Saturday, December 29, 2012

Obama's Plan to Cut Spending?

Obama seems bent on saving the average citizen (read serf) from a tax increase.  That's great.  We all like lower taxes, wherever they come from.  Of course we have a National Debt of some 16 Trillion dollars to deal with (and Obama wants the millionaires to pay it) and this president has over spent the income for the last 4 years by 1.3 Trillion dollars very year.  Now he plans to reward the elected servants of the people with a pay raise.  You read that right, a pay RAISE.  Starting with the VP and all members of both houses.  I guess everyone has done such a good job they need a bonus????  Oh yes I forgot to mention the 4 million dollar vacation for the Obamas.
Cutting the spending in Washington is the real key to our National Debt and should be very easy.  I suggest starting with a 10% cut in ALL DEPARTMENTS.  Then cut 10% from the pay of every Bureaucrat, every elected member of the House and Senate, and everyone in the White House.  After that go after Foreign Aide and stop paying those who vote against us in the UN.  Finally, speaking of the UN, drop our membership and stop supporting them and tell them to move.  I know this will not solve all the debt problem but it is a darn good start.

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