Friday, May 25, 2018


Spending my childhood years in the '30's and teenager years during WWII, what we now call Memorial Day was Decoration Day, that special day when everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY visited the cemetery to decorate family graves.
It was very important to my mother, having lost my father early in my eleventh year.  So I grew up spending a few days prior to Decoration Day sprucing up the family plot in preparation for the special day.  I must admit that the cemetery was a beautiful place on that day with flowers everywhere.
As an adult I view cemeteries  differently because I know that my loved ones are really not there, only the cast off container they used here on earth is.
Today, in my town, on Memorial Day we still place flowers on the graves of loved ones and the American Legion will place an American flag on each veteran grave and we will pay tribute to them in a special ceremony.  And, we will still miss our loved ones and, perhaps, shed a few tears, whether we are able to visit the site or not.
So most of us will, while enjoying our beer and burgers, take some time think MEMORIAL DAY!....Medicineman! 

Saturday, May 19, 2018


On April 16, 1947 the Port of Texas City, Texas suffered the deadliest Industrial accident in U.S, history, and one of history's largest non-nuclear explosions.
The French registered SS Grandchamp sat docked in port when her cargo of 2,200 tons of Ammonium Nitrate caught fire and exploded resulting in a chain reaction of additional fires and explosions in other ships and storage facilities nearby.  It resulted in the death of at least 581 people, including all but one member of the Texas City fire department.
The Ammonium Nitrate , used for both fertilizer and explosive, was mixed with clay, petrolatum, rosin and paraffin wax to avoid moisture caking, then bagged.  Longshoremen reported that the bags were warm to the touch when loaded.
Around 8:00 am smoke was reported in the hold of the Grandchamp.  Attempts to douse the fire failed.  The fire attracted crowds to watch (from a safe distance, they thought).  The yellow-orange smoke attracted more crowds and when the explosion occurred at 9:10 it destroyed the Monsanto Chemical factory, ignited oil and chemical tanks on the waterfront and some 1,000 buildings.  The ship's anchor was hurled across the city and a 15 foot wave was detected nearly 100 miles from the Texas shore.  Two sightseeing planes had their wings shorn off.  People felt the shock 250 miles away in Louisiana.
The cargo ship High Flyer, also loaded with Ammonium Nitrate and moored nearby also caught fire and exploded 15 hours later adding to the death and devastation.  One of her propellers was found nearly a mile inland and now sits in a Memorial Park alongside the anchor of the Grandchamp.
Fire Departments from as far as Los Angelas responded the call for help as all the fire equipment in Texas City was destroyed.
More than 5,000 people were injured with 1,784 admitted to area hospitals.  More than 500 homes were destroyed and 362 freight cars obliterated.  Property damage was estimated at $100 million ($1.1 Billion at today's prices).
Monsanto rebuilt and other industries as well.  Investors joined in and Texas City lives and thrives today.......Medicineman!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

VE Day, May 8, 1945

Harry Truman became President when President Roosevelt died in April, 1945.  Just a month later the war was ended in Europe, called VE Day in Europe, May 8, 1945.
President Truman called for a National Day of Prayer asking all Americans to thank God for the victory and to remember those thousands who paid the supreme price for that victory.
Truman also reminded the nation of the task yet to be done, victory in the Pacific.
Memorial Day is fast approaching and all of us must remember those that fought and died!...Medicineman!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


On a high plateau in northern New Mexico is a Memorial to those men and women lost in the struggle in Vietnam.  It is worthy of the attention of every American, young and old.
Just off highway 64, south of the NRA Whittington Center, overlooking two ski areas, the twin spires of the memorial reach for the sky.  On top of the hill next to the spires is the building housing the pictures, uniforms, letters, tributes and a video room telling the story of Vietnam, (I had to leave this room before it was over).  But the real story is in the personal notes pinned to the cork board.  They are short, to the point, and sincere and very often full of tears from the person who wrote it.
Dr. David Westphal built this memorial for his son who gave his life in Vietnam in 1968.  It is funded entirely with donations.  It is worthy of the support of every American.
On a map of the U.S. is listed those numbers KIA and MIA from each state.  Wyoming has KIA-119, and MIA-6.  Is it any wonder that the chapel nestled between the twin spires is open 24/7?
If you ever travel I-25 south from Colorado take a right turn on US 64 at Raton and see this wonderful tribute to our men and women, and the cause they served so well....Medicineman!

