Friday, December 26, 2014

Murder? So What?

The son of Adam and Eve went bad and murder was born.  It continues today at ever increasing violence.  Why?
Perhaps we should look at what happens when a murderer is caught and brought to justice.  He may go on trial before a jury of his peers in, oh, perhaps a year.  Maybe more in today's courts. There may be every reason in the world to delay prosecution.  Lawyers are very good at putting things off.
I have a few thoughts on the subject of "Crime and Punishment" you may find worthy of consideration.  First of all, in the case of willful, 1st degree murder, which is the one that I consider the subject of this piece, I believe in the Biblical "Eye for an Eye."  However, today it seems that  society considers that to be "cruel and unusual punishment."   Shameful.  So our prisons are jammed with the guilty enjoying a life of leisure while the families of their victims suffer.
If we as a nation had the will to carry out the death penalty when the jury says "Guilty your Honor" perhaps that would slow the murder rate. For certain it would prevent a second murder by that person (as so often happens in today's "catch and release" world).
Murder has always been a capital crime.  Today we have lost the will to treat it as such! 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

RACIST---------------WHO? ME?

In the early days of my manhood it was common to say so if you did not like someone.  Likewise you were told to "Buzz off."  "Get lost." "I don't like you and never will."  Or words to that effect.  Sometimes even worse things were thrown at you.  It made little difference what the color of your skin was or where your folks came from the words were the same.
Now if those things are said, or show up on Twitter or Facebook look out, here come the PC crowd.  We seem to live by "Political Correctness" and the word "Racist" is inserted into every political discussion and most conversations.  We are not allowed to utter the word "God" in many places and certainly don't want to offend a Buddhist, a Hindu or a Muslim by praying in the name of Jesus Christ.  That would be "Politically incorrect."  Even those in seats of power like congress are ever careful to NEVER offend; everyone except the White house that is.
A white officer of the law shoots a black "Gentle Giant" who is a thief, mugger, aggressive young 290 pound man on a rampage, in defense of his life and a country goes NUTS!  People come from all over to "demonstrate" by looting and burning someone's property (who must have been a racist). 
That's not enough.  Before an NFL game the team comes onto the field with hands in the air to mimic something that DID NOT HAPPEN.  Worse.......they let 'em play!  But even that is topped when members of the Black Caucus in the House of Representatives do the same thing on the floor of the chambers.  BUT----that is not RACIST!  If not why not?
Is it a shame that a young man conducts himself in such a manner that he ends up being shot to death?  Yes.  Is it my fault that he did that?  No.  Is the Cop that he attacked at fault because that offender ended up dead?  No.  Am I to be called a racist because I say these things?  You bet I will be labeled that.
By the way, when a Black officer shoots a white perp. does it make the news?  Not often.  And another "by the way," where is the "white caucus" in the House????
I yearn for the days of "The Virginian"........"When you call me that, smile."

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Rich On Welfare

I have written on the subject in the past but it just will not leave my head.  The American people are the most generous in the world. We donate more money for helping the down trodden and the desperate people of the world than any other country.  Americans are there when needed for aid and assistance anywhere in the world, whether fire, flood or wind.  That is not what bothers me.  I consider that most of the money for those things is used properly (we hope).  My gripe is this:

Men and women run hard and spend countless dollars (not theirs) in order to get elected to a seat in Congress, either House or Senate.  Now the idea (they tell us) is to serve those in the district they represent.  Good.  Swell idea.  Go to work.

Sooner or later they leave the office.  Either voted out or retire.  Herein lies the problem.  They retire after a given time (not long) and continue to receive pay from the tax payer who is now represented by some other hard working and dedicated Senator or Representative (tongue in cheek).  Now they are being paid for doing nothing (which is normal for some).  Now instead of paying salaries of 535 elected reps. the number has exploded to, you pick a figure.

