Monday, May 7, 2018


Guns.  Every time a mass shooting by some deranged, unhappy, spoiled or just nasty critter happens who or what gets the blame?  The weapon used of course (unless it happens to be a truck or van plowing into a mass of pedestrians).
Immediately, there is a hew and cry for more "Gun Control".  We must protect our kids by removing the awful presence of "Guns".  And that hew and cry is usually from those who know the least about the subject.
"The NRA is to blame".  "If not for them the guns would go away".  "The NRA funds Republicans to buy their votes".  "The NRA spends millions to get the right people elected".  Let's take a look at the facts.  In 2016 Labor Unions spent 216+ million dollars while the NRA spent 1.1 million in the elections.
There has been a proposal put forward to repeal the second amendment and in the poll taken asking the question; "would you support such a move" 33% of  Democrats said yes while only 4% of Republicans answered yes.  My friends, if that should ever happen, the loss of that most important 2nd Amendment, the rest will follow shortly.  The facts speak for themselves!...Medicineman! 

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