Today we are faced with much violent confrontation; great differences on every subject; I'm right and you are wrong; on and on and on!
The following letter homes in on one issue that seems to always evoke thoughtless remarks----The Bill of Rights. The following is a letter written about twenty five years ago in response to remarks made by a University of Wyoming teacher. I reprint it as written then and shortened by the Press. It is copied from the original with the permission of the writer:
"The Declaration outlines for us the concept of divinely granted rights assumed and regarded above all else in the establishment of governments. The framers of the Constitution used this as their basic premise when they set about to bring forth this nation. It is the Bill of Rights which establishes for us those specific rights which were considered to be inalienable. Mr. Hanks should understand that the Bill of Rights is more than just a summary of what men thought our rights should be for a time; they are an agreement that these rights are divinely given and cannot be usurped by man. It is this premise that is central to the Second Amendment debate.
The founding fathers understood that certain truths, as they pertained in this case to certain of our rights as citizens, were self-evident, which is to say they are strengthened, not at all, by the words of men, for man can add not to divine intention.
The frustrations for those like Mr. Hanks lies in the assumption that because I choose to exercise my right to own and carry a firearm, that I therefore must lack the wisdom to judge its proper use, and since I lack that wisdom (his assumption), I am a threat to the welfare of others. This is a gravely ignorant mindset, which to exist must first ignore that these rights exist in all men. Mr. Hanks would do well to spend his time understanding the responsibility we all have in preserving and protecting this republic for it can only grant us the rights we are first willing to recognize and and by choice exercise."
(signed by) S.L. Smith
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