Monday, May 7, 2018


Guns.  Every time a mass shooting by some deranged, unhappy, spoiled or just nasty critter happens who or what gets the blame?  The weapon used of course (unless it happens to be a truck or van plowing into a mass of pedestrians).
Immediately, there is a hew and cry for more "Gun Control".  We must protect our kids by removing the awful presence of "Guns".  And that hew and cry is usually from those who know the least about the subject.
"The NRA is to blame".  "If not for them the guns would go away".  "The NRA funds Republicans to buy their votes".  "The NRA spends millions to get the right people elected".  Let's take a look at the facts.  In 2016 Labor Unions spent 216+ million dollars while the NRA spent 1.1 million in the elections.
There has been a proposal put forward to repeal the second amendment and in the poll taken asking the question; "would you support such a move" 33% of  Democrats said yes while only 4% of Republicans answered yes.  My friends, if that should ever happen, the loss of that most important 2nd Amendment, the rest will follow shortly.  The facts speak for themselves!...Medicineman! 

Monday, April 23, 2018


In 1938 Hitler marched into Austria and took over.  No. not with tanks and other weapons of war.  No the people of Austria invited him in like any guest in their home.  They cheered and waved the Swastika flag and showered the troops with flowers.  Hitler gave his familiar stiff arm salute as he rode in that big open staff car of his to the shouts of joy of the Austrian people.
You see, times were tough in Austria.  Inflation was rampant and money was worthless.  Crime was out of control.  People were out of work.  There were shortages of all the necessities of life.  The government was corrupt and self-serving (sound familiar)?
So what did Hitler do?  He put his "Brown Shirts" in the streets and, along with Martial Law, put crime out of business.  He closed government offices and threw the scoundrels out replacing them with his own scoundrels.  He took over industry, gave everybody a living wage.  He outlawed weapons of any kind--turn them all in or else.
It was too late when the people finally discovered that they had no freedoms.  They had given them all away.  Funny how history repeats itself!..........Medicineman!

Friday, April 6, 2018


The country spent numerous hours of TV,and other media, honoring the memory of Martin Luther King on the 50th anniversary of his murder.  Anyone who was close to him, marched with him or spent time in jail with him was called upon to tell his story (over and over in most cases).  While I have no problem with that I cannot help but think that this man has a Day, marked on the calendar, to remember him while we have Presidents Day.  We gave up recognizing Washington, our first President and the man recognized as the founder of our Republic.  Likewise, we do not honor Lincoln any longer with a special day, the man who saved the union.  Just seems to be----unequal!  We have thoughtful writers like Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell who contribute so much to those who take the time to read them.
There are many blacks in our history, men and women who have made contributions to the formation of our country who are left out of our memory bank.  A free black, Crispus Attucks, fell in the street at the Boston Massacre.  Washington's slave was with Washington throughout the Revolution.  Jim Bowie's freed slave fought and died by his side at the Alamo. Blacks have fought in every war defending this Republic..
Blacks dominate major league sports, making huge salaries while insulting the American flag as well as the fans who idolize them.  Somethin's wrong folks!....Medicineman!

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Reading from the book of Luke 21:35-38; Then Jesus asked them, "When I sent you without purse, bag, or sandals, did you lack anything?"
"Nothing" they answered.  He said to them, "But now, if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you do not have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.  It is written; 'And he was numbered with the transgressors'; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me.  Yes, what is written about me is reaching it's fulfillment."  The disciples said," See, Lord, here are two swords."  "That is enough," he replied.
In that day travel was dangerous.  It is dangerous today.  Christians sometimes forget that Jesus Christ was a man as well as the Lord of all, the Savior.  He was not a wimp, or a pushover.  Yes he  was caring, loving and forgiving while at the same time, he was hard as nails, tough, strong, both physically and mentally or he would never had been able to endure what he did for us.  But before he died on the cross and was raised from the grave he walked among us as a man.
Jesus recognized that it was necessary to defend themselves as they traveled, hence the swords.
Those today who think that we should let someone else defend our home and family (think police) are missing the point of the Second amendment.  It is not about hunting or sport but about DEFENSE AND THE NEED TO BE READY!  Yes, and to remove a despotic government if necessary!...Medicineman!