Our founders expected those sent to represent the people would do the job assigned to them and then come home and go back to work.  No one expected it to be their life's work.  That has changed, you say, and more is expected of them and more time is spent by them on the job (make that position).  That may or may not be true and so now we keep them for the rest of their lives and in pretty good fashion too.  And there, you have heard my GRIPE! 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Pursuing Truth - Defending Liberty since 1844

Pursuing Truth - Defending Liberty since 1844!  So says the letter head of Hillsdale College.  This small Liberal Arts College s located in Hillsdale Michigan and they are set apart from other such schools by, among others, the fact that they do not accept handouts from the U.S. Treasury.  They have always preferred to teach without interference from any government department.  They seek support from those who believe that the founding fathers got it right when they wrote our Constitution and that is what is taught to those who attend its classes.
Hillsdale publishes a monthly letter called "Imprimis" free to all who request a copy.  They maintain the Kirby Center in Washington, DC to educate Members of Congress, their staffs, students, and citizens on the Constitution and America's founding principles. 
Hillsdale launched its "2014 Project to Restore Liberty."  They want to place 1 million pocket sized copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution in the hands of your friends and elected politicians. 
They intend to make Hillsdale's educational programs on the Constitution available to millions of Americans via the Internet.
They will expand the programs and impact of Hillsdale College's Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship' which is located on Capitol Hill in Washington.
Another goal is to "Increase exponentially the number of FREE subscribers to Imprimis --- their flagship digest of liberty.
To maintain Hillsdale as one of the top liberal arts colleges in America while refusing all taxpayer subsidies --- even in the form of grants and loans.  Those are their goals deserving of your support.  Go to www.hillsdalefor for more on Hillsdale. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

"Let's give up on the Constitution"

When Parents send their offspring out into the world of academia they do so with the hope that they will learn a valuable set of facts and figures and knowledge that they can turn into cash through an honorable job.  Today that hope is dashed when that student, as so often happens, ends up with a degree that has no value.  He cannot sell the "knowledge" he has learned.  There is no market for what he/she knows.  And now the debt is staggering.

Part of the reason may be what some of the Universities are passing off as teaching.  For instance: Professor Michael Seidman teaches Constitutional Law at Georgetown University.  This is what he says about our Constitution.  "As the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken.  But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution with all of its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions."  This taken from the professor's article in the New York Times entitled, "Let's give up on the Constitution."

Dr. Seidman thinks that the President and Congress should not be restricted by a document written  225 years ago, calling our charter obsolete.  I along with millions of other Americans disagree!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender veterans memorial?

Yes, you read that correctly.  The final design for such a memorial has been finalized.  I respect the contribution these folks made to our war effort.  Many of them served with honor and some lost their lives in the effort.  And, they were treated just like all the rest of those who served with honor and who lost their lives in the effort.
Now we are seeing great expenditure of time and money to make their contribution, somehow, more valuable than all the other millions who fought and died.  Why do they want to be treated just like every one else (so they say) while at the same time declaring that they are deserving of more attention and praise for what they have done?  And they represent less than 2% of the population although they would like you believe a much higher figure.
I will admit that I am of the old school.  My war was the Korean "Police Action" and forces were mostly made up of draftees.  Did I know anyone who was gay?  I was a Corpsman so did I know any lesbian nurses?  Did any of my barracks mates go on Liberty in heels?  Was there a woman inside any of the swab-jockeys I ran with?  The answer to all these questions would I know?  It was not an issue.  But today the goal of this crowd seems to be one of advertisement.  Make sure that the media is full of news of Gay celebrations, parades and open display of the naked body that would land most of us in jail, etc.
Now back to the issue at hand.  Why another memorial?  Are they not happy to be included in the Nam Memorial, the Korean greater than life Squad Memorial, Iwo Jima, WWII, Nurses, and on and on?
Those who are in charge have lost their collective minds!

