Monday, January 2, 2017


Americans fought and died for three years and nine months in WWII.  We were in Korea doing the same thing for three years plus; and Viet Nam some ten years.  Since then U.S.Troops deployed somewhere in the world have become so common that the only people who really are concerned are those families "with a dog in the fight" so to speak. 
Americans have suffered the loss of a loved one and waited while the flag draped casket was delivered. Others have waited in vain.  Much effort has been spent locating and recovering MIAs with more than a little success.
BUT!  Korea left us with 36,519 dead and some 8,400 MIAs and I would like to explain some facts that most Americans have never bothered to learn.  "Two-thirds of all American POWs in Korea died as a result of war crimes", according to U.S. war crimes investigation.  North Koreans killed the POWs taken in battles for Hill 312, Hill 303, the Pusan Perimeter, and Daejeon,  ALL of them! 
The Chinese rarely executed POWs preferring mass starvation and disease during the winter of 1950-51.  They withheld food to force prisoners to accept their indoctrination programs, Brain Washing, as it came to be known.
The movie "Manchurian Candidate" starring Frank Sinatra and Angela Landsbury, in 1962, was an example of the tactics of "Post hypnotic suggestion" used in Chinese prison camps.
We veterans of the "Forgotten War" have certainly NOT FORGOTTEN!...Medicineman!

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