Sunday, March 25, 2018


All over the country it seems, students are marching, carrying signs "KEEP US SAFE", "BAN THE GUNS", ETC.  They are in the cities, in the streets, in the halls and "in your face".
They are sincere and, for the most part, behaved.  They certainly are motivated!
The problem, as I see it, is that they are telling their story to the wrong people.  For instance: in Washington they want congress to act and "Make Them Safe".  But Congress will just do what they always do, blame the gun.  It's the gun's fault.  They are too easy to get.  They kill people.  So, we must get rid of the guns!
But look around.  Congress is protected by guns.  The President is protected by guns.  Banks are protected by guns.  Entertainers are protected by guns, as are members of NBA and NFL, etc.  So, keeping that in mind, why don't these kids go to their local school boards, carrying their signs, and demand that they NO.1-LOCK THE DOORS, NO.2-TAKE DOWN THE SIGNS "GUN FREE ZONE", NO.3-PUT PEOPLE IN THE BUILDING TRAINED IN THE USE OF FIREARMS (GUNS).
 I have a gun sitting in the same place for months and has never once offered to get up and shoot someone!......Medicineman!

Thursday, March 22, 2018


I have heard this term, as we all have, used over and over in recent months to describe our government.  It has puzzled me because I did not understand what was "The Deep State"?  Now I find the answer and wonder why I never picked up on it before.
Simply stated the Deep State, the permanent state, is that portion of our government never elected by the people.  Did you get that?  The Deep State is made up on thousands of employees, drawing public salaries, who have NO AUTHORITY given them by the electorate.  They live in and around Washington and go to work every day and do what they do with little oversight from Congress, (the voice of the people).  94% of Washington DC voted for Hillary Clinton.  You will find that those who live in and around Washington and work in the various departments are some 80% anti-President Trump.  Case in point;  the EPA and other federal agencies are using encrypted cell phone technology to communicate with other federal employees---an open violation of the law!
I have to believe that if the people's representatives did the job they are elected to do this could not happen!.....Medicineman!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


The great state of Wyoming has many stories that bring the old west to life.  One of those stories was told to me by an eye witness.
When living in Newcastle, the County Seat of Weston County, I was privileged to live neighbors to someone who could remember when her father was killed by the Indians.  Her father was Billy Mitchell, known as the "Martyred sheriff of Weston County".  It was in the Fall of 1903 and the Sioux Indians had left the reservation to steal cattle in the County at a place known as Lance Creek.  The Sheriff formed a Posse and went after them and in the ensuing fight was wounded and bleed to death.  But that is only part of the story.
In the early Spring of that year A ranch couple were murdered by their hired hand, Wm. L. Clifton, known as "Diamond L. Slim" after the ranch he worked on.  He was tracked down and jailed in Gillette.  The Sheriff feared that mob action would take "Slim" so he took him to Newcastle, some 70 miles away.  President Roosevelt happened to be traveling the West and was in Newcastle at the time and for his safety he was moved out of town.  It was May 27, 1903.
In those days the Sheriff's quarters were above the jail.  My friend and her sister were watching through the hole in the floor which allowed the Sheriff to check on prisoners when the mob invaded the jail and held him at gunpoint while they took Diamond L. Slim to the railroad bridge, put a rope around his neck, and at his request, gave him a "long drop".  As the story goes the long drop jerked his head off.  Lore has it that the undertaker attached his head on backwards and put him on public display.  One might assume that costs to the County were minimal!...Medicienman!  

