Tuesday, July 28, 2015


I do not like being an "alarmist" and calling from the rooftops, 'Beware--Beware' but, from time to time it is necessary........as NOW!
The State Department has "International Traffic in Arms Regulations" to govern who can sell things like fighter jets and missiles to foreigners.  Well now President Obama wants to include YOU among those nations if you talk to a friend or send him info on how to reload a round or some other technical information about guns. 
Obama has rewrote the ITAR regs. to make it illegal to share that technical information on gun repair, gun parts or ammo on the internet or in e-mail, etc.  The penalties?  Oh yes, the penalties.  They are quite stiff.  Say you are found guilty, the fines could be up to 1 million dollars and 20 yrs in jail.  Welcome to "Hope and Change".
Do I have to tell you to write your reps in Washington?....Medicineman!

Friday, July 24, 2015


President Eisenhower established a National Day of Prayer to be observed once a year.  President Reagan set May 1, 1988 The National Day of Prayer observed. 
In June, 2007 candidate Obama made the comment in a speech that "The United States is no longer a Christian nation!"  Then in 2009 President Obama canceled the 21st National Day of  Prayer BUT, then, on September 25th he invited the Muslims to the White House for prayer.....with him.  Some 50,000 converged on Washington for that little tete-a-tete.  Nuff said!...... Medicineman!

Sunday, July 19, 2015


All this time, months and months, and this is all we get?  The agreement Kerry and the boys signed on to and are bragging so about is so lousy it is would be funny, if it weren't so tragic.
Instead of walking away from the table with our four citizens in tow our team decided to give the enemy the store and brag about it.  What about the four guys in jail?  Oh yeah--"Were workin'  on it."....Medicine man!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

"Killing Fields"

Now the world knows.  Now we can all see what "Planned Parenthood" is really all about; "Tots for Toys".
Deborah Nucatola is National Senior Director of  "Medical Services" for Planned Parenthood.   She is caught on tape eating and drinking wine while selling valuable and sought after body parts of aborted babies.  Livers and hearts among the best parts and on and on.  GAG-GAG-GAG!
What has this country come to that we allow such a waste of human life.  Why do we put up with the death of millions in this fashion and call it "planned" parenthood?  Medicicneman!I

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Blessing to Curse

When I graduated from Pharmacy School in 1951 the drug heroin had been a legal pain killer until some 15 years earlier.  Combating pain was always the goal of medicine for the simple reason that if a physician cannot relieve his patient's pain he has failed that patient.  Heroin did relieve pain but also was very addictive.  It had to go. 
Now, in many places, we see marijuana used legally in many states while, at the same time, still illegal federally.  How that plays out is still up in the air.  The push is for "medical marijuana" as the starting point.  However, now we see it in cookies and candy and even in drinks.  The cannabis oil is being touted for seizures as well as for pain.  If it works for the patient then I am for it.  But, and a big but it is, we must do it right.  If the active ingredient is put in tablet form and made available to the pharmacist for dispensing by physician's prescription I am for it.  No other way will do!  Pot sold from so called "medical marijuana" stores is a joke!...... Medicineman!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Another Flop....Ho-Hum!

Archuleta is gone.  The boss at OPM, Office of Personnel Management stepped down amid pressure from all angles in the wake of the security breach. 
Things like this happen because of the age old practice of rewarding political hacks for services.  Archulets managed Obama's election in 2012.   She became boss in OPM in 2013.  A job she had no background in.  OPM is supposed to protect private information and now it's thought China got the goods on millions of citizens.  So goes the Obama freight train!  Medicineman.