Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Much of the "news items" we get in today's world seem to remind many of us of what this United? States looked like some 250 years ago.
Boston was a key shipping port of goods in and out of the country.  British Troops were stationed there.  New York was a small, dirty, crowded town busy with commerce and trade (and corruption) with British troops there also.
Then in 1765 England issued the Stamp Act, a tax on every sheet of paper used and very unpopular in the Colonies.  Then, shortly after came the Boston Massacre.  Americans died and Americans were outraged.  Trouble ramped up.  More Red-Coats, more anger.  Then the order went out to Boston troops to collect the weapons of the people.  More anger.  The Militias then began to spirit away the stocks of powder and lead and hide them from the British.
The Boston "Tea Party" was one more step to rile the British while, at the same time, cheering the people on to more rebellion.  "And the dance goes on forever"!
Now do we see any similaritys today?   Are threats being made to the peoples rights? Do Americans today trust the Washington crowd who think the world revolves around them and who ignore the Constitution when they deny freedom of speech, and yell for more "Gun Control", which, by the way, just means that they do not want you to have one!
Final question; Are we seeing history repeated?    Medicineman!

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