Saturday, March 17, 2018


Children, and adults acting like children, skipping school and parading the streets carrying signs asking ", demanding, "Keep Us Safe", "No Guns", "Guns Kill", "School is not safe", Etc, Etc.
Let's take a look at some facts.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tell us that daily nearly 30 Americans die in motor vehicle crashes.  Should we do federal background checks on those wanting drivers license?
The FBI's 2015 Uniform Crime Report shows us that nearly three times more people are stabbed or hacked to death than are killed with shotguns and rifles combined, which numbered 548, while those stabbed and hacked to death amounted to 1,573.  Should we have federal background checks before buying a knife?
Most people and courts would argue that it is utter nonsense to deal with drunk driving or with knife deaths that way because, after all, they are inanimate objects.  Guns are also inanimate objects and have no will of their own to do anything but sit in the gun cabinet, or behind the bedroom door.
The Sears mail-order catalog of 1902 had 35 pages of ads for firearms.  Lots of magazines through the 40's, 50's and 60's had ads for firearms, aimed at children much of the time.  Until The 1968 Firearms Act, one could order many old military weapons such as, Mauser '98 rifles and Jap Nambu pistols and many other firearms.  Every boy over the age of ten wanted a .22 rifle for his birthday.
"Gun Free Zones" will not solve the problem, only encourage the "Nuts".  Banning cops 'n' robbers and cowboys 'n' Indians play won't do much either.
Congress cannot make our society more Moral.  It cannot make our families more civil.  Our moral standards have been under siege for 50 years.  God is out of many schools.  The trek to the Principle's office holds no fear for the miscreant any more.  Teachers have lost control of classes, and some have suffered physical injury because of it.  Bad behavior needs to be punished and instantly.  It worked when I grew up!....Medicineman!

Thursday, March 15, 2018


 Only historians and old Vets remember the heroic battle there and the infamous "Bataan Death March".  But the story is worth the telling today simply because of the impact that battle had on the outcome of WWII.
On April 9, 1955 the following article appeared in the base newspaper of the Navy Base at Sangley Point, PI:
The Fall of Bataan---A Magnificent Victory
BATAAN---April 9, 1955.  On a peninsula 30 odd miles northwest of Sangley Point, one of the principle events of World War II took place thirteen years ago today.  We have often times passed the Bataan Peninsula on recreation cruises to Corregidor and White Sands Beach.  As you stand gazing toward Bataan, memories of the memorable fall of the Filipino and American forces are recalled.
The late Major Genaral Jonathan M. Wainwright defended Bataan from January 10,1942 when 200,000 members of the Japanese Imperial Army ruptured Abecoy-Moran Line in northern Bataan, until April 8, 1942.  Sangley Point and Cavite were captured by Gen. Homma on January2, 1942.
From January until the final attack on April 3, the Japanese kept regular patrols to forstall any USAFFE (United States Armed Forces Far East) counter attacks In March, the bombing and shelling of the Japanese No. 2 Corp line beame more severe.  General Homma moved his headquarters from San Fernando to Orani.  Philippine Scout patrols reported the strength of the enemy to be over 60,000 men and with strong tank and artillery support and about 1,000 trucks.
Two weeks before the main assault, Gen. Douglas MacArthur left Corregidor for Australia and MAJ. GEN. Wainwright took command of USAFFE which he redesignated as USFIP (United States Forces in the Philippine Islands).
In the planning phase of the battle of Bataan, Gen. Wachi, Chief of Staff to General Homma, was greatly aided by a captured USAFFE situation map of Bataan.  Washi declared that his general estimate of USAFFE strength was 50,000 to 60,000 men.  As to planes, he knew that there were one or two planes at Corregidor.
General Homma decided to break through near Mount Samat: First, USAFFE would least expect a frontal assault against the 65 foot cliffs, and second, Homma wanted to take the key terrain to get commanding artillery support to his attacking troops.
On the eve of the fall of Bataan, the USFIF numbered 28,000.  On the Japanese front, the Imperial 4th Army had 50,000 to 60,000 combat troops with tank, artillery and air support.
The zero hour was set at 1500 hours April 3, 1942.  For the Japanese the day was "Empire Foundation Day"; for the Fil-Americans it was Good Friday.  From that time on, the final stages of the Battle of Bataan were on, and the death throes of the gallant USAFFE began.  
"The Bataan garrison was destroyed due to its dreadful handicaps, but no army in history more thoroughly accomplished its mission.  Let no man henceforth speak of it other than a magnificent success"----Gen MacArthur! ...................Medicineman!

