Saturday, December 30, 2017


I do not know who wrote this.  I repeat it here because I agree with it. I do not want anyone to give me credit for it's content but I do want you to enjoy as I did.  Here goes:
"I'm a bad American.>I am the liberal-progressive's worst nightmare. >I believe in God.>I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family.>I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, nor does it entitle you to anything.>I have never owned a slave, was a slave, never burned a witch at the stake and was never persecuted by the Turks.  Neither were you so shut-up already.>If you were born here and don't like it you're free to leave and become a citizen of whatever communist nation will have you.>If you don't like the way things are here go back and try to change your own country.  We like America the way it is.>I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God whenever and wherever they want to.>I believe that cops have a right to pull you over if you're breaking the law regardless of what color you are.>I believe that owning a gun makes you a smart American.  I own two.>I,m proud that 'In God We Trust' is written on our money.>I'd like to know exactly what church the Reverend Jesse Jackson belongs to, who pays him/ and why he's always a part of the problem and never offers a solution.>I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac do it in English.>I believe that illegal is illegal.  Enough said.>I believe that Americans should work.  Get a job.>I believe that we should all work hard - this means you too Mr. President.>I believe that the American Flag is the only one that should be allowed in America.>If all of that makes me a bad American --I'm ok with that.  I'm just sayin......Medicineman!

Sunday, December 10, 2017


The book NO LIBERTY FOR LICENSE was written by David Lowenthal a few years ago and published in 1997.  The book is well worth the reading of every American just to remind us of what has happened and will continue to happen to the founder's ideas put forth in the 1st Ammendment.
In the conclusion to his writing is the following: The renewal we need must be moral, rational, and spiritual all at once.  The incentive for it can be furnished not by some artificial vision of America's future but by the memory of her past.  We have allowed ourselves to be pulled from our natural moorings and now live immersed in a world artificially molded by technological advances and the mass media.  A sierra Club that brings us back occasionally to the natural wilds is not enough.  It is in the texture of our every day lives that we must attempt to regain the marvelous simplicity that was ours for so long.  It is in cultivating the memory of our past---our great accomplishments as a nation, our outstanding individuals, our pious, sober, and loving families, our great authors and artists, our active industries, our music, folk and popular---that we can best keep from being engulfed by the present and renew our democratic humanity in the highest sense.  Whether or not this can be done we do not know, but whoever finds practical ways of doing it will earn the eternal gratitude of his countrymen, and the world besides.  We have perhaps been the most forward-looking nation: now we must look backward, regaining the past for the present, in order to be able to look forward well again...........Medicineman!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


The sneak attack on U.S. Naval Fleet in the Pacific was supposed to so damage the United States that Japan would "own" the Pacific with it's rich supply of oil and minerals which Japan sorely needed.
Although the damage was extensive and the loss of life, some 2,400 souls, a tremendous blow, the Japanese failed to trap our Air Craft Carriers at Pearl.  It would prove to be their downfall.
Mitsue Fuchida was General Commander of the Air Squadron and led the attack on Pearl Harbor and the man whoi radioed the message to the Jap fleet, "Toro-Toro-Toro mission successful".
The end of the war marked the end of  Fuchida's military career.  Though he was never charged with war crimes he was called several times to testify.  One day as he stepped off a train he was handed a pamphlet entitled "I was a prisoner of Japan" by a man named Jacob DeShazer.  Jacob was a soldier on KP duty in California when he heard the news of Pearl Harbor.  A month later he volunteered for Col. Doolittle's raid on Japan.  He became a prisoner when his plane ran out of fuel over China and they landed in Jap territory.  He spent 40 long months in prison and while there became a Christian, and when he was released, a missionary to Japan where he handed that tract to Fuchida, a Buddhist, who began reading the bible and became a Christian.......Medicineman!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Today's continuous, repetitive, often boring and untrue news (so called) seems to home in on President Trump's sometimes, "rude and crude", behavior.  Granted, he is often quick with the remarks better left unsaid.  He often violates the first rule of politics, ie, Never be defensive, stay on the offense!  But, he does get things done!
When President Lincoln called on General Grant to lead the Army of the Republic he was advised by many to not use this man who drank too much and presented a sloppy demeanor.  "Why he even wore a private's top coat and no starred epaulets!"  Lincoln's reply was, "I need this man---he fights".  Where would we have been without leaders in our wars like "Teddy" Roosevelt, "Black Jack" Pershing, MacArthur, Patton and "Chesty" Puller?  Out of step with the "nice" guys sometimes, but they got the job done..........Medicineman!  

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


A Marine died today, November 28, 2017.  That has become so common in the last few years that hardly any mention is made of it in today's world news.  But this marine was special.  He was born in 1922 and when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 ("A day that will live in infamy") he decided he wanted to fight the Japanese, so he joined the Marines.
This marine was part of the invasion of Saipan Island commanding a flame throwing tank he called "Nobby".  Then he drove that same "Nobby" ashore on Iwo Jima where the volcanic sand and a shell hole caused "Nobby" to lose a tread and this tank commander became a rifleman (which every marine is trained for).  His name is William H. Sutley, Cpl U.S. Marine Corp. and he lived a long, productive, and meaningful life and touched the lives of me and my family.  We love you Bill and all that remains is OORAH!........Medicinman!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


David Dunstan was at home with his family when he heard knocking at his back door.  Upon looking out the window he saw a man standing there with a large knife in one hand and a club in the other.  Dunstan went to his gun cabinet and grabbed his .22 caliber rifle and answered the door.  He held the man until the police arrived and took him into custody.  Oh, by the way, the rifle was not loaded.
The man had defended his family and one would think he was a hero of sorts, but not the police.  They confiscated his rifle along with his permit to have it.
No, it did not happen here in the U.S.A. but in Australia where for the last twenty years gun ownership has been drastically curtailed.  You see, Dunstan's permit was "for vermin".  I guess a man bent on doing harm to you and your family is not considered "vermin".
The gun haters in this country are advocating the same kind of Anti-gun laws in this country every time there is a shooting in a church or school or mall (usually "Gun Free zones").  So be vigilant.  Be aware.  Be alert and protect your Second Amendment rights!..Medicineman! 

