Wednesday, December 6, 2017


The sneak attack on U.S. Naval Fleet in the Pacific was supposed to so damage the United States that Japan would "own" the Pacific with it's rich supply of oil and minerals which Japan sorely needed.
Although the damage was extensive and the loss of life, some 2,400 souls, a tremendous blow, the Japanese failed to trap our Air Craft Carriers at Pearl.  It would prove to be their downfall.
Mitsue Fuchida was General Commander of the Air Squadron and led the attack on Pearl Harbor and the man whoi radioed the message to the Jap fleet, "Toro-Toro-Toro mission successful".
The end of the war marked the end of  Fuchida's military career.  Though he was never charged with war crimes he was called several times to testify.  One day as he stepped off a train he was handed a pamphlet entitled "I was a prisoner of Japan" by a man named Jacob DeShazer.  Jacob was a soldier on KP duty in California when he heard the news of Pearl Harbor.  A month later he volunteered for Col. Doolittle's raid on Japan.  He became a prisoner when his plane ran out of fuel over China and they landed in Jap territory.  He spent 40 long months in prison and while there became a Christian, and when he was released, a missionary to Japan where he handed that tract to Fuchida, a Buddhist, who began reading the bible and became a Christian.......Medicineman!

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