Tuesday, February 20, 2018


I just left the living room muttering, "Idiots-Idiots".  TV people who call themselves Journalists should put their brain in gear before opening their mouth.  They quickly attack the inanimate object that cannot do ANYTHING unless a human picks it up but that object, the gun, is the villain.  In this case, as in most, many errors were made.  The FBI knew about this young man and failed to notify authorities in Florida.  Would it have made a difference?  Maybe!  If the teachers or principal or other trained  employee were armed, would it have made a difference?  If the students were taught to, instead of cowering in a closet, fight back by distracting the shooter with missiles, such as books, chairs, phones, glassware, anything to make the shooter lose his concentration, would it make a difference?  There were courageous teachers that took the bullet for their kids and, yes some would be shot if they fought back but my guess is that the number would certainly be less.  Think about it!
The rifle used is always an "Assault Rifle", even though it was an AR hunting rifle, firing one shot with the pull of the trigger while an Assault rifle is a machine gun.
The President and his wife visited the injured in the hospital on Friday and spoke of his sorrow for the families of those killed.  I am sure that it helped a little but it will not fix the problem.  Only when we as a country, understand that "bad things happen to good people", and the inanimate object is not the problem but the "Perp" is the one that must be punished will we see that light at the end of the tunnel!....Medicineman!

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