Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Sam Adams was born in Boston in1722 to Pilgrim parentage.  From a wealthy family he attended Harvard College and obtained an AB at the age of 18 years.  His father wished him to enter the business field, but it did not fit Sam's passion for the politics of the times.
At the age of twenty five his father died leaving Sam, as the eldest son, in charge of the family affairs.  However his thoughts were always on the movements of the British government and Governor Gage.  He began writing articles encouraging resistance to the Crown and unfair taxes.  He damned the Stamp Act and wrote a series of articles he named "The Whipping Club".  Sam Adams was at the  Boston Massacre and was leader in the removal of troops from Boston.
Governor Gage sent Colonel Fenton to Adams offering a "magnificent consideration" if he would stop the hostility to the government.  Sam's reply' "I trust I have long since made my peace with the King of Kings.  No personal consideration shall induce me to abandon the righteous cause of my country.  Tell Governor Gage, it is the advice of Samuel Adams to him, no longer insult the feelings of an exasperated people."  Adams was active in the service of his country all through the War for Independence and died in 1803 at the age of eighty-two...Medicineman!

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