Monday, July 10, 2017


In 1935 a small plane crashed in northern Alaska.  That fact would hardly have made the news but for the fact that it killed Will Rogers along with his One-eyed pilot Willy Post.
Will Rogers was the highest paid actor in Hollywood and made 71 movies, 50 of them "Silent Films".
Will Rogers biographer P.J. O'Brien told an account of how, in Congress, a U.S. Senator arose to read into the Congressional Record one of Rogers' comments.  Another Senator objected to the procedure.  Rogers later gave his own impression of the incident: "This other Senator rose and said, 'Does the gentleman yield?", wrote Rogers.  "They always call each other gentlemen in there.  By the tone they put in the word it would be more appropriate if they came right out and said, "Does the coyote from Maine yield?" 'Then the man from Maine says, "I yield,' for if he don't, the other guy keeps on talking anyhow.  So the coyote from Maine says, 'I yield to the polecat from Oregon.'  So when all the yielding and objecting is over, the other Senator said, 'I object to the remarks of a professional joker being put into the Congressional Record.'  Taking a dig at me, see?"  'They didn't want any outside fellow contributing.  Well, he had me wrong.  Compared to them I'm an amateur, and the thing about my jokes is they don't hurt anybody.  You can say they're not funny or they're terrible or they're good or whatever it is, but they don't do no harm.  But with Congress--every time they make a joke, it's a law.  and every time they make a law, it's a joke." ....Medicineman!

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