Monday, February 11, 2019


The banners are everywhere---MEDICARE FOR ALL.  Free health care for those who need it (and those who THINK they need it) sounds like something we all could use.  "Boy that would really save us a lot of money" is the common response when the question is asked.  Take a look at facts.
It is estimated to cost the people of this country 2.4 trillion dollars a year to fund such a plan.  That is a lot of greenbacks in anyone's neighborhood.
Think about what would happen to insurance companies.  they would be out of business.  The people who work there would be out of work, unemployed that is.  But they would be taken care of when they became undernourished.  And for free!  We would need to train more physicians, nurses, ambulance drivers, paramedics, etc.  Oh yes, almost forgot---need to build more hospitals, clinics etc.  How about the emergency rooms?  They would be overflowing (worse than now) with snot-nosed kids and head colds and coughs, etc.  Because if care is free why go to the drug store and buy cold medicines?
If what I am portraying seems a little extreme just look around at those countries that have tried socialized medicine;  every one is a disappointment.  Waiting times for treatment prompt people to come to the United States from Canada, and even pay, because they get treated now.
Socialized Medicine is a bad idea whose time to fade away has come!....Medicineman!  

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