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Recently an item in a published paper mentioned Secret Service agents following Bill Clinton around and trying to conceal some of his "social" events.  I paused for a moment and pondered that item for a time??????? 
Slick Willy has not been our president, let's see, for almost 15 years and the tax payer is still paying for his protection?  I wonder why?
Then, I thought, if that is the case, are we also paying for that SS protection for both Bush's and Carter too?  What a waste of manpower and money.  My mother was a devoted Democrat all her life and in 1984, at the age of 81, voted for Ronald Reagan.  Her reason?  "We cannot afford another ex-president".  A wise and frugal woman my mother.
In spite of what she said, who can believe the Clintons left the White House broke.  Both had book advances to tide them over until they could get on the speaking circuit.  So if they need protection I believe that they should buy it for themselves and stop sucking on the public tit!
Having said that for the Clintons I will be non-partisan and apply the same rule to all former presidents.  For my way of thinking they can, if they feel threatened, buy security themselves.  After all the people pay them a very substantial pension from which they can find the funds for a body guard.  And, though I don't see why, each of them commands a very good fee for saying a few words in a public setting about almost any subject. 
My final thought on the subject; each might think about a trip to Gun-Site and come away with the expertise and ability to protect themselves!

Friday, August 1, 2014


As I reflect on my years it strikes me that until I was 16 years old I could remember only one president, being too young to have known Hoover it was Franklin D. Roosevelt.  Harry S. Truman was sworn in as president after the death of FDR in April, 1945.  Harry won his own race in 1948 and served until 1953.

The reason I bring this up is to point out how differently we treated ex-presidents then.  Herbert Hoover left office in 1932 and carried his own bags to the train, went home and went to work.  Harry left office and he and Bess returned to there home in Springfield, MO to the home they had lived in sense marriage.  The only home they had.  Then they packed the Chevy and toured the country.  No Secret Service, no special aides.  Just he and Bess having a good relaxing time.  Harry refused all offers of a seat on the Board of Directors with the retort, "You don't want me.  You want the Oval Office and it is not for sale."  Or similar words.  It was only a few years later that Congress voted  him a small pension.

But now the game has changed, and changed dramatically.  The tax payer and voter, you and I,  pensions
everyone who is sent to Washington often enough.  And we fix it so the retiring Exec. is well fixed and never has to lower himself to actually WORK.  Those who stay in the halls of congress year after year, whether they do anything or not, work their way up the ladder to better offices, important committee assignments and if they arrive at the pinnacle, a limo and driver.  The icing on the cake, of course, is the lucrative pension. 

You say: I am envious and jealous. Not true.  But I will admit to anger.  Here is why.  When those great men put this system of government together they wanted it to be, "By the people and for the people."  Servants of the people, those elected to office, were expected to serve then go home to their regular duties.  The pay was such that it  paid expenses and little more.  It was never intended to be a full time job compensated by whatever they ,the servants, decided they were worth.

After all these years of observing our decision making process and the results thereof, I have become, perhaps, the complete cynic.  I do not like to be there.  It is not my comfort spot knowing that I do not trust those who are  looking out for me!   I hope for change, not for me and my wife but for our Great Grands now growing up.  Time is short and change will not be easy.  START NOW! 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Is Impeachment a Good Idea?

Andrew McCarthy lays out the case for each of the following articles of impeachment in his book Faithless Execution.

Article 1:  The President's willful refusal to execute the laws faithfully and usurpation of the legislative authority of Congress.

Article 2:  Usurping the Constitutional authority and prerogatives of Congress.

Article 3:  Dereliction of duty as President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States armed forces.

Article 4:  Fraud on the American people.

Article 5:  Failure to execute the immigration laws faithfully.

Article 6:  Failure to execute the laws faithfully: the Department of Justice.

Article 7:  Willfully undermining the Constitutional rights of the American people that he has sworn to preserve, protect, and defend.

Congress certainly has the right and the obligation to control a runaway Executive Office because that was one thing the founding fathers was concerned and even afraid might happen in our new form of Government.  The reason the House members must face the voters every two years is to keep them close to the people and responsive to their concerns.  Even the Senate members had their fingers on the pulse of the home folks because they were selected by the State Legislatures for the first 130 years or so.
In todays world, however, we now have many in Washington infected with "Potomac Fever", a terrible affliction that rearranges thoughts of home and responsibilities to home folks.  The only know cure is removal from office.
There are those who say that impeachment will not work because, though indicted by the House, the Senate will not convict.   Such was true with Clinton.  However, that does not prevent the Congress from doing their duty and they should do that straight away!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Death of Common Sense

This Obituary printed in the London Times is frighteningly true and gives one pause;

