When the country suffers a tragic Commuter Train wreck, or an Air-Liner disaster, or even a tremendous crash on the Interstate with all suffering hundreds killed and injured it is in the news briefly. On the other hand, if guns are involved, as in school shootings, the immediate response from the halls of Congress are to ban the culprit, GUNS, the evil one.
If no guns were to be sold to the public they would still be there, stolen guns, black market guns, even guns made in prison. Several years ago a gun was expertly made in the machine shop at San Quentin and used in the breakout of several prisoners.
The point I make is this: Congress, and others, go arm waving berserk because they can pass a law that would have prevented whatever act that has just transpired! So they say! What do they then proceed to do? They go after the innocent. The honest gun-owner. The one who is not the problem. The way the system is run today it would make no difference if the "bad guy" had a gun or not because he could cause just as much mayhem with a machete, ax, bolo knife or samuari sword. So what is the answer? It has been shown that most shooters, when an authoritative figure, police or one in charge shows up the perp either gives up or shoots himself! Therefore, arming responsible people on the scene shortens the length of the attack. That is especially true if police response time is slow-two minutes can make huge difference in the casualty count!
The House of Representatives has passed a piece of legislation that is very important to every citizen in the U.S.A. It is HR-38, which allows citizens who have qualified for a Concealed Carry Permit to carry across state lines without fear of arrest. Before the bill left the House it was amended by anti-gun members. If passed it will mean that the back-ground checks could keep one from buying a gun for unpaid parking fines. It would strip Vets of the right because they talked to their doctor about feeling depressed, etc. And on and on it goes!.....Medicineman!
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