You remember High School Physics. Everybody took it and some even remembered the basics. For instance; What goes up must come down; Objects fall at a fixed rate of speed; Every action has a reaction, etc.
Let's talk about the action and reaction. The City Council in Charlottesville, VA decided to move monuments to Confederate heroes from the dedicated ground where they had stood for about 150 years to some other place (perhaps out of the way). While it may have been a sound decision at the time the results were not so sound. Many of the folks took umbrage to the idea and the word spread. We saw the results in the streets of Charlottesville the other night.
This country was torn by Civil War and nearly destroyed and Americans fought on both sides for what they believed. Both were led by great men who deserve their place in history.
We must teach our children the true history of how this country came to be or we can never survive the kind of street war we are exposed to more and more frequently!........Medicineman!
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