Friday, October 30, 2015


He's smart.  He's articulate.  He has a photographic mind.  He talks well, and direct and they hate him.  Who?  Democrates.....and Republicans.  Those in Congress anyway.
Who is this man?  Ted Cruz.  He drives them all nuts, and he doesn't give up. They can't shut him up and the American people here in the heartland love him and think he's great.  The only place where he is not appreciated is guessed it, Washington DC, that great quagmire of muck and mire, sin and guilt, cheat and swindle and anything else you might come up with....Medicineman!

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Noah Galloway lost his left leg and arm in the blast of an IED.  His recovery made it's way through the swamps of despair and self pity until one day he realized he was needed.
The love of his three children helped persuade Galloway to trade late nights in the bars for early mornings in the gym.
"I am the first thing my two boys see as a man and that's what they are going to become when they grow up, whether they like it or not.  I have to remind myself of that, and if I am not being a good person they won't grow up to be good men.  And my little girl: I am what she sees in what a man should be.  If I am not being a good man, that's who she is going to find one day, so I have to be constantly showing her what a good man does so she can find that one day herself."....Medicineman!

Friday, October 9, 2015


He is still in the fight.  Trying to stay in the US Army that is, after 11 years of honorable service, and the the award of the Bronze Star.
It seems that back in 2011 SFC Charles Martland confronted an Afghan Policeman, and struck him, for sexually assaulting and sodomizing a local young boy and beating his mother when she tried to stop him.  Then laughing about it.  Did he do it? Yes.  Did he do it for a good reason?  I think so but the US Army did not and want to can him, a decorated Green Beret.  This country has lost her mind.
John McHugh, Secy of the Army has given him a 60 day reprieve to file his appeal......Medicineman!

Friday, October 2, 2015


Another Campus shooting with innocent lives suddenly snuffed out by one individual who is tired of testing his skill by just punching holes in paper targets so his warped mind leads him to human targets.  However, he did not choose to test his skill against another armed target--oh no, that would be him.  So he goes to a place where he is assured that NO ONE IS ARMED!  Less chance of him getting shot at.  Of coarse, in the latest mass murder, he stayed too long. 

But just think how different it could have been if his victims had been armed as well.  But, the signs say: "GUN FREE ZONE."  An invitation to murder.  In the 140 plus school shootings recorded all posted that sign, "GUN FREE ZONE."  WHY CAN'T WE LEARN SOMETHING FROM THAT?    It seems that even the Campus Cop was unarmed; might as well call him the good humor man.

Now, of coarse, Obama again calls for more checks, more laws (that won't be enforced either) and more guff for the citizen.  Why is it always an inanimate object that is the criminal?  If a man stabs his wife to death he gets blamed for her death.  Not the knife.  Recently in this state a man ran over his girl friend with his car and he was arrested for that.  Not the car.  Seems fair!....Medicineman!