Wednesday, August 16, 2017


For several days now the President has been attacked by the networks journalists (so called) for what happened in Charlottesville even after he has made the same statement over and over.
Was it a bad thing that happened?  Yes!  Has he said so? Yes! Now let's see if we can make some sense out of it.
The city decided to move the statues.  Some citizens thought it was a bad idea.  A group made up of KKK, White Supermen and others who opposed the move got a permit to "Peacefully Assemble".  Another group (who had no permit) confronted them in the street and the fight began.  Oh, and by the way, that bunch carried clubs.
You may ask, "Where were the police?"  Out manned, or something like that, was the excuse used to explain their actions (or lack of).  The "Main stream" press missed most of what I just pointed out!....Medicineman!

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