Football, that sporting combination of pushing, tripping, clobbering, shoving, grunting and groaning. That physical mayhem resulting in bumps and bruises and bloody noses, black eyes, torn cartilage and worse. I am sure most of you can think of other words to insert here but these will suffice for now!
I mention this because I am no longer watching NFL football, nor listening to broadcasts of same. I will not read about it nor think about it. It is wiped from my memory bank.
When over-paid, under-educated, bad mannered and spoiled brats refuse to honor the flag of the country that allows them the freedom to make this kind of money and do hose thing I just mentioned. When they prefer to sit on there pampered butt when the National Anthem is rendered and thus insult the thousands of Americans that have suffered and died defending their right to act like ASSES----that makes them a non-entity in my world and I am DONE!
The leadership of the NFL could and should clean up this problem, as some team owners have already!
I will enjoy my football at the College level, and even High School where the real game is played........Medicineman!
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