Today we learn of the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for so many years.  No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
Knowing when to come in out of the rain;-Why the early bird gets the worm;- Life isn't always.
fair;-And maybe it was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place.  Reports of a 6 year old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.  It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student ; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses: and criminals received better treatment than their victims.  Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.  Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming up of coffee was hot.  She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust,-by his wife, Discretion,-by his daughter, Responsibility,-and by his son, Reason.
He is survived by his stepbrother;-I Know My Rights.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

State Department Testosterone

The United States of America maintains a presence in most countries in the form of Embassies or Consulates.  They are a little piece of the USA where ever they happen to be.  If you, in your travels, happen to be detained by foreign law officers the place to call is the US Consulate or the Ambassador's representatives.  That is a comforting thought for anyone caught in such a situation.
So, here is the question I have;  Why is a United States Marine, recently returned from combat duty, in a Mexican jail?  Why is the wife of an American citizen still chained to a wall in a Moroccan prison?  This while John Kerry makes speeches about Carbon Dioxide emissions and Global Warming, flies around the world trying to get people to like other people and get along, or negotiates another worthless treaty.  The #1 item of the "things to do today" list at the White House should be a couple of hard nosed phone calls and chartered planes sitting of runways with the clock ticking. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

In the words of Abraham Lincoln.......

Abraham Lincoln said this in a speech in1838:
"All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Bonaparte for commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.
     At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected?  I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up among us.  It cannot come from abroad.  If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.  As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
175 years later we would do well to remember these words and change the course of this great country! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Hyphenated American!

I am an American.  After being born in the midst of corn and hog country, how could I say I was anything but?  What this little piece is all about is the "hyphenated American", that person who, because he/she is black calls him/herself  African-American, like our president for instance.  Since his mother is American and white doesn't it make sense to call him, American-American The illegal from Mexico is Hispanic until he becomes a citizen.  Then he is Mexican/American, as is the one from the far east, the Asian/American.  The Native/American may have the only real claim to the title but on the other hand I was born here just like he/she was. The census taken every decade has a place to mark for every one of these folks (to the shame of the census).  There should be only two spaces, YES OR NO, in answer to the question, Citizen?
Do you see what I am getting at?  We tell the world that we are a "color blind" society, and all are equal and free citizens while at the same time dividing our people into ghettos of citizens.
In years past those who emigrated to the USA were eager to learn the language and become citizens (through the front door, by the way) and imbed themselves into society.  The native tongue was reserved for family gatherings and for the old folks living in the home.  Now it seems that those hyphenated Americans just want to bring their country with them..........the country they are running away from.  Tell me.....does that make sense?

Friday, March 21, 2014


I'm confused!  Yes, have been for some time.  This vast country was settled by Christians looking for a place to escape ruling tyrants.  This Republic was formed by American Christians with an eye on the idea that we are all equal in the eyes of God.  Was it perfect?  Not at all.  As Winston Churchill said, "This government is the worst government in the world.......except for all the rest."  No not perfect but good enough to makes us the richest country in the world,
This is what confuses me; We open Congress sessions with prayer.  The Ten Commandments are posted over the door to the Supreme Court, but can't be displayed in a county court house.  Must not mention God in school.  Military Chaplains must be careful about the name God in prayer (egads,who else can we pray to?).  All over Washington are buildings with God's name inscribed. 
We have a president who among his closest advisers are a bunch of Muslims, and who  wears a Muslim wedding ring.  (See why I am confused?)
Our rulers in "ole Foggy Bottom" denigrate the military.  Obama hates uniforms, cuts their pay and allowances, and fails in his promise to "punish and bring to justice those responsible for Benghasi".
Every attack on this country and it's military in the last 30 years has been committed by, you guessed it, Muslims, from the Boston bomber to the Marines Barracks in Lebanon.  (beginning to see why I am confused?).
We are failing to educate our children.  Oh, we teach them all the sports, and encourage them in that at every turn, but we don't teach them about our beginnings, our history, the struggles and the heroes that emerged from those struggles.  Our children's minds are like sponges.  They will soak up this knowledge in a hurry if we offer it to them, but, if we fail, they will fill their minds with false information and teachings that we will not like.
I am confused because we have a National Debt that is staggering and growing by millions daily.  Why are those occupying seats of power not attacking that?  Ah-ha, perhaps now I am beginning to see the light!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What is it? "Independent Payments Advisory Board"?? Read on!

