When I graduated from Pharmacy School in 1951 the drug heroin had been a legal pain killer until some 15 years earlier. Combating pain was always the goal of medicine for the simple reason that if a physician cannot relieve his patient's pain he has failed that patient. Heroin did relieve pain but also was very addictive. It had to go.
Now, in many places, we see marijuana used legally in many states while, at the same time, still illegal federally. How that plays out is still up in the air. The push is for "medical marijuana" as the starting point. However, now we see it in cookies and candy and even in drinks. The cannabis oil is being touted for seizures as well as for pain. If it works for the patient then I am for it. But, and a big but it is, we must do it right. If the active ingredient is put in tablet form and made available to the pharmacist for dispensing by physician's prescription I am for it. No other way will do! Pot sold from so called "medical marijuana" stores is a joke!...... Medicineman!
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