Wednesday, January 23, 2019


In the years leading up to our involvement in the Second World (often called the second HALF of the World War) the hemp plant was grown and harvested in the mid-west for use in making rope for the Navy.  Items like, hawsers, halyards, lines, etc.all very useful on every Naval vessel at that time.  Every sailor was taught how to tie the various knots used for everyday tasks aboard ship in "Boot" Camp.
Today there is a wave of desire or need for cannabis, the active ingredient of marijuana, to relieve the pain from various diagnosed maladies.  As a retired pharmacist I have no trouble with that purpose.  I do have problem with the promotion of "Pot" smoking to anyone for recreational use.  The effects from weekend use spill over into the work week, which is bad enough, but also creates the "habit" much like the use of tobacco which has become the "whipping boy" for society today.
My greatest fear for my country is that we have lost our way, forgotten the basics of the formation of our Republic.  We took God out of our schools and stopped teaching so much important history of how we became the greatest, most prosperous country in the world and how important it is that every generation be ready and able to carry that history forward.....shame on us!
I know that pain relief is, perhaps, the most essential duty of those who treat patients; you fail the patient if he is in agony.  If cannabis relieves his/her pain by all means use it, but treat it like the drug it is!....Medicineman! 

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