Wednesday, November 20, 2019


After writing the Constitution (mostly by Jefferson) it was thought, or rather insisted that their should be a list of rights that were IRON CLAD and could not be "messed" with by future legislators.  The list was called "The Bill of Rights".  Sadly, the People's legislators have been "Messing " with these rights almost from the "get-go". 
In this little message I will dwell on Amendment II, what we refer to most often as the "Second Amendment".  A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bare Arms, shall not be infringed.
That seems plain enough for most of us to understand the meaning of this amendment while at the same time seeing how important it is to the law-abiding citizen.  It has often been said that what stops a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun.  That has been proven many times.
Now in Washington is a Congress that is hard at work on two items; 1) Get rid of President Trump! 2) Take the people's guns.  When they should be hard at work on repairing the cost of health care and the Infrastructure of this vast country and the Veteran Administration and on and on and on. 
Whenever there is a shooting in a Wall-Mart or Mall or a school shooting, the focus is immediately "The gun did it, we must stop it".  "We need another law"!
There are those who want laws to prevent you, the legal owner of a firearm, from loaning a rifle to a neighbor to go hunting, for instance.  Or give a family hand-down gun from the the Civil War to your young son, and on and on.
There are now County Sheriffs (Senior Law Officer in the county) declaring their county a "Sanctuary County" for gun owners!  That is where this great Nation has come to with a situation that was so clearly stated back in December, 1791!....Medicineman!

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