I do not know who wrote this. I repeat it here because I agree with it. I do not want anyone to give me credit for it's content but I do want you to enjoy as I did. Here goes:
"I'm a bad American.>I am the liberal-progressive's worst nightmare. >I believe in God.>I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family.>I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, nor does it entitle you to anything.>I have never owned a slave, was a slave, never burned a witch at the stake and was never persecuted by the Turks. Neither were you so shut-up already.>If you were born here and don't like it you're free to leave and become a citizen of whatever communist nation will have you.>If you don't like the way things are here go back and try to change your own country. We like America the way it is.>I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God whenever and wherever they want to.>I believe that cops have a right to pull you over if you're breaking the law regardless of what color you are.>I believe that owning a gun makes you a smart American. I own two.>I,m proud that 'In God We Trust' is written on our money.>I'd like to know exactly what church the Reverend Jesse Jackson belongs to, who pays him/ and why he's always a part of the problem and never offers a solution.>I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac do it in English.>I believe that illegal is illegal. Enough said.>I believe that Americans should work. Get a job.>I believe that we should all work hard - this means you too Mr. President.>I believe that the American Flag is the only one that should be allowed in America.>If all of that makes me a bad American --I'm ok with that. I'm just sayin......Medicineman!
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