Tuesday, August 22, 2017


The United States left Viet Nam in 1975 after spending our youth and dollars, a little at a time, and promptly put an end to the Draft.  Oh, by the way, we won the war in Nam and lost it in the news papers.
But the point of this missive is to convey to all my belief in the "Draft", Universal Military Training, if you will.  Since we, as a nation, did away with the Draft in favor of an all volunteer army look at what has happened to our youth.
So many of our young people have no discipline, no direction, no drive to succeed and no pride in self.  I maintain that two years of service in the military will produce a much different citizen than we see on the streets of many of our cities today.  The services instill a sense of pride in self and purpose in life. 
There are many things they can do in service to their country that do not require them to carry a weapon.  In the years of the "Great Depression", the 30's, the Civilian Conservation Corps, better known as the CCC was formed to clean up public parks, build camp sites, build roads and many other public facilities.
The point of all this is to teach our young people that there is more to life than just "hanging around" or "shooting a few baskets" or "snorting coke".  What a waste!.....Medicineman!

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