Sunday, November 19, 2017


In New Jersey Bob Menendez, US Senator has just escaped by the skin of his teeth and a Hung Jury.
The federal charges were bribery, fraud, conspiracy and perjury.  Serious charges for most of us.
Senator Bob is friends with an ophthalmologist, Solomon Melgen who was convicted in April of stealing from you and me by wrongfully billing Medicare more than 100 million dollars.  You want to know how Menendez is involved in this.  Well, it seems that Melgen bribed the good senator with private flights, vacations in the Caribbean and hundreds of thousands of dollars in political contributions.  Then, it seems, visas showed up for Melgen's girl friends and ole' Bob put in a good word with the State Department for Melgen's Dominican Republic Companies.  Just 'business as usual' in the "Swamp".......Medicineman!

Thursday, November 2, 2017


Unlike Puerto Rico today, in 1950 they were screaming for independence.  Pro-independence activists Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola hatched a plot to assassinate President Truman.  It was November 1, 1950 and Truman was staying at Blair House while the White House was being renovated.
Torresola was the only one skilled in the use of fire arms and the ones chosen for the deed were a German Luger and a P-38 pistol.  Collazo did not even know how to load his pistol.  They were much aware that they would be killed.  The plot was hatched in New York City.  They took the train to Washington and went to Blair House, with Torresola approaching the entry gate on foot while Collazo walked up behind Capitol Police Officer Donald Birdzell,who was standing on the steps of Blair House.  Collazo had failed to chamber a round and the pistol did not fire but just as Birdzell turned he chambered a round and shot him in the knee.  Hearing the shots Secret Service Agent Vincent Mroz rushed outside and shot Collazo on the front steps.  Two other agents also fired on Collazo.
Meanwhile Torresola approached the guard booth at the west corner of the property and shot officer Leslie Coffelt four times, mortally wounding him.  He then turned to the house and fired on the officers there wounding two.  While reloading, Officer Coffelt staggered outside his booth and fired once hitting Torresola in the head killing him instantly.  The whole affair lasted about 40 seconds.
Officer Coffelt died four hours later!......Medicineman!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


The Spanish American War on 1898-99, though short lived, produced enormous changes in the United States.  We now became overseers of Cuba and gained ownership of the Philippine Islands as well.  There was a faction in the islands that violently opposed that arrangement, mostly the Moros in the southern islands, Mindanao and Samar.
What came to be known as the Balangiga Massacre took place on September 28, 1901 in Eastern Samar.   Company C of the 9th U.S. Infantry Regiment from Wyoming was ambushed by Filipino fighters from the village of Balangiga while eating breakfast, killing 48 and wounding 22 of the 78 men of the unit.  The villagers captured about 100 rifles and 25,000 rounds of ammunition.  An estimated 20-25 villagers were killed in the fight
General Jacob H. Smith ordered the village of Balangiga burned and any Filipino male over the age of ten bearing arms be shot on the spot.  Because the Catholic Church bells were used to signal the attack those three bells were taken as war booty. Two of these bells reside at what is now called F. E. Warren Air Force Base in Chyenne Wyoming.  The third bell went to the Madison Barracks Sackets Harbor  New York where the 9th U.S. Infantry Regiment was stationed at the turn of the century.  That bell is now at Camp Cloud in Korea, their present station.
For some 15 years there has been an attempt to return the bells to the Philippines.  But as of now they remain where they have been for over 100 years............Medicineman!

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Millionaire children playing a game while insulting the flag of the country that allows them to play the game shameful to say the least.
The following essay was written by the wife of a veteran at the height of the "Flag burning crowd" a few years ago.  It deserves to be read again at this time.
"Can we talk?  There are some things on my mind I really feel the need to share with you."
"Do you have any idea what it feels like to grow old----to see young people lacking respect for you?  Oh yes, I've heard it all--times have changed--what used to be important just isn't chic anymore--it's old fashioned and out of step."
"Let me just tell you something for you to think about.  I've been spit upon!  Some people today ignore me completely--as if I weren't even there.  But-- mostly, I guess, being shut up in the house and never being remembered at all is the most degrading."
"There are times I wonder what the parents of the youth of today are doing to promote the attitudes currently popular.  Perhaps a program to reeducate the parents is in order.  The kids are so far gone, the roots are planted in apathy.  My great, great--oh, goodness, ever so many greats ago--was tenderly made by the hands of a lady named Betsy Ross.  Since my heritage began--men have fought for me--stood up for me in the face of extreme adversity-- and, yes, even died for me.  I've had many changes in my growth--my design and the number of the stars in my crown have grown.  I think I'll 'bust' sometimes when I reflect on the glorious changes.  And--then--the sudden reality of the changes in attitudes toward me and my frbearers hurts me so.  I've been so proud to represent the great U.S.A."
"I guess the best part of a good talk is getting some things off your chest.  But I hope you'll think about some of the heartfelt things I've said.  I do love you, America."  
OLD GLORY...................Medicineman!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


The Battle of Yorktown was fought in October and marked the end off our War for Independence.  The year was 1781 and after 6 years of struggle and war with the British Empire our ancestors were now Americans and ready to write our Constitution.
The battle was won by 17,000 + Continentals and French against some 8,600  British Regulars and their German Hirelings when The British surrendered to General Washington.
But the story behind the story is this:  James Armistead, a slave in Virginia wanted to help his country and he offered to carry messages through the lines and at the same time collect information of the movements of the British.  He became a spy!  His help was noted by the Congress and he was later voted a military pension.......Medicineman!

Friday, October 6, 2017


FLAGS AT HALF-MAST.  HOURS OF TV COVERAGE.  MILLIONS DONATED TO HELP.  All for the thousands attending a rock band entertainment in Las Vegas.   Yes, the shooting is a tragic thing and many suffered and some died.  I sympathize completely!
In the meantime three American Green Beret Soldiers are killed in the far off country of Niger while trying to help the terrorized poor people of this remote place that most of us cannot find on the globe, and there is barely mention of them on the evening news!  Our values have really slipped!....Medicineman!

Thursday, October 5, 2017


All the news coverage of the shooting in Las Vegas causes more questions than answers.  Example:  why did it take Swat Cops 72 minutes to get to the scene and breach the door?  Mystery #2: he fired 1700 rounds, they say, but the pictures show only a few empties laying around? #3: If that many were fired why did the smoke alarm not go off?  There would have been a lot of smoke in the room? #4: If you have ever fired several rounds from your hunting rifle in rapid succession you know how hot the rifle gets and the empties  as well?  Then the "News Media" calls the place a "Snipers Nest", but no sniper rifle in sight?  Now the first thing from the "Schumer crowd" is more "Gun control".  Oh Yeah, that would stop all of this---wow why didn't I think of that???Medicinman!

