Sunday, January 6, 2019


The congress of the United States has changed hands and great things are anticipated (in some quarters, that is) and progress will finally be made in those areas that really matter to Democrats.  Well, don't hold your breath.
The new House of Representatives (called that because these elected are charged with representing the "People's Business) with the new leadership of Nancy has only two items they want to get done.  Item number one is; Get Trump!  There is so much hate for this president (mostly in Washington) that no stone will be left unturned to find a reason to impeach him and get rid of him.  It is worth noting that no President has ever been removed from office by impeachment, though three have been tried.
The other Hot Button issue is the wall, Trump,s Wall.  President Trump made that promise while running and is determined to fulfill that promise.  The Democrats, on the other hand, are just as determined to prevent it.  I heard someone on one of the "news shows" ask this question; "If walls don't work, why do you have a fence around your yard and lock your door?"
Our last House of Representatives passed some 300 pieces of legislation and sent them to the Senate where very few were ever acted on.  You can bet the farm that this House will not get near that much work done this next two years....Medicineman!

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