Wednesday, April 3, 2019


It seems to me, who is well past 80 year mark, that the American people today have decided that they have no shame, and will do anything to keep from doing anything (for themselves).  Now we all know that's a broad statement, and  there are many of the 300,000,000+ citizens still  in their right minds, but the list seems to be shrinking.
Our population is full of citizens ( leave out the illegals) who cannot tell you, for instance, how many members of the Supreme Court there are, nor name one.  Many do not know the capitol of their state.  Ask for the name of their congressman or senator, zip!  Even now are members of Congress who fall into that number, and some are running for President!  Egads!  Ask about the Declaration of Independence and get a blank stare.  How many have read the Constitution?  Who is Vice President?  What is the name of their State Governor and how many Senators does your state have and what are their names?
Colleges are turning out graduates who think YOU should pay off their student loan, and hire them although they have not learned anything saleable in the market place.  Oh yes they do have a good supply of "gimmees".  That includes free health care and a "fair" wage.
A few years ago we fought a terrible war in Viet Nam which was fed with draftees and was condemned on many fronts which led to the end of the Draft.  From that point on, I believe, our youth began the down-hill slide we are in today.  The draft was "Man Builder" and we should bring it back!...Medicineman!

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