Monday, June 17, 2019


Benjamin Franklin is credited with that remark when asked, as he left Philadelphia Hall, "Mr. Franklin what kind of government did you give us?"
We Pledge our Allegiance to "The Flag and to the Republic for which it stands", not the democracy.  So, tell me why in today's world does everybody (especially politicians) refer to our government as a democracy?
There is a great deal of difference between the two forms of government.  Republics are formed from the individual up, with every voice being heard by the next level to the next level, all the way to the top.
In a true Democracy the majority rules.  The individual voice is lost among the crowd.  In simple terms, if your neighbors all agree that you should not have a flag pole in your yard---it comes down---majority rules.  Most of us would not put up with that for a minute.  But in our world today almost every individual must do what some "rule maker" wants us to do or pay the penalty.
That, my friend, is why it bothers me when Politicians refer to us as a....democracy!...Medicineman!

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