Wednesday, October 17, 2018


I feel compelled to leave the snippets of our founders that I have been writing about to point out how Washington, "The Swamp" has taken charge of elected government today.
I am sure that President Trump was not aware of the task he promised to do when elected--Drain the Swamp!
What we see happening in our capitol is "Professional" hired hands ignoring ELECTED office holders and, essentially, taking over.  For instance; The justice department is a part of the Executive Department and everyone who works there serves at the pleasure of the President, and any and all can be replaced any time.  In fact, that is what happened after elections not too many years ago.  Sen. Jeff Sessions (a good honest man) was appointed Attorney General and promptly surrendered his seat to a "hired hand" in Rod Rosenstein who has been in and out of Washington for 30 years as well as his wife.  James Comey, FBI director was fired.  He has been in and out of government leaving once to work for industry and earning a huge bonus before coming back to the "Low pay" of Washington.  Robert Mueller took the special prosecutor job and has spent tons of tax-payer money on a wild goose chase and ruining the lives of some good people.
There are many, many more of the professional "Swamp" employee, not elected by anyone and seem to answer to no one.  Our Republic was never intended to be handled this way!  Of the people, By the people and For the people, great words with great intent have been put aside in favor of, "LET THE PROFESSIONAL HANDLE IT"! .... MEDICINEMAN!

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