Saturday, December 29, 2012

Obama's Plan to Cut Spending?

Obama seems bent on saving the average citizen (read serf) from a tax increase.  That's great.  We all like lower taxes, wherever they come from.  Of course we have a National Debt of some 16 Trillion dollars to deal with (and Obama wants the millionaires to pay it) and this president has over spent the income for the last 4 years by 1.3 Trillion dollars very year.  Now he plans to reward the elected servants of the people with a pay raise.  You read that right, a pay RAISE.  Starting with the VP and all members of both houses.  I guess everyone has done such a good job they need a bonus????  Oh yes I forgot to mention the 4 million dollar vacation for the Obamas.
Cutting the spending in Washington is the real key to our National Debt and should be very easy.  I suggest starting with a 10% cut in ALL DEPARTMENTS.  Then cut 10% from the pay of every Bureaucrat, every elected member of the House and Senate, and everyone in the White House.  After that go after Foreign Aide and stop paying those who vote against us in the UN.  Finally, speaking of the UN, drop our membership and stop supporting them and tell them to move.  I know this will not solve all the debt problem but it is a darn good start.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Tragidy at Newtown

The man with killing on his deranged mind entered the Elementary School with a good security system and killed at will before the Police got there.  So much for 911.  He was able to accomplish this terrible act because he had the only firearms in the building, a "Firearms Free" area.  So said the sign on the door.  Those in legislative positions, who know nothing of firearms or the use of same, pass these laws establishing gun-free areas and think that solves the problem.  Honest citizens obey the law.  However the criminal mind looks at that law the same way he looks at any other; it only applies to the honest man.  The creep with killing on his mind knows that he will not be challenged by an honest citizen with a gun.  In the case of Newtown this one had enough time to kill 26 people before the first officer arrived.  When faced with an armed man the coward took his on life.  How different it could have been if the principle had been armed ( she would be alive) or the trained and armed teacher.  Think about it Washington!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

America, Wake Up! Seek Ye The Truth!

You who reached the age of 80 years, and have worked since you were 15 years of age have paid into the Social Security "Trust Fund" for 65 years.  Since Trust funds always accrue interest at a most favorable rate you have every right to believe that your investment has grown.  Do you see where I am going with this?
Today you are hearing the Washington refrain, you are receiving an "entitlement".  In other words, you have your hand out for largess from the printing press in Washington.  How insulting can they get?  If the representatives of the people (who work for you, by the way) had the integrity that you have, they would return that money to the Trust Fund; problem solved!
As for Medicare, you pay every month, from your Social Security check, a portion to Medicare.  You get an "entitlement"?  Not on your life!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

What Now?

The election years (2010-2012) finally over, have left us with a President who thinks he has a mandate to spend-spend-spend.  Congress and the pres. are at odds over taxes and spending.  What everyone must get into their collective heads is this:  THE PROBLEM IS NOT HOW MUCH MONEY GOES TO WASHINGTON, THAT IS AT RECORD LEVELS, BUT HOW MUCH MONEY IS SPENT!  Obama has spent more money in four years than all other presidents put together.  PRAY AMERICA!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Pell Grants for illegals? You guessed it!

In Florida we see students in schools who are in this country ILLEGALLY.  They come from South America, apply for Pell grants and enter school with expenses paid by the Tax Payer.  At the same time they get cash to live and a card to eat on, paid for by, again, the Tax Payer.  I am all for education and it is good that someone wants to study and learn and become a Tax paying citizen.  However that is not the case with many of these illegal students.  They do not intend to even stay in our country.  Many just intend to get what they can for nothing and then go home.  How can this go on when the child of an American citizen cannot have the same treatment? 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Islam at war with US!

Obama says "We are not at war with Islam, and never will be."   Recent events prove otherwise.  One Ambassador and three other Americans dead and the black salafist flag flying over four embassies in the middle east belies that statement.  Islam is at war with the U.S.A.!  The man in the WH is a fool.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

U.S. Embasies and Consulates and Marines

On the anniversary of 9/11 the U.S. experienced attacks on U.S. soil again, in Egypt and in Libya.  Coincidence?  I doubt it.  These were planned attacks resulting in the death of the Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.  It now looks like the hired security (Libyians) ratted them out to the mob.  What ever happened to the practice of U.S. Marines staffing those posts and providing security???  As soon as the mob breached the wall they were invaders and should have been shot.

Friday, September 7, 2012

It' all up to YOU!

