Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Both houses of Congress are determined to act like the neighborhood hoodlum from time to time.  Evidence?  Just look at the recent debacle with the Kavanaugh hearings;  the rude shouting, mob action behavior, and that was just from the Democrat members of the committee.  The outsiders allowed in the Hearing Room took their cue from them.
Yes it was certainly a demonstration of the "uncivil mob" we have become.
But a closer look back into our history we will find that those years leading up to the Civil War contained many such incidents.  Some much worse.  Remembering the turmoil preceding that un-civil conflict we find that many members of Congress were so convinced they were right that, if challenged, they would fight, challenge to a duel (the gentelman's way) or even strike one another.
With tempers running high, In May,1856, Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner delivered a firey speech on the floor of the Senate.  Members of the Democrat party in the South were outraged.  Two days later Senator Preston Brooks from South Carolina charged at Sumner (forgetting the gentlemanly challenge to a duel) and struck him repeatedly in the head until his cane broke.  Senator Sumner did not return to Congress for three years....Medicineman!

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