Tuesday, July 26, 2016


July 27 marks the 63rd anniversary of the "End" of the United Nations Police Action in Korea.  No secret who provide the lion's share of the fighting!
The war started June 26, 1950 with the invasion of South Korea by North Korea across the 38th Parallel.  It ended three years later at the same 38th parallel.
The three years cost the U.S. some 50,000 killed and wounded and another 8,000 plus MIA/POW!.......Medicineman!


The following is from a piece by Gerry Hafer.
A quick look at government regulations will show you how bad the problem has become.  In 2015 alone, 3,410 new regulations were enacted.  And another 3,297 rules in various stages of readiness.  And during the same time Congress passed 114 new laws. 
"A joint study  by the Weidenbaum Center at Washington University and the George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center, reports that the 2016 federal budget proposed by President Obama calls for $66.8 billion to cover the cost of 'developing and enforcing federal regulations,' along with an increase of over 3,000 federal regulatory staffing, nearly two-thirds of which fall in the broad staffing category of 'Social Regulation'."
Now you may wonder how this has come about?  I believe Congress, our elected representatives, have gotten lazy and clumsy in their jobs and just simply turned the job over to hired bureaucrats without checking their work.  You can see what it has led to!......Medicineman!

Monday, July 18, 2016


On July 1st. 100 years ago the long-awaited "Big Push" began.  It was the beginning of the Somme Offensive and the attempt to crack open the Western Front of World War I.
120,000 troops of the British Expeditionary Force came out of their trenches and marched across no-mans land into the hail of machine gun and rifle fire.  By days end 19,240 British men lay dead and 38,231 more were wounded or captured.  The war dragged on!........Medicineman!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

JULY 10 1940

On this day in 1940 Hitler's Germany dropped bombs on Britain and continued doing so with the idea of invading the English Isles.  The Brits responded with "Spitfire" and "Hurricane" fighters thus prompting Churchill's "Finest hour" speech.  As a result Hitler never made the invasion but instead turned his eyes and forces on Russia.
In the months leading up to the "Battle of Britain" the United States asked it's citizens to "loan" their personal firearms to the British people so they could defend their shores.  Britain had Gun Laws that deprived it's citizens of rifles and hand guns so they called on US for help.  We must never forget this event and be ever watchful!.......Medicineman!

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Today, in the Senate of the United States, Democrat members voted down Kates Law.  The law to ban Sanctuary Cities.  San Francisco is one, the one that allowed the killer of The young woman bearing the name of the law a year ago to be deported and return time after time until he killed.  Sanctuary Cities "hide" them in their midst by failing to report their presence.  What a deal for the illegal........Medicineman!

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Staff Sgt. David Thatcher was 94 when he died on June 29 in Missoula.  74 years ago Thatcher was a 20 year old tail gunner/engineer on the 7th B-25 to take off from the USS Hornet.  There remains only one of those 80 famous flyers who showed Japan that they had made a terrible mistake when they "kicked the sleeping giant" and took the fight to the heart of Japan just four months after December 7, 1941.
The remaining flyer is Lt. Col. Dick Cole, 100 years.  Col. Cole was Doolittle's Co-Pilot in B-25 #1 that historic day and last year joined Thatcher at the National Museum of the United States Air Force  in Ohio to accept the Congressional Gold Medal on behalf of the Raiders.  Just thought you should know!....Medicineman!