Thursday, July 25, 2019


 July 27 we recognize 66 years since the Armistice was signed ending the Korean Police Action (War) conducted under the auspices of the United Nations.  I want to make clear that U. S. Troops did not wear the blue helmet!  There has never been a Treaty signed.
We were ill prepared for such a war.  WWII had ended just 5 years before.  The U.S. military was sending people home.  We were occupying and rebuilding Japan. Troops there had gotten used to inactivity, had gotten out of shape and suddenly suited up in battler gear and sent to Korea to fight an overwhelming hoard of Korean fighters.  It took time for troops to arrive from other bases to save the day.
My personal feeling is that allowing Russia to enter the war against Japan days before She surrendered brought on the next war 5 years later.  Russia got Manchuria and half of Korea in the sharing of the spoils.  Then they got greedy and wanted the whole country.
The three years cost some 34,000 American casualties and another 8,000+ never accounted for.
The fight has been called "The Forgotten War" but some still remember!.....Medicineman!

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