Saturday, September 23, 2017


Professional athletes play for money, big bucks, to dazzle the fans with their skill.  So why is it that they have to be such ASSES?
These guys who "take the knee" rather than show respect for the flag of the country that gives them the chance to make the big bucks while at the same time thumbing their nose at the men and women who have died to protect their sorry lives make me sick!
Now those who are invited to the White House are saying they won't go because they don't like Trump.  OK, don't go.  Turn in your jersey and leave the game.  As far as I am concerned you won't be missed!......Medicineman!


Being a veteran of the Korean War.  (at least those who were there thought it was a war) I feel that I have the right to an opinion on the subject of "Victimology" that is sweeping our country today.  Right along with everyone being a victim is intolerance. 
I read someplace that about 28% of college students today know what is in the First Amendment to our Constitution, The Bill of Rights.  What a pity.  So on the campuses of our colleges and Universities the hoodlums run amuck, yelling and screaming and even beating up on those who are trying to practice their 1st Amendment rights.
If one thinks about the subject for very long it is easy to figure out that we are ALL victims in one way or another.   When growing up not everyone was the first kid picked for the scrub baseball game.  I was often the last.  Did I think I was a victim?  No!  I was glad to get to play.  If some bigger kid picked on me in school I found a way to take him behind the gym and fix the problem.  If I couldn't handle him I got some help.  But I wasn't a victim, just a participant.
Colleges have missed the boat by allowing it to go on.  Too many "Safe Havens" and other ideas to appear to be doing something instead of confronting the trouble makers with force.  A knock on the head or a kick in the seat of the pants and expulsion from school would help.
I may be too old for this world today but, let us not forget that for every action there is a reaction!....Medicineman!I

Sunday, September 17, 2017


OPERATION MARKET GARDEN.  This from original World War II Newsreels and field reports:
(September 17, 1944)  
Some three and a half months after D-Day, British Field Marshall Montgomery has launched Operation Market Garden, with some 30,000 airborne troops parachuting into Holland.  The objective of Monty's daring feat is to capture bridges over Dutch waterways, thereby allowing Allied forces to push deep into Germany.
 A live broadcast from a B-17 carrying airborne troops:  "Now we are over Holland and I'm going to move forward up to the pilot's compartment.  The nine planes ahead of us have just dropped their contingent, the dome-shaped outlines of parachutes swaying gently against the morning sky.
You can probably hear the snap as our men check the lashing on the starting line.  And here they go - one, two, three, seven, ten, fifteen - every man out of the plane and their chutes open."
From the 17th to the 25th, the raid was a failure.
Allied losses were 17,200.  Germans- 9,500.........Medicineman!

Saturday, September 2, 2017


Jeremiah Denton was a Navy Pilot who spent 7 years and seven months as a P.O.W. in North Vietnam.  Four of those years were spent in solitary confinement and was brutally treated and beaten many times, defying his captors time after time.
When released in 1973, he was the first off the plane and stepped off smiling and offered no complaints.  From and article written by Fred Barnes, here is what Denton said, "We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances.  We are profoundly grateful to our commander in chief and to our nation for this day.  God bless America."........Medicineman!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


The United States left Viet Nam in 1975 after spending our youth and dollars, a little at a time, and promptly put an end to the Draft.  Oh, by the way, we won the war in Nam and lost it in the news papers.
But the point of this missive is to convey to all my belief in the "Draft", Universal Military Training, if you will.  Since we, as a nation, did away with the Draft in favor of an all volunteer army look at what has happened to our youth.
So many of our young people have no discipline, no direction, no drive to succeed and no pride in self.  I maintain that two years of service in the military will produce a much different citizen than we see on the streets of many of our cities today.  The services instill a sense of pride in self and purpose in life. 
There are many things they can do in service to their country that do not require them to carry a weapon.  In the years of the "Great Depression", the 30's, the Civilian Conservation Corps, better known as the CCC was formed to clean up public parks, build camp sites, build roads and many other public facilities.
The point of all this is to teach our young people that there is more to life than just "hanging around" or "shooting a few baskets" or "snorting coke".  What a waste!.....Medicineman!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


For several days now the President has been attacked by the networks journalists (so called) for what happened in Charlottesville even after he has made the same statement over and over.
Was it a bad thing that happened?  Yes!  Has he said so? Yes! Now let's see if we can make some sense out of it.
The city decided to move the statues.  Some citizens thought it was a bad idea.  A group made up of KKK, White Supermen and others who opposed the move got a permit to "Peacefully Assemble".  Another group (who had no permit) confronted them in the street and the fight began.  Oh, and by the way, that bunch carried clubs.
You may ask, "Where were the police?"  Out manned, or something like that, was the excuse used to explain their actions (or lack of).  The "Main stream" press missed most of what I just pointed out!....Medicineman!

Monday, August 14, 2017


You remember High School Physics.  Everybody took it and some even remembered the basics.  For instance; What goes up must come down; Objects fall at a fixed rate of speed; Every action has a reaction, etc.
Let's talk about the action and reaction. The City Council in Charlottesville, VA decided to move monuments to Confederate heroes from the dedicated ground where they had stood for about 150 years to some other place (perhaps out of the way).  While it may have been a sound decision at the time the results were not so sound.  Many of the folks took umbrage to the idea and the word spread.  We saw the results in the streets of Charlottesville the other night.
This country was torn by Civil War and nearly destroyed and Americans fought on both sides for what they believed.  Both were led by great men who deserve their place in history.
We must teach our children the true history of how this country came to be or we can never survive the kind of street war we are exposed to more and more frequently!........Medicineman!

