A Marine died today, November 28, 2017. That has become so common in the last few years that hardly any mention is made of it in today's world news. But this marine was special. He was born in 1922 and when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 ("A day that will live in infamy") he decided he wanted to fight the Japanese, so he joined the Marines.
This marine was part of the invasion of Saipan Island commanding a flame throwing tank he called "Nobby". Then he drove that same "Nobby" ashore on Iwo Jima where the volcanic sand and a shell hole caused "Nobby" to lose a tread and this tank commander became a rifleman (which every marine is trained for). His name is William H. Sutley, Cpl U.S. Marine Corp. and he lived a long, productive, and meaningful life and touched the lives of me and my family. We love you Bill and all that remains is OORAH!........Medicinman!
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