Thursday, June 14, 2018


Women in combat roles (which I disfavor) have been accepted for some time now.  And they do a very good job as a rule.  Some will call me old because I served in the Korean War when women were in service doing the desk jobs, etc.  I still remain against women in combat roles.
That being said, women have been involved in our wars all the way back to the Revolution.  Case in point:  Margaret Corbin followed her husband when he joined the First Pennsylvania Artillery.  In the midst of the battle  of Fort Washington (1776) her husband was killed.  Margaret took his place and loaded and sponged the cannon until she was severely wounded.  Congress voted her one-half the monthly pay drawn by a soldier for the rest of her life and a set of clothes.
Another Revolutionary heroine was Mary Hays, serving beside her husband at the battle on Monmouth (1778).  In the heat of the June day Mary made trip after trip lugging buckets of water to the exhausted and wounded.  When her husband collapsed from the heat she took his place beside the cannon as an artilleryman and did so heroically for the rest of the fight.  Tradition tells us the Washington dubbed her "Molly Pitcher"!.............Medicineman!

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