Sunday, August 13, 2017


Here it is ---back again.  Perhaps it never left?
When WWII ended we owned all of Korea.  Taken from the Japs who had been there some 200 years with their boot heal on their throats.  What did we do? We gave half of it to Stalin along with Manchuria (after he declared war on Japan a week before the surrender) and put the divider at the 38th parallel.  It was right back there again in 1953 after we lost some 35,000 men and another 8,000 plus MIA.
Now we have the offspring of the madman who was there in the '50's blowing his fireworks for all the world to see and begging for a fight.  South Korea is in pretty good shape to handle that "Idiot" close in and if he sends one our way put his lights out---what few they have up there.  Don't send our team back in that "Hell-Hole"!..........Medicineman!I

Sunday, July 30, 2017


When asked about our American Revolution the student of our history will most often know about, "The Boston Massacre", "Bunker Hill", "Lexington and Concord".  And then that student might say, "Oh, and the, "Boston Tea Party". That is our subject today.
Of the four English ships that sailed into port with the tea shipment only three docked.  The fourth was held up because of an outbreak of smallpox and had to be cleansed and "smoked".
"The sons of Liberty" that raided the ships disguised as Mohawk Indians were not the "Mob" of "ruffians" often described, but, actually a well disciplined group of citizens.  Did they destroy private property?  Yes!  Because the tea was owned by someone other than those who dumped in in the harbor.  But, only the tea was harmed.  They worked carefully for three hours at the task of opening the crates, throwing the tea in the bay and, because of low tide leaving only three feet of water, scattering the heaps of tea that formed.  They took great care to make sure that other goods on the ship was kept from harm.  They even straightened up the cargo, repaired the lock they broke and swept and cleaned up the mess they made.  And Samuel Adams (only his enemies called him "Sam") was not in the crowd but watched from shore......Medicineman!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


When I take my morning walk I sometimes, (no, always) end up having coffee with the boys.  Who are the "Boys"?
First of all you must realize that they are not really "boys".  They are mostly retired, mostly old, mostly alone and mostly talkers.  We all like to talk.  The problem is finding a time when your thoughts will be heard and considered, even though you have concluded that they are the most important words spoken so far.
Are they truthful, these remarks?  Mostly.  But now and then somebody comes up with a wild story that happened fifty years ago (maybe more) and of course not disputable.  Most of the coffee drinkers are veterans of the various conflicts from Korea, Nam, Desert Storm and all the other"incidents" so all have stories to tell.  Most of them happened just the way they tell it.  They saw it that way!
You may ask, "What good does it do"?  Good question!  "What harm does it do"?  Another good question!  The thing to remember is that some of these "story  tellers" would be sitting alone at home slowing slipping into that dark spot called Depression if not for COFFEE WITH THE BOYS!......Medicineman!

Monday, July 24, 2017


The 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry, the "Rough Riders" that Teddy Roosevelt became famous for during the Spanish American War in the late 19th century was under the command of General Leonard Wood.  Many a draftee walked through the gates of Fort Leonard Wood (often called "Lost in the Woods").  He became a close adviser to Roosevelt and would remain so throughout his life.
 Leonard Wood graduated Harvard Medical School and became a Army contract surgeon and was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1886 for carrying dispatches through enemy territory and leading hand-to-hand combat against the Apache in the last Geronimo campaign.
In 1890 in became the second head football coach of Georgia Tech.  He then served as personal physician to presidents Cleveland and McKinley.
He was military governor of Cuba and the U.S. commander in the Philippines and in 1910 , he was the Army Chief of Staff.  He was one of the first patients to undergo successful brain surgery to remove a tumor.
He served as the military governor of the Philippines in 1920's and died in 1927. ...Medicineman!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


If one listens to the Network News Outlets today all we hear is how President Trump is trying to destroy his own country.  He does nothing right and everything wrong.  His mouth is full of heresy and lies and cannot be trusted with our country.  He should be impeached, now!
Who says so?  Well, those unnamed sources.  There is the story from a reliable but unknown person.  The major, front page piece that tears Trump apart and then buried at the end is the statement that none of the story can be verified! 
There is no doubt that the left wing press wants Trump out.  Up to 90% of their coverage is Anti Trump!  They are not even trying to cover up this fact.  The good things that come from the Trump people are not mentioned.  One has to read them in publications like Weekly Standard, Newsmax, Heritage Foundation, etc.
The goal of the left is to destroy the People's Choice!.....Medicineman!

Monday, July 10, 2017


In 1935 a small plane crashed in northern Alaska.  That fact would hardly have made the news but for the fact that it killed Will Rogers along with his One-eyed pilot Willy Post.
Will Rogers was the highest paid actor in Hollywood and made 71 movies, 50 of them "Silent Films".
Will Rogers biographer P.J. O'Brien told an account of how, in Congress, a U.S. Senator arose to read into the Congressional Record one of Rogers' comments.  Another Senator objected to the procedure.  Rogers later gave his own impression of the incident: "This other Senator rose and said, 'Does the gentleman yield?", wrote Rogers.  "They always call each other gentlemen in there.  By the tone they put in the word it would be more appropriate if they came right out and said, "Does the coyote from Maine yield?" 'Then the man from Maine says, "I yield,' for if he don't, the other guy keeps on talking anyhow.  So the coyote from Maine says, 'I yield to the polecat from Oregon.'  So when all the yielding and objecting is over, the other Senator said, 'I object to the remarks of a professional joker being put into the Congressional Record.'  Taking a dig at me, see?"  'They didn't want any outside fellow contributing.  Well, he had me wrong.  Compared to them I'm an amateur, and the thing about my jokes is they don't hurt anybody.  You can say they're not funny or they're terrible or they're good or whatever it is, but they don't do no harm.  But with Congress--every time they make a joke, it's a law.  and every time they make a law, it's a joke." ....Medicineman!

Thursday, July 6, 2017


The facts you are about to read are lifted from an article written by Fred Barnes in 2014, the year this remarkable man died at the age of 89.
Jeremiah was a Navy pilot when he was shot down in Vietnam and became a POW.  Denton remained a prisoner for 7 years and 7 months.  He defied his captors and suffered right along with those he led at the Hanoi Hilton.  He spent four years in solitary confinement, beaten brutally many times but continued to defy his captors year after year and suffered right along with those he led.
When he and the others were released in 1973 he was the first man off the plane.  He was smiling.  His words were, "We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances.  We are profoundly grateful to our commander in chief and to our nation for this day.  God bless America."
In 1966 Denton was interviewed by his captors for a propaganda film.  He was asked what did he think about the American bombing campaign?  "I don't know what is happening, but whatever the position of my government is, I believe in it...and I will as long as I live. "As he spoke he blinked the word "t-o-r-t-u-r-e" in Morse code.  For that defiance he was thrown into a cell called Alcatraz.
In 1980 he ran for the Senate seat from Alabama.  Republicans feared he could not win.  He won by 40,000 votes.....Medicineman!