Monday, March 5, 2018


The catchy phrase used during the election was "Drain the Swamp".  What a great idea, BUT!  Open the Books is a government transparency watchdog.  For eleven years they have been trying to get information from the Office of Personnel Management of the names, titles, agencies, salaries and bonuses of all federal employees.  When they got the data: 240,839 federal salaries, amounting to $20 billion in spending, were redacted.  We are not allowed to see what one out of five federal employees is paid. Is it any wonder Washington is in the mess it is in?
The average Bureaucrat makes about $127,000 in salary and benefits---compared to $70,000 in the private sector.  From December 2007 to June 2009 the federal workforce increased by 46% those making $100,000 per year, and a 93% increase in those making in excess of $170,000.
The Va scandal showed how, almost impossible it is to fire a federal employee.  The New York Times reported that only three people had been fired from their jobs.  Trump is cleaning house and another 500 have been fired from their job in the VA in the past year.
Due to Civil Service protection passed by Congress decades ago the President has control of only 2 percent of the work force.  Congress needs to move on this.  It is way past time for bureaucrats to realize they are not elected but are civil servants, not overlords!....Medicineman! 

Saturday, March 3, 2018


I have refrained from writing about the Winter Olympics this year until I cooled down a bit.  What should have been a demonstration of the differences between the North K. and South K. and how the devastated by war country of South Korea has rebuilt and become a vibrant and successful "Jewel of the Orient" while it's sister country up north is a dictatorship that keeps it's people enslaved and living in fear.
Kim Yo-Jong, sister of the "Fat Boy" dictator, represented North Korea. The fawning press (CNN and Washington Post) never mentioned that she is sanctioned by the United States.  CNN wrote, "If diplomatic dance' were an event at the Winter Olympics, Kim Yo-Jong has struck a cord with the public just one day into the PyeongChang Games."  Her "warm message", of course, called for a unification of the peninsula, which of course means taking over the south.
And, of course, they romped on Vice President Mike Pence because he met with defectors from the north and the father of Otto Warmbier.  You will remember who Otto was.  He was the American student released from North Korea in a coma and died six days later.  North Korea beat him and stole his mind over a period of more than a year
I prefer the old Olympics when it was not professional.   When the winners were respectful of their country and proud.  I liked the Biathlon when it was run with the hunting rifle.  And, I am too old to get warm and fuzzy with North Korea!....Medicineman!  


When the country suffers a tragic Commuter Train wreck, or an Air-Liner disaster, or even a tremendous crash on the Interstate with all suffering hundreds killed and injured it is in the news briefly.  On the other hand, if guns are involved, as in school shootings, the immediate response from the halls of Congress are to ban the culprit, GUNS, the evil one.
If no guns were to be sold to the public they would still be there, stolen guns, black market guns, even guns made in prison.  Several years ago a gun was expertly made in the machine shop at San Quentin and used in the breakout of several prisoners.
The point I make is this: Congress, and others, go arm waving berserk because they can pass a law that would have prevented whatever act that has just transpired!  So they say!  What do they then proceed to do?  They go after the innocent.  The honest gun-owner.  The one who is not the problem. The way the system is run today it would make no difference if the "bad guy" had a gun or not because he could cause just as much mayhem with a machete, ax, bolo knife or samuari sword.  So what is the answer?  It has been shown that most shooters, when an authoritative figure, police or one in charge shows up the perp either gives up or shoots himself!  Therefore, arming responsible people on the scene shortens the length of the attack.  That is especially true if police response time is slow-two minutes can make huge difference in the casualty count!
The House of Representatives has passed a piece of legislation that is very important to every citizen in the U.S.A.  It is HR-38, which allows citizens who have qualified for a Concealed Carry Permit to carry across state lines without fear of arrest.  Before the bill left the House it was amended by anti-gun members.  If passed it will mean that the back-ground checks could keep one from buying a gun for unpaid parking fines.  It would strip Vets of the right because they talked to their doctor about feeling depressed, etc.  And on and on it goes!.....Medicineman!