Wednesday, December 5, 2018


The men I have been writing about, for the most part are strangers to our readers.  They are not famous men of which books are written; just ordinary men.  Ordinary?  Yes, but also extraordinary at the same time.  They were not soldiers, did not face the enemy in a shoot out while at the same time facing the same punishment as soldiers if the cause was lost. Yes, they had much to loose and still pledged, "Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."
John Hart was born to a thrifty farmer and loyal subject of the King.  Edward Hart raised a volunteer group named "The Jersey Blues" and joined Wolfe in Quebec.  Edward was by his side when Gen. Wolfe was killed.  They took Quebec from the French and Edward went back to farming.  John was born probably in the year 1714 (no record exists).
John was a successful farmer and worked hard at the job.  He was drawn to the cause of the Boston Peoples when the Stamp Act was passed.  He became so outspoken that he was elected to the  first Continental Congress in 1774 and reelected in 1775.  Finding that his farm estate needed attention he resign his seat.  However he was reelected to that seat in January 1776 and was there to vote for and sign the Declaration. When the British invaded New Jersey John Hart had to flee with his family while his estate was occupied. The British killed his cattle and ruined the farm.  He and his family were on the run for the rest of the war....Medicineman!

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