Monday, June 26, 2017


Our founding fathers constructed a document so unique and so remarkable as to form a system run by, of all things, the people; as Franklin is quoted when answering the lady's question, "What kind of a government did you gives us" with this response, "A Republic, if you can keep it".
Our Constitution gave us three branches of Government, separate but equal. The first being the Legislative branch, made up of the people's choice.  The second branch, Executive, was expected to enforce the laws written and passed by the People's Representatives while the third branch devoted their time to making sure that those laws followed the intent of the Constitution.  There you have it.  Simple and easy to understand.
Two hundred years later we start seeing the fourth branch wedge itself into our Government.  What  fourth branch?  You may ask.  Bureaucrats, hired hands with no authority except that given them by a lazy and inept Legislature.  Those bureaucrats, not elected by the people, only hired hands, many who have made a career of spending taxpayer's money while writing rules and regulations that amount to laws.  Even those good, hard working people in the "fourth" branch are part of the problem!  "A Republic, if you can keep it".....Medicineman!   

Saturday, June 24, 2017


The U.S. Frigate "Constellation" was the first ship of the Navy.  She was completed several months before the famous U.S.F. "Constitution", still under sail and berthed in Boston.  The "Constellation" saw action on numerous occasions during the 18th and early 19th Century.  She remained on the Navy's active list until 1955, and during World War II was the flagship of the Atlantic Fleet......Medicineman!

Monday, June 19, 2017


In 1871 Frederick Douglas was speaking of the Army.  He reminded the nation with these words what the recent struggle meant.  "We must never forget that the loyal soldiers who rest beneath this sod flung themselves between the nation and the nation destroyers.  If today we have a country not boiling in an agony of blood (like France)--if now we have a united country, no longer cursed by the hell-black system of human bondage--if the American name is no longer a by-word and a hissing to a mocking earth--if the Star-Spangled Banner floats only over free American citizens in every quarter of the land, and our country has before it a long and glorious career of justice, liberty, and civilization--we are indebted to the unselfish devotion of the noble army who rest in these honored graves all around us."....Medicineman!

Thursday, June 15, 2017


"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands.....etc."  This document goes on to say, the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" entitles them to respect and requires that they should declare the causes of the separation.
If it has been  awhile since you read this remarkable document it will do you good to read it now.
The document goes on to detail the repeated injuries and usurpations of the King of England.
The signers of this declaration go on to list the reasons for this action in very plain language.  Among the many:  He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws unless the people relinquish their right of Representation in the Legislature;  He has dissolved legislative bodies repeatedly; He has refused to assent to laws, the most necessary for the good of the people;  He has made judges dependent to his will; He has made the Military independent and superior to Civil Power; He has quartered large bodies of armed troops among us, cut off trade with all parts of the world, imposed taxes without our consent, deprived us, many times of trial by jury.  The list goes on.  Read it and see why these men invoked the "protection of Divine Providence" and pledged to each other, "our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." ..Medicineman!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


He was 15 years old when they landed; landed where?  On a pork-chop shaped island in the Pacific called Iwo Jima.  Yes he was a Marine.  Yes he was found out and sent home.  But when they sent him home he was told to report for duty when he became 18.  He was a "Boy-Man"!
When the landings were made on D-Day, youngsters just out of high school charged into the hail of deadly fire and claimed the beaches.  They dropped out of the sky into the hail of anti-aircraft fire and landed in unfamiliar territory, and, yes, many died in both places, but they went on to defeat Hitler Inc. and they became the "Greatest Generation".  They too were "Boy-Men"!
In 1941, when we were attacked, the enlistment offices were swamped by young men wanting to serve.  They were all ages, from youngsters who lied about their age to oldsters who, likewise, lied about their age.  They were "Men"!
In today's world it is harder and harder to determine a "Man's" age.  The entertainment world has portrayed "Man" as a wimpy, simpleton.  The professional athlete, many times, comes across as a spoiled brat (over-paid)!  Colleges treat students like grade-schoolers, with "Safe Space", and worse.
Yes, it happened; and it happened because we, the people, allowed it to happen!...Medicineman!  

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


"A landing was made this morning on the coast of France by troops of the allied expeditionary force.  This landing was but the opening phase of the campaign of western Europe.  Great battles lay ahead.  Together we shall achieve victory."  The words of Supreme Commander General Eisenhower on June 6, 1944.
The allied invasion, in the planning stage for months, took place in the early hours of June 6 and filled the English Channel with ships of all descriptions.  Fighting ships, troop ships and landing craft.  150,000 allied troops landed that morning and many died in the attempt.  Many more rained down from the sky in the form of paratroopers.  The invasion of Europe was on, 73 years ago!...Medicineman!

Monday, June 5, 2017


The Central Overland California and Pikes Peak Express Company, better known as the Pony Express was founded by William H. Russell, Alexander Majors and William B. Waddell.
From April 3, 1860 to October 1861 the "Express" riders shortened the time for mail from the Atlantic to the new state of California to about ten days.  The Pony Express filled the need until the telegraph reach the coast.
Some famous names road for the Pony Express.  Bill Cody set records when he was just 15 years old.  And Billy Tate at 14 years of age rode the leg in Nevada near Ruby Valley.  During the Paiute uprising in 1860 Billy was chased and trapped in the hills.  During the fight he killed 7 of his assailants before being killed himself.  His body was found riddled with arrows but not scalped.  The Paiutes had great respect for his bravery......Medicineman!

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Journalism.  Once a respected profession.  Today?  Not so.
Some degree-heavy professor makes a statement about the world heating up and all the ice melting and floods consuming the earth.  It becomes headline news on the Net Works.  A wild-eyed filthy mouthed stand up comic says anything it's entertainment.  Some jerk burns the country's flag and its "free speech".  A bunch of hoods in black hoods trash a university campus to protest "free speech" and it becomes "free speech".  An American president goes to the Middle East and tells them they need to step up and help solve THEIR problems and catches hell from his own party. 
Journalists, so-called, who shove that recorder in the face of a political candidate (who has been harassed all day) and gets shoved and yelled at suddenly becomes the victim.  Go figure!..Medicineman!

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Tarawa, pronounced two ways; TA-RA-WA, OR TER-A-WA.  Either way the story is the same.
The battle of Tarawa was essentially the battle of Betio, a two mile ribbon of sand and coral in the Gilbert Islands, some 2500 miles southwest of Hawaii.
The planning was flawed.  The intelligence was bad.  The charts were wrong.  The bombardment was ineffective and the planes were late.  But the Marines assaulted anyway.
It was November 1943 and taking control of the south Pacific was paramount.  It cost the lives of 1,100 Americans in three days of intense fighting.
The Japanese were dug in and zeroed in on the beaches. Some of the Higgins boats had to discharge there Marines 600 yards from the beach because they were blocked by the coral reef when the tide changed.  Those Marines were forced to wade to shore in the face of withering machine gun and small arms fire.  2,500 other Americans were wounded in the fight while 17 of the 4,500 Japanese defenders survived.
The killed were hastily buried where they fell and remained there, carried as MIA until 1949 when the military review board declared many of them unrecoverable.  Now, 70 years later---thanks to the efforts of History Flight, a non profit group many of these Marines are coming home....Medicineman!

