Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What is it? "Independent Payments Advisory Board"?? Read on!

Obamacare is unconstitutional and any thinking person can see that.  But lets be specific and go after one feature:
The following is "Reprinted by permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College."

The fattest target is the Independent Payments Advisory Board (IPAB), which is unconstitutional on its face.  IPAB consists of 15 members who are not elected by the people but appointed by the president.  Their job is to make recommendations to limit Medicare's budget by reducing reimbursements to doctors.  Unless both houses of Congress overrule IPAB by passing their own equal or greater cuts to Medicare, IPAB's proposals automatically become law.  What's worse, Obamacare conspires to make IPAB permanent by mandating that no resolution to repeal it can be introduced before January 1, or after February 1, 2017.  In other words, the Constitution would be operational for one month only--and even then the repeal must pass by August 15, 2017, in order to be valid, and it could not take effect until 2020!

This information is very distressing to those of us who know it.  But more distressing is the fact that most of our elected ones DON'T KNOW IT EITHER!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Register What???

The German revolution of 1918-19 resulted in the Weimar Republic, called the Reich.  They chose to ignore much of the rules laid down by the Treaty of Versailles  and the country suffered hyper-inflation, depression, and hunger and turmoil.  Paul Von Hindenburg became president and in 1930 assumed dictatorial powers.  To control the various militant groups roaming the country and restore order President Hindenburg, in 1932, ordered registration of all fire arms (getting the picture?).  The money was devalued, depression worsened, unemployment worsened, and Hitler became Chancellor with the Nazi Party now in control. 
The scene was set for the disarming of the German citizen, and Hitler did so in 1933.  Interesting how history persistently repeats itself, over and over and over again. BEWARE!