Monday, June 3, 2019

D-DAY +75

Too many  Americans today have no, or very little, knowledge of the history of our country, and , perhaps, the saddest part is that THEY DON'T CARE!  Winston Churchill once said;"Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it".
The invasion of Europe was in the planning stage for months.  Great effort was spent planning and organizing while keeping the secret of WHERE.  A fake army was formed made up of tanks, trucks and other war equipment, all filled with air to fool the enemy.
A little known story of fake invasion plans planted on the unclaimed body from the British morgue (the book "The man who never was) was intended to fool the enemy into thinking that the invasion would come from Italy, thus drawing German troops away from Normandy.
The invasion was delayed by weather time after time and even launched at one point and had to be called back filled with seasick soldiers.  The fleet even suffered losses from a German submarine a one point while waiting.
On June 6 156,000 troops landed on 5 beaches along the Normandy  coast, code named, Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno & Sword,  Airborne Troops had dropped inland during the night.  There were 6,000 ships and landing craft, 50,000 vehicles and 11,000 planes involved.
Some 16 million Americans participated in WWII.  In 2018 some 496,777 of those veterans still lived,  They have lived long enough to be removed from the History books!....Medicineman!  

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