Monday, May 15, 2017


After one passes the Biblical "Three Score and Ten" the days seem to move along a little faster.  Now there is a way to stop that abruptly, but I will not go into that now.
After a recent trip back in time, that is, to my home town.  I left town, went to college and entered the Korean War and visited the old home place on a regular basis while family was still alive.  So far so good.
Now on this trip I find that every person I grew up with is gone.  Moved or died.  No body knows me any more.  The names I mentioned while resting in the Legion Club drew a blank stare-----except for one old geezer whose older brother was in school at the same time as I.  The stock answer was, "I don't remember."  Or maybe, "Before my time".  "What'd you say your name was?"  Old folks have a hard time remembering names!
It did serve as a good lesson for me though.  Stay on the move.  Be happy, wherever you are.  Make new friends, cause your old ones are gone.  And keep moving.  Makes you harder to hit!....Medicineman!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


On this date, April 18, 75 years ago, sixteen B-26 Medium Bombers with 5 man crews did what no  other Plane this size had ever done.  They took off from the deck of the USS Hornet CV-8 and bombed Tokyo, Japan.  The raid did little damage but was a huge boost in morale for the American people.  Pearl Harbor was fresh in the minds of us all.
One plane landed in The Soviet Union while the remainder crashed in China.  All but three crew members made it back to the states although the Russians detained the five that landed there for more than a year.
Jimmy Doolittle was awarded the Medal of Honor and promoted two ranks to Brigadier General......Medicineman!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

100 YEARS.....

Today, April 6, 2017 marks the anniversary of the United States entry into the "War to End All Wars", WWI.
Although it would be months before our troops entered the trenches, the fact that The United States had committed to the fight was a great boost in moral for the British and the French.  They had suffered through three years of a stalemate costly in lives as well as resources.
The first American to die in the war happened on April 1st when Chief Boatswains Mate John Eopolucci died in a lifeboat after the ship he was an Armed Guard on was torpedoed off the coast of France.  On April 7, our first shot of the war was by a Marine aboard the USS Supply when he fired a shot across the bow of  a German motorboat in Apia Harbor, Guam.
American troops did not enter the bloody trench stalemate until November.  There they were met by a new form of warfare---Gas!  Not yet fitted out with gas masks many suffered serious injuries and learned to combat the Mustard and the Chlorine gases by soaking a cloth in urine.
Space does not allow the "Rest of the story".  But it is important to know that in the year we were involved in the "Great War" almost 55,000 Americans were KIA, the last one just one minute after 11:00 Am, November 11, 1918.  His name was Pvt. Henry Gunther of A Co. 313th Inf Reg. when he charged a German machine nest.  He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross....Medicneman!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Any one who was there will tell you the same story------ships, all sizes and kinds, as far as one could see in all directions.  1500 ships and nearly 1000 carrier aircraft ready to support the combined Army and Marine landing forces.
It was the first day of April, 1945 and the invasion of Okinawa was about to start.  The invasion was the first to take place on Japanese territory.  It would be costly-----to both sides.
The U.S. combined forces numbered some 548,000 while Japan numbered about 130,000.  But they were no pushover by anybody's measure, well supplied, well prepared and well dug in, they were fierce defenders.  In  three months of fighting we suffered some 50,000 casualties.  Japanese losses numbered 124,755.  The Navy suffered some 350 Kamikazi attacks.  These were bomb-laden planes piloted by youngsters taught to take off but not how to land.  There job was to pick a ship and fly into same and do great damage.
On a personal note; I had a friend who was Executive Officer on a wooden hull mine sweeper.  A small vessel with a small crew and a big job.  They were to sweep the waters for mines before the invasion.  They would cruise back and forth in ever closer to the beech sweeps to clear the way for the landing.  Meanwhile, the enemy was firing at them constantly but, as he said, "We were so small they could never hit us!"  April Fool!.......Medicineman!

Thursday, March 30, 2017


This world has always been a dangerous place.  Think about it.  The history in the Old Testament is full of battles, hand to hand, thousands killed in a single day, one at a time, spear and sword.  Rome conquered the known world with an 18 inch sword.  God the creator made us a world that was perfect and man screwed it up.  So now what?
When trouble comes to our neighborhood we fight it.  If we don't we loose the neighborhood.  Churches preach "love one another", and we try to do that.  But, push comes to shove, preachers go to the fight.
March 17 is celebrated in Boston as :"Evacuation Day", marking the day the British were forced from the city after eleven months of occupation which started April 19, 1775 and lasted until March 17, 1776.
If we taught our children History today as it was taught in my day they would learn about the Battles of Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill and the formation of the American Army by George Washington.  They would learn that riders like Paul Revere road the countryside to warn of the British army coming to arrest John Hancock and Samuel Adams.  They would learn that they were staying with Pastor Jonas Clark, who with 77 militia met the British on the Green.  They would also learn that when the British moved on to Concord they were met by 400 militia led by Rev. William Emerson.  As the British retreated to Boston  our kids would how they were punished by patriots who fired on them all along the way.  Those patriots included many pastors from the surrounding countryside, such as Philps Payson and Benjamin Blach.  They did not cower behind the pulpit.
Our children should be taught this and much more.  They should know that the Blacks, free and slave stood shoulder to shoulder with their white brothers and fired that musket, and died as Americans.
The black community has much more to be proud of than to be complaining about, and we should teach it........Medicineman!

