Sunday, March 1, 2015


An election is held and a new Congress is seated and the first session is called to order.  Then, as we look around the chambers, we see the same faces in so many of the chairs.  One begins to wonder......did we have an election?  We did.  The process is just as it was when the Constitution was written.  But, the people, you and I, have lost control.  Here is what I see.

The founding fathers never envisioned a legislative body considering the office as anything but a part time endeavor, on their part, to run the business of the country.  They wanted to serve and go home.  For the first 100 years that is mostly how things worked.  Gradually that changed.  We now have a system that encourages a "career in government service" as a course of study.  The power to increase the pay and benefits for "serving" was given to those in office with the proviso that the increase took effect in the next session.  After most of them would leave that office.  With many of them continuing in office well into their old age now that proviso no longer does what it was meant to do. 

What we see now is an elite body that can do as they please.  Everything from special rates on haircuts to lunch room fare.  They have a separate retirement plan, no SS, and can opt out of Obama Care.  They write checks to pay for Capital services that bounce.  Even some owe back taxes.  With all this they continue to be elected.

The answer?  How about an amendment to the Constitution, it would have to come from the States and the people, to limit the terms served while at the same time give the power to raise salaries back to the electorate?  Think of the end result.  Influence pedaling would likely vanish.  Only dedicated servants of the people would apply for the job.  They would serve the seat then go home and go back to work.  There would be no reason for that person to run his mouth before the TV cameras because only those in his district would know who it is.  Too good to be true??

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