Tuesday, January 14, 2020


When one is in the process of raising children, "What's the matter now?" is often the phrase of the day.  If that is the case with children----when do they begin to stop complaining, grow up, and go to work?  That is what I would like to point out this evening---just what is it that "matters" now?
This country called United States of America seems to be more divided than united these days.  Many of our young people (mostly those exposed to colleges and universities) have come away from these institutions in debt up to their eyeballs and with a degree that is not saleable.  They are not employable.  At least not employable at the wage they were told they were worth.  So now they have jumped on the "Free Stuff" wagon that is preached by those running for the highest office in our Republic.  All they hear is that all is well, your bills will be paid and you will get a piece of that fabled "Money Tree", you know, the one that grows in Washington.  Yes, the same one the country has been picking from for years.
The ones running for the office are just as bad, or worse, as those that listen to all the promises because they know that they cannot deliver on those promises.
Washington DC has been, for  a long time, run by many who have no desire to see you or I do well in our chosen field.  Theirs is a place totally unknown to most of our people.  It is a place that few of us can understand because most of  "them" live on the fringes of this great country while the thinkers and the doers are hard at work making this great country Hum with energy and vitality!....Medicineman!

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