Tuesday, June 13, 2017


He was 15 years old when they landed; landed where?  On a pork-chop shaped island in the Pacific called Iwo Jima.  Yes he was a Marine.  Yes he was found out and sent home.  But when they sent him home he was told to report for duty when he became 18.  He was a "Boy-Man"!
When the landings were made on D-Day, youngsters just out of high school charged into the hail of deadly fire and claimed the beaches.  They dropped out of the sky into the hail of anti-aircraft fire and landed in unfamiliar territory, and, yes, many died in both places, but they went on to defeat Hitler Inc. and they became the "Greatest Generation".  They too were "Boy-Men"!
In 1941, when we were attacked, the enlistment offices were swamped by young men wanting to serve.  They were all ages, from youngsters who lied about their age to oldsters who, likewise, lied about their age.  They were "Men"!
In today's world it is harder and harder to determine a "Man's" age.  The entertainment world has portrayed "Man" as a wimpy, simpleton.  The professional athlete, many times, comes across as a spoiled brat (over-paid)!  Colleges treat students like grade-schoolers, with "Safe Space", and worse.
Yes, it happened; and it happened because we, the people, allowed it to happen!...Medicineman!  

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