Monday, June 26, 2017


Our founding fathers constructed a document so unique and so remarkable as to form a system run by, of all things, the people; as Franklin is quoted when answering the lady's question, "What kind of a government did you gives us" with this response, "A Republic, if you can keep it".
Our Constitution gave us three branches of Government, separate but equal. The first being the Legislative branch, made up of the people's choice.  The second branch, Executive, was expected to enforce the laws written and passed by the People's Representatives while the third branch devoted their time to making sure that those laws followed the intent of the Constitution.  There you have it.  Simple and easy to understand.
Two hundred years later we start seeing the fourth branch wedge itself into our Government.  What  fourth branch?  You may ask.  Bureaucrats, hired hands with no authority except that given them by a lazy and inept Legislature.  Those bureaucrats, not elected by the people, only hired hands, many who have made a career of spending taxpayer's money while writing rules and regulations that amount to laws.  Even those good, hard working people in the "fourth" branch are part of the problem!  "A Republic, if you can keep it".....Medicineman!   

Saturday, June 24, 2017


The U.S. Frigate "Constellation" was the first ship of the Navy.  She was completed several months before the famous U.S.F. "Constitution", still under sail and berthed in Boston.  The "Constellation" saw action on numerous occasions during the 18th and early 19th Century.  She remained on the Navy's active list until 1955, and during World War II was the flagship of the Atlantic Fleet......Medicineman!

Monday, June 19, 2017


In 1871 Frederick Douglas was speaking of the Army.  He reminded the nation with these words what the recent struggle meant.  "We must never forget that the loyal soldiers who rest beneath this sod flung themselves between the nation and the nation destroyers.  If today we have a country not boiling in an agony of blood (like France)--if now we have a united country, no longer cursed by the hell-black system of human bondage--if the American name is no longer a by-word and a hissing to a mocking earth--if the Star-Spangled Banner floats only over free American citizens in every quarter of the land, and our country has before it a long and glorious career of justice, liberty, and civilization--we are indebted to the unselfish devotion of the noble army who rest in these honored graves all around us."....Medicineman!

Thursday, June 15, 2017


"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands.....etc."  This document goes on to say, the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" entitles them to respect and requires that they should declare the causes of the separation.
If it has been  awhile since you read this remarkable document it will do you good to read it now.
The document goes on to detail the repeated injuries and usurpations of the King of England.
The signers of this declaration go on to list the reasons for this action in very plain language.  Among the many:  He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws unless the people relinquish their right of Representation in the Legislature;  He has dissolved legislative bodies repeatedly; He has refused to assent to laws, the most necessary for the good of the people;  He has made judges dependent to his will; He has made the Military independent and superior to Civil Power; He has quartered large bodies of armed troops among us, cut off trade with all parts of the world, imposed taxes without our consent, deprived us, many times of trial by jury.  The list goes on.  Read it and see why these men invoked the "protection of Divine Providence" and pledged to each other, "our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." ..Medicineman!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


He was 15 years old when they landed; landed where?  On a pork-chop shaped island in the Pacific called Iwo Jima.  Yes he was a Marine.  Yes he was found out and sent home.  But when they sent him home he was told to report for duty when he became 18.  He was a "Boy-Man"!
When the landings were made on D-Day, youngsters just out of high school charged into the hail of deadly fire and claimed the beaches.  They dropped out of the sky into the hail of anti-aircraft fire and landed in unfamiliar territory, and, yes, many died in both places, but they went on to defeat Hitler Inc. and they became the "Greatest Generation".  They too were "Boy-Men"!
In 1941, when we were attacked, the enlistment offices were swamped by young men wanting to serve.  They were all ages, from youngsters who lied about their age to oldsters who, likewise, lied about their age.  They were "Men"!
In today's world it is harder and harder to determine a "Man's" age.  The entertainment world has portrayed "Man" as a wimpy, simpleton.  The professional athlete, many times, comes across as a spoiled brat (over-paid)!  Colleges treat students like grade-schoolers, with "Safe Space", and worse.
Yes, it happened; and it happened because we, the people, allowed it to happen!...Medicineman!  

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


"A landing was made this morning on the coast of France by troops of the allied expeditionary force.  This landing was but the opening phase of the campaign of western Europe.  Great battles lay ahead.  Together we shall achieve victory."  The words of Supreme Commander General Eisenhower on June 6, 1944.
The allied invasion, in the planning stage for months, took place in the early hours of June 6 and filled the English Channel with ships of all descriptions.  Fighting ships, troop ships and landing craft.  150,000 allied troops landed that morning and many died in the attempt.  Many more rained down from the sky in the form of paratroopers.  The invasion of Europe was on, 73 years ago!...Medicineman!

Monday, June 5, 2017


The Central Overland California and Pikes Peak Express Company, better known as the Pony Express was founded by William H. Russell, Alexander Majors and William B. Waddell.
From April 3, 1860 to October 1861 the "Express" riders shortened the time for mail from the Atlantic to the new state of California to about ten days.  The Pony Express filled the need until the telegraph reach the coast.
Some famous names road for the Pony Express.  Bill Cody set records when he was just 15 years old.  And Billy Tate at 14 years of age rode the leg in Nevada near Ruby Valley.  During the Paiute uprising in 1860 Billy was chased and trapped in the hills.  During the fight he killed 7 of his assailants before being killed himself.  His body was found riddled with arrows but not scalped.  The Paiutes had great respect for his bravery......Medicineman!

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Journalism.  Once a respected profession.  Today?  Not so.
Some degree-heavy professor makes a statement about the world heating up and all the ice melting and floods consuming the earth.  It becomes headline news on the Net Works.  A wild-eyed filthy mouthed stand up comic says anything it's entertainment.  Some jerk burns the country's flag and its "free speech".  A bunch of hoods in black hoods trash a university campus to protest "free speech" and it becomes "free speech".  An American president goes to the Middle East and tells them they need to step up and help solve THEIR problems and catches hell from his own party. 
Journalists, so-called, who shove that recorder in the face of a political candidate (who has been harassed all day) and gets shoved and yelled at suddenly becomes the victim.  Go figure!..Medicineman!