Monday, May 15, 2017


After one passes the Biblical "Three Score and Ten" the days seem to move along a little faster.  Now there is a way to stop that abruptly, but I will not go into that now.
After a recent trip back in time, that is, to my home town.  I left town, went to college and entered the Korean War and visited the old home place on a regular basis while family was still alive.  So far so good.
Now on this trip I find that every person I grew up with is gone.  Moved or died.  No body knows me any more.  The names I mentioned while resting in the Legion Club drew a blank stare-----except for one old geezer whose older brother was in school at the same time as I.  The stock answer was, "I don't remember."  Or maybe, "Before my time".  "What'd you say your name was?"  Old folks have a hard time remembering names!
It did serve as a good lesson for me though.  Stay on the move.  Be happy, wherever you are.  Make new friends, cause your old ones are gone.  And keep moving.  Makes you harder to hit!....Medicineman!

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely on the move dad. Always moving. Keep it up.