Obamacare is unconstitutional and any thinking person can see that.  But lets be specific and go after one feature:
The following is "Reprinted by permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College."

The fattest target is the Independent Payments Advisory Board (IPAB), which is unconstitutional on its face.  IPAB consists of 15 members who are not elected by the people but appointed by the president.  Their job is to make recommendations to limit Medicare's budget by reducing reimbursements to doctors.  Unless both houses of Congress overrule IPAB by passing their own equal or greater cuts to Medicare, IPAB's proposals automatically become law.  What's worse, Obamacare conspires to make IPAB permanent by mandating that no resolution to repeal it can be introduced before January 1, or after February 1, 2017.  In other words, the Constitution would be operational for one month only--and even then the repeal must pass by August 15, 2017, in order to be valid, and it could not take effect until 2020!

This information is very distressing to those of us who know it.  But more distressing is the fact that most of our elected ones DON'T KNOW IT EITHER!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Register What???

The German revolution of 1918-19 resulted in the Weimar Republic, called the Reich.  They chose to ignore much of the rules laid down by the Treaty of Versailles  and the country suffered hyper-inflation, depression, and hunger and turmoil.  Paul Von Hindenburg became president and in 1930 assumed dictatorial powers.  To control the various militant groups roaming the country and restore order President Hindenburg, in 1932, ordered registration of all fire arms (getting the picture?).  The money was devalued, depression worsened, unemployment worsened, and Hitler became Chancellor with the Nazi Party now in control. 
The scene was set for the disarming of the German citizen, and Hitler did so in 1933.  Interesting how history persistently repeats itself, over and over and over again. BEWARE!  

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Education? Yes; Common Core Standards? No Way!

36 States and the DC have signed on for Common Core Standards,  They have been seduced by all that "Federal Money" (yours) some $4.35 billion dollars of Race to the Top money and Title 1 funding.

But let me point out a very important fact that is ignored at every turn by the present Whitehouse.  Nothing in the U.S. Constitution authorizes the Feds. to exercise any authority over education.  This limitation is enforced by a long standing federal law forbidding the feds "to mandate, direct, or control schools curriculum, program of instruction, or allocation of state or local resources."

One example of a Common Core approved History textbook, "The American Experience" published by Prentice-Hall: In the chapter on WWII in which 16 million Americans served, on two fronts for four years, the war seems to be just about the pictures of the rubble of Hiroshima.  Hardly an accurate account of  the "greatest generation" as they lived it...........and died.

Those arguing for Common Core Standards tell us that we are so different from European Schools with our decentralized system.  Well isn't that too bad?  We cherish our individualism and don't want to be made into an European-style socialism!

There are many other things about Common Core to dislike and I urge everyone to tune into what is happening to our schools under this administration.  Parents MUST stay on top of their kids education or find out too late that what you did not teach them someone else filled the gap, perhaps with garbage you do not approve of.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hunger! The Motivator!

Have you ever been hungry?  What did you do about it?  Of course you set about to prepare something you could satisfy that hunger.  If times are good you may have eaten more than you should have and suffered for it.  If the rations were meager you left the table a little hungry still.
What if you are not hungry?  Then you may forget all about eating anything and make no effort to acquire the necessary ingredients for a meal.  All is wello until you are hungry again.
This is what the country is faced with now; a lack of motivation among many of the unemployed because the check keeps coming every month and they are comfortable with that.  Millions are now living on the dole because they are not working.  Why?  Either they cannot find work or they feel like that job is not good enough for them, or they would rather do something else, etc.  Washington believes they have the obligation to see that none of these folks have to work at anything they feel is beneath them.  So what do they do?  Wring their hands and pass legislation allowing each one to dip into the public coffers each month while they are "feeling better" at home with the flat screen TV, talking on their Bluetooth or just resting.
You may think I am a cynic and I am when it comes to government sticking their nose in the people's business.
I believe that most of these folks will try, really try to find work when motivated.  Did I say motivated?  I mean HUNGRY!