Saturday, March 25, 2017


Just a few years ago---when Lincoln was President Washington was truly a Swamp!  In the summers it was almost unbearable to live there.  Think about all the horses that transported folks in and out of town.  Or perhaps just stood there waiting for the owner to return.  Besides horses did you know that cows were grazed on the grass around the Capitol?  Hundreds of animals leaving their waste products where they landed.  Smell bad?  You can bet the farm on that.  Washington has come to be called,  "Foggy Bottom"from time to time, or perhaps just the "Swamp".
Now the town is full of politicians, lobbyists, hangers-on, wheeler dealers, and on and on.  President Trump is trying to fulfill the promise he made to "Drain the swamp".  Will he do it?  There is so much hate and opposition to Trump it will be a wonder if he can.  We have so many federal employees, sucking on the taxpayer's "teat", that belong to a powerful union, that makes the task of firing him/her monumental.
Many Republicans(in name only) support him unwillingly while others go so far as to oppose his efforts.  After all, he is not one of them, not politician enough and, of all things, he speaks his mind.  EGADS!...........Medicineman!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


General Robert B. Neller, USMC, highly decorate combat "Jarhead", Commandant of the Marine Corps. now sits before a Senate Committee, the target of long winded politicians while they absorb as much of the limelight as they can while asking mundane questions (that have no answer).
The problem is not with the Corps. but with those who would allow themselves to be photographed in the nude in the first place.
General Neller rightly says "the buck stops here", but I fail to see how this can be anything but an irresponsible act by young individuals eager to attract attention!
Such hearings demean the service and dedication to duty of millions of men and women who have made the "Corps" what it is!....Medicineman!

Saturday, March 11, 2017


She was just an old Italian Submarine in 1975, tired and worn out and now just $100,000 worth of scrap.  The USS Barb was given to the Italian Navy in 1953 after an incredible record in World War II service.
The USS Barb flew a battle flag unlike any other ship.  In addition to the Medal of Honor ribbon at the top of her flag identifying the heroism of her Captain, Cmdr. Eugene 'Lucky' Fluckey, at the bottom border she bore the image of a Japanese train locomotive Therein lies the story!
It was 4 A.M. July 18, 1945 in Patience Bay, off the coast of Karafuto, Japan.  Barb was on her twelfth war patrol, the fifth under 'Lucky' Flucky.  On January 8th they had sunk a large Jap Ammunition ship and then two weeks later in Mamkwan Harbor found more than 30 enemy ships.
In only 5 fathoms (30 feet) of water they launched the forward torpedoes, then turned and fired four from the stern tubes.  They recorded eight hits on six ships.
Now as they prowled slowly along the coast they noticed the trains that ran along the coastline, carrying supplies.  Cmdr. Fluckey decided to blow the rail line and a plan was designed to set a micro switch so that the train would blow itself up.
Billy Hatfield was a kid when he cracked walnuts under the pressure of trains on the ties and came up with this idea.  Eight sailors were picked, all single, except Hatfield, all departments represented, both USN and USNR and at least half had to have been Boy Scouts and experienced in medical emergencies.
July 23, 1945, the night was dark and the men went ashore in two rafts, set one of the subs 55 lb. scuttling charges and made there way back to the Bard, which now sat 600 yards off shore with only 6feet of water beneath her hull.  When they were only half way to the sub a train appeared on the scene and five minutes after the explosion lit up the sky they scrambled aboard and turned to watch the fireworks.  Moving at two knots it took them some time to reach deep water where they could submerge.  The Barb had sunk a Japanese Train!
The eight sailors who blew up the train conducted the ONLY GROUND COMBAT OPERATION on the Japanese homeland during World War ll.  GO NAVY!......Medicineman!

Sunday, March 5, 2017


He lost the popular vote, but he is still President.  Because he won the Electoral vote.  The press called him all kinds of names.  "He was not qualified to be President".  He would be an "embarrassment" and disgrace the office said the press.  He entered Washington surrounded by his enemies.  The opposition party vowed to see him fail and worked toward that end.
Yes, it sounds a lot like Lincoln.  He had the same political climate when he arrived in Washington.  As a matter of fact, Lincoln had to sneak into the Capitol like a thief in the night.  We all know the kind of President Lincoln became, and what it cost him.  Pray for our President!....Medicineman! 


When a couple of evil-doers break into a home and are shot by an eleven year old child who has learned the art of trap shooting and used her father's trap gun to dispatch the evil ones it is not news and does not make the papers.  When a motorist stops to aid a HP Officer being assaulted on the highway and is forced to shoot the malefactor, it is not news.  It is not worth the ink when a woman, home alone, scares off a would-be rapist with a shot through the door.
To the news agencies the gun is only a tool of destruction and mayhem, never the life saver it is time after time, day after day.  It is only news when a stolen gun is used to shoot up the neighborhood or kill a cop or citizen.  Then is when all the energy of the 4th estate is brought to bare on the GUN.  The gun is the problem and must be done away with.  Ban 'em all! is the cry, the only way, ban 'em all!
If motor vehicles were treated the same as guns we would all be walking!...Medicineman!

Friday, February 24, 2017


In 1943, with the assault of the island of Sicily pending, a plot was hatched to mislead the Germans as to the date and place of the invasion.  A plot so outrageous to be unbelievable.  An unclaimed cadaver was dressed in the uniform of a Major of Royal Marines.  He was given identity papers and various official letters along with detailed plans for the invasion (false of course) and delivered by submarine to a remote spot just off the coast of Spain and cast overboard.  The plan was for the body to wash ashore with the hope that the Spaniards would find the plans and turn them over to the German authorities.  To make it more believable his wallet contained a picture of fiancee, and 2 letters from her, book of stamps, identity card and pass, invitation to a club, one 5 pound note, three 1 pound notes, a half-crown, 2 shillings and 2 sixpence.  There was matches and cigarettes, keys and other pocket junk as well.  "The Man Who Never Was" worked!..............Medicineman.

Sunday, February 5, 2017


This will not be my account of the famous struggle to gain a base less than two hours flying time from Japan.  A struggle that cost Americans 26,038 casualties and Japan over 18,000.  A struggle that would last from February 19 to March 26, 1945.  The challenge I am offering is simple: you dig, read, research and find the story for yourself.  There is enormous info to be found. Photojournalists like Joe Rosenthal, books like "Flags of Our Fathers", written by James Bradley, son of John Bradley, one of the Flag raisers.  I promise, you will find the effort most rewarding!.Medicineman!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Our founding fathers designed a system that has worked, if not perfectly, at least in an orderly fashion for some 200 plus years.  In our system the elected President nominates those people he believes can do a good job and the elected members of the upper house ask him/her questions about the job they are picked to do and then vote Yes or No for confirmation.  That is Advise and Consent and is their constitutional duty! 
Today, we saw the  Senate Democrats shirk their duty by not showing up at the confirmation hearings, resulting in "crocodile tears" because their questions were not answered.  How do the American people put up with such behavior? ............Medicineman!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017


President Trump is used to critical press---after all, he has had a lot of it.  Perhaps every President has his share of "Critical Press".  But, it does seem to me that in very short order the guns of the "Mainstream Press" have been opened up on this one with extra vigor.
What we are witnessing now is the response to the Executive order closing the borders to non-citizens until they are vetted (a sensible idea it seems to me).  And guess what?  The yelling and arm-waving is coming from those cities called "Sanctuary Cities". 
One example of a good reason to close the borders is the story related by Laura Wilkerson about her 18 year old son who was tortured and killed by someone in our country illegally and who should have never been allowed in!....Medicineman!

