Sunday, January 1, 2017


It's 2017.  All is quiet in the Halls of Congress.  Soon the new Congress will take their seats and the wheels of government will start to move again.  But the Peoples house will still contain the old tenant, Obama, until the 28th.
When Trump takes the oath of office and the seat of power that goes with it he and Obama will shake hands, wish each other well and go their separate ways.  Trump will move into the White House and Obama will leave town.  Or, perhaps not!
In my heart of hearts I cannot see Mr. Barack Hussain Obama going quietly.  Bush went back to Texas and shut his mouth.  Bill Clinton did much the same thing, but stayed in New York ( Arkansas did not want him back) and made speeches (raised money)!
Folks, do not look for this man to stay in the back ground and keep his mouth shut!....Medicineman!

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