The political conventions are over,(thank God you say).  With a bevy of speakers telling us all manner of good things that will happen if we vote for them and how bad off we will be if we vote for the other guy.  Now it is up to us, the voter, to sort through the BS and extraneous matter and pick the right people.  It is hard for me to believe that with about 100 million gun owners and so many suffering from the bad economy that Obama can be elected.  However do not discount the power of his control of the union votes and the minority population.  The far left that is his base will do anything, anything and everything to win as they have done in the past.  This crowd wants everyone to be allowed to vote.  No questions asked.  No ID.  Just walk in and cast a ballot, legal or not.  So you know how they will play the game.  Be aware!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paul Ryan  is a good choice for VEEP.  He is well respected and recognized as the most learned member in the House on fiscal matters.  To say he is too young to be president; no executive experience; ignorant in foreign affairs pretty well describes the one in office NOW!  EGAD!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wise Words From Churchill

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.  It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery".    Winston Churchill

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Obama's Policy on OIL;?????????????

Obama has vigorously opposed all attempts to move Canadian Oil across the States and denied the pipeline until Canada will now sell it to China.  At the same time Obama gave 2 Billion to Petrobras (the Brazilian oil Co.) who intends to sell their oil to, guess who, China.  Oh yes, did I mention that Petrobras is owned by George Soros?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Light Hearted

The American Heritage Dictionary defines gay as Light-hearted; lively.  Or as slang for homosexual.  I have lived a lot of years and I can remember when that word was unheard of.  We just thought they were "Queer" in their actions and demeanor.  It was not a big deal.  Life went on and nobody forced anybody to do something contrary to the norm.  Just follow the rules and stay out of trouble.
What is happening now is one group of people demanding that their life-style be forced on everyone.  They want our schools to teach their ways to all children.  That is not the function of public schools. 

Friday, April 13, 2012


Unions have declared war on Wisconsin Guv. Walker.  In spite of the fact that the state is now in the black.  Local unions have enlisted help from union leaders all over the country to raise tons of money in order to recall Walker and other elected legislators who are on his side.  Union members in Wisconsin now have to pay more for their own Health Care package, but still short of what the private sector pays.
With all this "Union Goon" business I am reminded that in the middle of WWII while our troops were fighting and dieing in Europe and the Pacific the unions went on strike in the steel mills and three times in the coal mines.  John L. Lewis sent his men back into the mines only after Roosevelt threatened him with prison.  Want me to believe that unions are good for this country?  No Way!

Monday, March 5, 2012

"Elegy for a Dead Soldier" by Karl Shapiro

"Underneath this wooden cross there lies
A Christian killed in battle.  You who read
Remember that this stranger died in pain;
And passing here, if you can lift your eyes
Upon a peace kept by human creed
Know that one soldier has not died in vain."

Monday, February 27, 2012


In Mark Levin's book, "Ameritopia" is this quote: "America has become a society in which the people are wise enough to select their own leaders, but too incompetent to choose the right lightbulb."  Think about that!

Friday, February 24, 2012


American troops found Taliban prisoners using copies of the Korhan to communicate with each other by writing messages in the "holy" pages (which is desecration to Muslims) so they burned them.  Demonstrations in the streets prompted Obama to apologize to their president for our troops doing that.  WHY DID HE NOT DEMAND AN APOLOGY FOR THE KILLING OF TWO AMERICAN SOLDIERS BY AN AFGHAN SOLDIER JUST THE DAY BEFORE???  WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE???  John Wayne once had a line in a movie,"Never apologize, it's a sign of weakness".  Man, is our President ever WEAK!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tom Jefferson got it right

Today's Washington is exactly what Jefferson was talking about when he penned these words:  "All the powers of government, legislative, executive, and judiciary, result to the legislative body.  The concentrating these in the same hands is precisely the definition of despotic government.  It will be no alleviation that these powers will be exercised by a plurality of hands and not by a single one.  One hundred and seventy-three despots would surely be as despotic as one... As little will it avail us that they are cjosen by ourselves.  An elective despotism was not the government we fought for....."

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Evasion-Coverup-outright Lies

The man from Chicago-Eric Holder, Attorney General of this United States is sticking it to the American people and defying the Congress by refusing them access to thousands of documents concerning the Gun-Running scheme known as "Fast and Furious".  According to Holder,"Nobody knew anything, nobody heard anything, and nobody did anything in his office."  That is only a sample of what top law enforcement is today.  Oh yes.  Guess who got fired----a couple of guys in Phoenix!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State of the Union?

What we heard from Obama Last night was not the State of the Union but what he would like us to do for him.  The first word out of his mouth was "I".  He wants to be reelected so badly that he will ignore any facts and tell any lies, and make any promise to accomplish that.
Pres. Jefferson was no orator, he mumbled in his speech.  When he gave his Inaugural address only those very close to him could hear what he said.  So he wrote his SOU out and had it read in the chambers.  That practice was followed by presidents until the in the 20th century.  Why not go back to that Practice?  Sounds good to me!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Primary Daze

If you forget what you did as a child or young adult; (and some things are best forgotten) just run for public office.  Every Republican running has been under fire from the press, the Demos, and generally the left-wingers.  All that is except Romney.  Romney has escaped the abuse because Obama desperately wants to run against him and not a Conservative.  He is afraid of the Right pure and simple!  America must nominate a Conservative or spend another 4 years in despair.