Wednesday, August 7, 2019


I read a story once about a shotgun, twelve gauge pump it was, probably a Remington or Winchester.  But that's not important here.  The story is that this shotgun stood by the front door every day, all day and every night for year after year.  Guess what? it never once walked out that door and shot somebody!
"Silly" you say.  Yes it is silly to think that the shotgun moved on it's own to shoot anyone.  But isn't that what happens every time someone walks into a store, mall,church or school and shoots a bunch of fellow human beings?  The gun is the evil one and must be removed from society. The shootings in El Paso and Dayton are the most recent examples.  However there was a most important difference in these two shootings.  In Dayton the police were there quickly and in time to shoot the killer dead.  In El Paso, Texas, a state where open carry is legal no shots were fired at him and he was arrested (too bad).  Just take a look at mass shootings of the past.  They all occur in places with signs prominently displayed announcing "GUN FREE ZONE".  That is an invitation to come on in and shoot us.
In some states schools are starting to train school teachers and employees the use of firearms.  Good idea.  Then take down the "invitation to mayhem" signs and replace with, "Employees are armed"!
If automobiles were treated the same as firearms we would all be walking!...Medicineman!

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