Sunday, August 26, 2018


There is an element in this country that has dedicated their lives to changing the history of this great country.  It is no secret that this small but noisy segment of our society has been successfully changing some of the events that shaped the United States of America.  Civil War statues and memorials moved or torn down after standing in place for 150 plus years.  The CSA Battle flag (mistakenly called the Confederate States Flag) is a prime example.  Even the Ten Commandments have been removed in some areas.
Now the controversy over "The Bells of Balangiga" has reared it's head again.  First of all, let me explain what these bells are and what they represent.  Two of  the bells are displayed near the entrance to Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming while one is with an Army unit in South Korea.
The United States acquired the Philippines in the Spanish American War of 1898.  In 1901 during the war between U.S. troops and Philippine insurgents 48 U.S. soldiers were killed in their sleep in a night attack.   In retaliation an attack on the town of Balangiga killed many Filipinos, men and women and children.  The troops took the bells from the local church as a war trophy.  Yes, it was an unfortunate episode in our history but, still history.
Several years ago this same attempt was made to give back the bells to that town in Samar, PI.  Replica bells were made and given while the original bells remain in U.S. hands.  I say keep the bells!....Medicineman!

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