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Now I am really confused---because I thought we just Gave the oath of office to one Donald Trump, Republican.  But everywhere I turn in the newspapers, TV and even Foreign press it seems the wrong man won.  Excuse me.  Wrong candidate.
I read George Will and The acceptance speech was a "Campaign Speech".  Others said the same thing.  God even showed his disfavor by sending rain when Trump started his speech.  Boy he must have really had it in for him and all those loyal supporters who came to watch and cheer.  The speech Trump made was certainly not meant to please politicians and the, so called, establishment, the Swamp Crowd.  It was spoken to the AMERICAN PEOPLE!  Yeeeesh!!
And that's another item I got wrong (I guess).  There weren't NEARLY as many people there as in the crowds of Obama (both times).  Maybe I can't count but it looked like a lot of folks took the time to show up several hours early and eagerly await a look at their man.  Most just want to see America get great again! .......Medicineman!

Thursday, January 19, 2017


When? 20 January 1942; What? The Wannsee Conference; Where? 56-58 Am GroBen Wannsee, a suburb of Berlin, Germany; Why? To plan the final solution to the Jewish question, whereby most of the Jews of German-occupied Europe would be deported to Poland and murdered.  The resulting "Death Camps" were liberated by Allied Armies, thus revealing to the world their grisly business in 1945.
When Hitler and his Nazi party came to power in January 1933 the Jewish population began to feel the pressure.  A Jew could not hold public office or obtain a Civil Service job.  All this done to pressure Jews to leave the country.  By 1939 some 250,000 Jews had Emigrated to the U.S., Palestine, Great Britain and other countries.
Businesses were boycotted and vandalized.  In 1935 laws were enacted that prohibited marriage between Jews and anyone of Germanic birth.  By decree a Jew was anyone with three Jewish grandparents or only two if they practiced the Jewish faith.  The killing also included gypsies, Prostitutes, Romani people and the mentally ill.
After the invasion of Poland in 1939 Hitler ordered the killing of the Polish leadership and intelligentsia. The SS was given the list of murders to be carried out.
After the start of Operation Barbarossa---the invasion of the Soviet Union, Comintern Officials, ranking members of the Communist party, extremists and radical members of the party were to be executed in addition to the Jews in party positions.
Poor harvests in 1940-'41 led to food shortages in Germany which led to the forced starvation of an estimated 4.2 million Soviet citizens in 1941-1944.  Such was Nazi Germany!.....Medicineman!
This from Wikipedia, and you may learn much from the entire piece! 

Monday, January 9, 2017


It seems that the whole country has learned a new way of talking since the twenty first century began.  Let me explain: when I was born the year was Nineteen Twenty Nine.  I started school in Nineteen Thirty Five.  And I graduated High School in Nineteen Forty Seven.  I was married, received a BS degree and joined the U.S. Navy all in the same year, Nineteen Fifty One.
Now, low and behold, I find that I have been wrong all these many years, and I discover that I should have been born in One Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Nine and I should have started school in One Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Five.  Then, by golly, I should have graduated High School in One Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Seven, and, well, you get the idea! 
I'm easily Bugged and I am Bugged!......Medicineman!


The Democrate Headquarters was Hacked!  Well, imagine that!  So what else is new?  Do we, in this day and age of electronic invasion of anybody's privacy, think that this could never happen?  Surely no one thinks the Demos are exempt from such treatment.
Face it folks.  You have no privacy!  Hacking of computers has become a major pastime and we have not found the way to prevent it........YET!
Ok!  Their headquarters were hacked alright!  The Russians did it, probably!  But, it is a stretch to say that they did it because they had it in for Hilary.  That is not the reason Clinton lost....not even close to why.  She lost because of who she is and what she said and what she has done in the past!  PERIOD........Medicineman! 

Monday, January 2, 2017


Americans fought and died for three years and nine months in WWII.  We were in Korea doing the same thing for three years plus; and Viet Nam some ten years.  Since then U.S.Troops deployed somewhere in the world have become so common that the only people who really are concerned are those families "with a dog in the fight" so to speak. 
Americans have suffered the loss of a loved one and waited while the flag draped casket was delivered. Others have waited in vain.  Much effort has been spent locating and recovering MIAs with more than a little success.
BUT!  Korea left us with 36,519 dead and some 8,400 MIAs and I would like to explain some facts that most Americans have never bothered to learn.  "Two-thirds of all American POWs in Korea died as a result of war crimes", according to U.S. war crimes investigation.  North Koreans killed the POWs taken in battles for Hill 312, Hill 303, the Pusan Perimeter, and Daejeon,  ALL of them! 
The Chinese rarely executed POWs preferring mass starvation and disease during the winter of 1950-51.  They withheld food to force prisoners to accept their indoctrination programs, Brain Washing, as it came to be known.
The movie "Manchurian Candidate" starring Frank Sinatra and Angela Landsbury, in 1962, was an example of the tactics of "Post hypnotic suggestion" used in Chinese prison camps.
We veterans of the "Forgotten War" have certainly NOT FORGOTTEN!...Medicineman!

Sunday, January 1, 2017


It's 2017.  All is quiet in the Halls of Congress.  Soon the new Congress will take their seats and the wheels of government will start to move again.  But the Peoples house will still contain the old tenant, Obama, until the 28th.
When Trump takes the oath of office and the seat of power that goes with it he and Obama will shake hands, wish each other well and go their separate ways.  Trump will move into the White House and Obama will leave town.  Or, perhaps not!
In my heart of hearts I cannot see Mr. Barack Hussain Obama going quietly.  Bush went back to Texas and shut his mouth.  Bill Clinton did much the same thing, but stayed in New York ( Arkansas did not want him back) and made speeches (raised money)!
Folks, do not look for this man to stay in the back ground and keep his mouth shut!....Medicineman!